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Calendar overview 1825
1825 | |
The Decembrists refuse to take the oath on Tsar Nicholas I. | |
John Quincy Adams becomes the sixth President of the United States. |
Ludwig I becomes King of Bavaria . |
1825 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1273/74 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1817/18 (September 10-11) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1230/31 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2368/69 (southern Buddhism); 2367/68 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 75th (76th) cycle
Year of the Wood Rooster乙酉 ( at the beginning of the year Wood Monkey甲申) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1187/88 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4158/59 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1203/04 |
Islamic calendar | 1240/1241 (turn of the year August 15th / 16th) |
Jewish calendar | 5585/86 (September 12-13) |
Coptic calendar | 1541/42 (September 10-11) |
Malayalam calendar | 1000/01 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2135/36 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2136/37 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1881/82 (April) |
Politics and world events
North America
- February 9th : As none of the candidates in the presidential election last year could win an absolute majority of electoral votes, the election is decided in the House of Representatives . This decides not for the election winner Andrew Jackson , but for the second-placed John Quincy Adams . When Adams appoints fourth-placed Henry Clay as his secretary of state, Jackson accuses the two of corruption.
- February 12 : Some Muskogee Indian chiefs sign a treaty giving up most of their tribal areas in Georgia . It is annulled a year later.
- March 4 : At his inauguration, John Quincy Adams is the only US president to take his oath of office not on the Bible, but on the United States Constitution. He justifies this with the separation of church and state . Vice President in the Cabinet Adams is John C. Calhoun .
- March 15 : Friedrich Ludwig Jahn , imprisoned since July 1819 , is acquitted under certain conditions.
- June 22nd : During the reconquest of the city of Tripoli in the Peloponnese, with a population of around 10,000, by Egyptian troops of the Ottoman Empire under Ibrahim Pascha , the Christian population is massacred and the place burned down. This avenges a Greek massacre of the Turkish fortress garrison and civilians in 1821 on the occasion of the Greek Revolution .
- October 13 : Ludwig I succeeds his late father Maximilian I Joseph as King of Bavaria .
- October 20 : King Ludwig I decreed that his state would in future be written in Bavaria and no longer in Bavaria .
- December 24 : In Russia , Nicholas I formally takes over the reign as Tsar as the successor to his brother Alexander I , who died surprisingly on December 1 .
- December 26th : In Russia , the Decembrists - officers of the Russian army - refuse to take the oath on the new tsar to demonstrate against autocracy, serfdom , arbitrary police force and censorship . The main participants are hanged, some demoted and around 600 banished to Siberia and sentenced to forced labor.
South America
- April 19 : Their leader Juan Antonio Lavalleja crosses the Uruguay River with his crowd of 33 Orientals to unite with the patriots around José Fructuoso Rivera in the struggle for Uruguay's independence .
- May 25th : Peru receives its flag .
- August 6 : The General Assembly of Alto Perú in Chuquisaca , after 17 years of liberation struggle, declares independence as the last former Spanish colony and decides to found the Republic of Bolivia , named after Simón Bolívar .
- August 25 : Uruguay declares independence from Brazil .
- November 15 : Portugal's King John VI. recognizes the independence of Brazil .
- The Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan issued the edict to expel foreign ships to strengthen the lockdown policy .
- April 10 : The first hotel opens in Hawaii .
- May 20 : The Silesian businessman Simon Kremser opens a horse-drawn bus line in Berlin . He is thus considered to be the inventor of local public transport in Berlin.
- The company Aachener und Münchener ( Aachener Feuer-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft ) is founded in Aachen by David Hansemann .
- The Viennese confectioner journeyman Johann Georg Kranzler opens a confectionery in Berlin, from which the Café Kranzler develops.
science and technology
- January 18 : Under the leadership of Hamilton Hume and William Hovell , Hume and Hovell's expedition through eastern Australia ends .
- February: Construction of the Thames Tunnel under the Thames in London begins.
- April 11th : John Herschel discovers the galaxy cataloged as NGC 4416 in the constellation Virgo .
- June 25 : The world's first monorail, patented by Henry Robinson Palmer , goes into operation in Cheshunt , England .
- September 27 : The world's first public railroad between Stockton and Darlington in Great Britain is inaugurated with the passage of George Stephenson's Locomotion No. 1 .
- December: The first Christmas lecture is given at the Royal Institution .
- Louis Braille develops Braille for the visually impaired and the blind.
Architecture and fine arts
- October 1st : Under King Charles XIII. John of Norway, the foundation stone is laid for the new Royal Palace in Oslo .
- Samuel FB Morse , Asher Brown Durand , Thomas Cole and others found the National Academy of Design in New York City .
- William Haldimand builds the Haldimand Tower in Lausanne as part of a private architecture competition .
- An Introduction to Linear Drawing , the first documented book to teach art in American public schools, appears.
- November 4 : Wilhelm Hauff's fairy tale almanac for the year 1826 , for sons and daughters of educated classes appears. It contains, among other things, The Story of Kalif Storch and The Story of Little Muck . The art fairy tales are linked by a frame narrative called The Caravan .
Music and theater
- January 18 : The Moscow Petrovsky Theater , which burned down in 1805 , is reopened under the name Bolshoi Theater after its rebuilding by the architect Joseph Bové with the prologue The Triumph of the Muses to the music of Alexei Werstovsky and Alexander Aljabjew and Fernando Sor's ballet Cendrillon .
- February 11 : The world premiere of the opera Adelson e Salvini by Vincenzo Bellini takes place at the Collegio di San Sebastiano in Naples.
- February 19 : After two years of problems with the censorship , the tragedy of King Ottokars Glück and Ende by Franz Grillparzer has its world premiere at the Burgtheater in Vienna on the intervention of Empress Karoline Auguste .
- February 22nd : The opera Der Holzdieb by Heinrich Marschner is premiered at the Hofoper in Dresden.
- May 3 : The opera Le maçon ( bricklayer and locksmith ) by Daniel-François-Esprit Auber has its world premiere at the Opéra-Comique in Paris. The libretto is by Eugène Scribe and Germain Delavigne .
- June 10 : The premiere of the opera Pharamond by Henri Montan Berton takes place at the Opéra-Comique in Paris.
- October 17th : Franz Liszt's only opera Don Sanche ou Le château d'amour based on a literary model by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian has its world premiere under the direction of Rodolphe Kreutzer at the Paris Opera . Although the work of the only 13-year-old was received with enthusiasm, after three more performances it disappears from the program and is forgotten.
- November 19 : The world premiere of the opera L'ultimo giorno di Pompei by Giovanni Pacini takes place at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples.
- December 10 : The opera La dame blanche by François-Adrien Boieldieu based on a libretto by Eugène Scribe is premiered at the Opéra-Comique in Paris.
- Franz Schubert sets a selection of seven songs from Walter Scott's narrative poem The Lady of the Lake . The art song Ellen's third song is also known as Schubert's Ave Maria .
- January 15 : Pope Leo XII. Asks the bishops for donations from the faithful for the reconstruction of the fire-damaged Roman basilica Saint Paul Outside the Walls .
- November 14 : The Procathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is inaugurated in Dublin . The sacred building becomes the first Roman Catholic bishopric in the United Kingdom after the Reformation .
- December 12th : The foundation stone for the city temple is laid in Vienna .
- 3. - 4. February : The February flood of 1825 , also known as Halligen flood called storm surge , causing severe damage to the entire North Sea coast and will cost around 800 lives. Parts of Sylt are torn into the sea, northern Jutland becomes an island.
- March 2 : The Algerian city of Blida is almost completely destroyed by an earthquake that kills around 7,000 people.
- November 27th : The November flood in Denmark exceeds the February flood in height.
- January 2 : Hans von Specht , German-American officer and farmer, carter and postmaster († 1913 )
- January 5 : Adolf Achenbach , Prussian civil servant and mining captain († 1903 )
- January 7th : Julius Hilgard , German-American engineer († 1891 )
- January 10 : Peter Zirbes , German poet and singer († 1901 )
- January 11 : Bayard Taylor , American author († 1878 )
- January 12 : Alexander Cameron Hunt , American politician († 1894 )
- January 15 : Maurice Strakosch , American concert entrepreneur and composer († 1887 )
- January 16 : Carl Abraham Pihl , Norwegian railway pioneer († 1897 )
- January 18 : Léon Carvalho , French singer and opera director († 1897 )
- January 23 : Louis Ehlert , German composer and music critic († 1884 )
- January 25 : George Edward Pickett , Major General of the Confederate States of America († 1875 )
- January 27 : Balduin Möllhausen , German traveler and writer († 1905 )
- January 29 : Henry Goode Blasdel , American politician († 1900 )
- February 1 : James W. Throckmorton , Governor of Texas († 1894 )
- February 2 : Karl Racké , Mayor of Mainz († 1898 )
- February 6 : José Julián Acosta , Puerto Rican journalist († 1891 )
- February 7 : Karl August Möbius , zoologist and ecologist († 1908 )
- February 8 : Henry Walter Bates , English biologist († 1892 )
- February 8 : Johann August Roderich von Stintzing , German lawyer and legal historian († 1883 )
- February 17 : Albrecht Weber , German Sanskritist and historian († 1901 )
- February 18 : Mór Jókai , Hungarian writer and journalist († 1904 )
- February 19 : Giovan Battista Buzzi-Cantone , Swiss educator and editor († 1898 )
- February 20 : Geoffrey Thomas Phipps Hornby , British admiral († 1895 )
- February 22 : William Young Sellar , Scottish classical philologist († 1890 )
- February 24 : Jules Girard , French literary scholar († 1902 )
- February 26 : Jan Balatka , American composer († 1899 )
- February 26 : Ludwig Rütimeyer , Swiss zoologist, anatomist and paleontologist († 1895 )
- February 27 : Ludwig Heinrich Grote , theologian and publicist († 1887 )
- February 27 : Guillaume-Marie-Romain Sourrieu , Archbishop of Rouen and Cardinal († 1899 )
- February 28 : Jean-Baptiste Arban , French composer and professor († 1889 )
- February 28 : Berthold Carl Seemann , German botanist († 1871 )
- March 2 : Johannes Zimmermann , German Protestant missionary, linguist and Bible translator († 1876 )
- March 3 : William Evans Arthur , American politician († 1897 )
- March 4 : Ludwig Lange , German classical philologist († 1885 )
- March 7 : Ferdinand von Bauer , Austro-Ukrainian Minister of War († 1893 )
- March 10 : Ernst Albert Naether , founder of the German stroller industry († 1894 )
- March 12 : Alexei Uvarow , Russian archaeologist († 1885 )
- March 13 : Emmy von Dincklage , German novelist († 1891 )
- March 15 : Aníbal Pinto Garmendia , Chilean President († 1884 )
- March 18 : Josef Arnold , Swiss politician († 1891 )
- March 19 : Josef Čapek , Czech composer († 1915 )
- March 20 : William Nelson Rector Beall , Brigadier General of the Confederate Army in the Civil War († 1883 )
- March 29 : Johann Leonhard Raab , German engraver and eraser († 1899 )
- March 23 : Theodor Bilharz , German physician and natural scientist († 1862 )
- March 23 : Franz von Roggenbach , Baden politician († 1907 )
- March 30 : Samuel B. Maxey , American politician and army officer († 1895 )
- April 1 : Auguste Ferdinande , Archduchess of Austria and Princess of Tuscany († 1864 )
- April 4 : Heinrich Hasselhorst , German painter and draftsman († 1904 )
- April 7 : John Gear , American politician († 1900 )
- April 9 : Davis Waite , American politician († 1901 )
- April 10 : Ludwig Helfenstein , German lawyer, university professor, journalist and politician († 1901 )
- April 11 : Emanuel Hoffmann , Austrian classical philologist († 1900 )
- April 11 : Ferdinand Lassalle , German politician and publicist († 1864 )
- April 17 : Johann Fürst , Austrian actor and theater director († 1882 )
- April 19 : Washington C. Whitthorne , American politician († 1891 )
- April 20 : Ida Seele , German kindergarten teacher at the Froebel kindergarten († 1901 )
- April 23 : Emil Welti , Swiss politician († 1899 )
- April 25 : Federico Errázuriz Zañartu , Chilean politician († 1877 )
- April 30 : Charles Monselet , French writer, journalist, poet and librettist († 1888 )
- May 1 : Johann Jakob Balmer , Swiss mathematician and physicist († 1898 )
- May 4 : Thomas Henry Huxley , British biologist († 1895 )
- May 5 : Wilhelm Hertenstein , Swiss politician († 1888 )
- May 7 : Henry Squires , American singer († 1907 )
- May 9 : Peregrin Obdržálek , Czech Catholic priest, author of religious literature († 1891 )
- May 10 : Reinhold von Werner , German Vice Admiral and military writer († 1909 )
- May 11 : Wilhelm Bogler , German architect († 1906 )
- May 13 : John Lawrence Le Conte , American entomologist († 1883 )
- May 17 : Johann Jakob Egli , Swiss geographer († 1896 )
- May 20 : Antoinette Brown Blackwell , first ordained pastor in the USA († 1921 )
- May 20 : Henry Haight , 10th Governor of California († 1878 )
- May 26 : Felipe Gutiérrez y Espinosa , Puerto Rican composer († 1899 )
- May 31 : Domenico Agostini , Cardinal of the Catholic Church († 1891 )
- June 4 : John DeWitt Clinton Atkins , American politician († 1908 )
- June 5 : Felicjan Faleński , Polish writer († 1910 )
- June 5 : Louis Schwartzkopff , German entrepreneur († 1892 )
- June 5 : Georg Rudolf Zimmermann , Swiss Protestant clergyman and local researcher († 1900 )
- June 6 : Friedrich Bayer , founder of the paint factory Friedrich Bayer, today's Bayer AG († 1880 )
- June 6th : Ignaz Vinzenz Zingerle , South Tyrolean writer († 1892 )
- June 8 : Emil Eberhard Heinrich von Abel , German lawyer and politician († 1917 )
- June 8 : Charles Chaplin , French painter and engraver († 1891 )
- June 10 : Hildegard Luise of Bavaria , wife of Archduke Albrecht of Austria († 1864 )
- June 10 : Sondre Norheim , pioneer of modern skiing († 1897 )
- June 28 : Benedicta Riepp , Benedictine († 1862 )
- June 28 : Emil Erlenmeyer , German chemist († 1909 )
- June 30th : Hervé , actually Florimond Ronger , French composer († 1892 )
- July 1 : John Adams , Brigadier General of the Confederate States of America († 1864 )
- July 2 : Émile Ollivier , French politician and statesman († 1913 )
- July 4th : Frank Hereford , American politician († 1891 )
- July 4th : George Adalbert von Mülverstedt , German archivist and historian († 1914 )
- July 7th : Friedrich Zarncke , German Germanist († 1891 )
- July 9 : Jules Oppert , Franco-German philologist and ancient orientalist († 1905 )
- July 9 : Addison Crandall Gibbs , American politician († 1886 )
- July 13 : Anton Springer , German art historian († 1891 )
- July 14 : Adolf Cluss , German-American architect († 1905 )
- July 16 : Ludwig Gabillon , Austrian castle actor and director († 1896 )
- July 21 : Práxedes Mateo Sagasta , seven-time Spanish Prime Minister († 1903 )
- July 31 : August Beer , German chemist, mathematician and physicist († 1863 )
- August 2 : John Neely Johnson , 4th Governor of California († 1872 )
- August 2 : Julius Schulhoff , Austrian pianist and composer († 1898 )
- August 4 : Domingo Santa María , Chilean politician and president († 1889 )
- August 11 : Stephan Türr , Hungarian patriot († 1908 )
- August 12 : Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley , English music scholar, organist and composer († 1889 )
- August 20 : Amor De Cosmos , Canadian politician and journalist († 1897 )
- August 20 : August Zinn , German physician and member of the German Reichstag († 1897 )
- August 24 : Ludwig Groß , doctor, mayor and member of the German Reichstag († 1894 )
- August 24 : Charles Wels , American composer († 1906 )
- August 25 : Otto von und zu Aufseß , German politician († 1903 )
- August 28 : Karl Heinrich Ulrichs , pioneer of the gay movement († 1895 )
- August 30 : Alfred Dundas Taylor , British naval commander († 1898 )
- September 1 : August Horn , German composer († 1893 )
- September 3 : Joshua H. Marvil , American politician († 1895 )
- September 9 : Dieudonné Dagnelies , Belgian composer and conductor († 1894 )
- September 10 : Wilhelm Henneberg , German animal nutrition physiologist († 1890 )
- September 11th : Eduard Hanslick , Austrian musicologist and critic († 1904 )
- September 12 : Ainsworth Rand Spofford , Head of the Library of Congress († 1908 )
- September 12 : Karl Doppler , German-Hungarian composer († 1900 )
- September 14 : Georg Michael Pachtler , German Jesuit, theologian, priest and educator († 1889 )
- September 15 : Iwakura Tomomi , Japanese statesman († 1883 )
- September 16 : Simeon Bavier , Swiss politician and Federal President († 1896 )
- September 17 : Hans Konrad Karl Theodor Ackermann , German pathologist († 1896 )
- September 21 : Franz Pfanner , Austrian religious priest. Founder of the Mariannhiller Missionaries and Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood († 1909 )
- September 25 : Victor Delannoy , French composer and music teacher († 1887 )
- September 25 : Eduard Horn , Hungarian economist and politician († 1875 )
- September 25 : Joachim Heer , Swiss politician († 1879 )
- September 28 : Aunt Hanna , German people's missionary († 1903 )
- September 30th : Pius Keller , restorer of the Augustinian order in Germany († 1904 )
- September: Jean-Baptiste Labelle , Canadian organist, pianist, composer and conductor († 1898 )
- October 5 : Henry Cornelius Burnett , American politician († 1866 )
- October 5 : John Xantus de Vesey , Hungarian zoologist († 1894 )
- October 10 : Paul Kruger , South African politician and founder of the Kruger National Park († 1904 )
- October 11 : Conrad Ferdinand Meyer , Swiss poet of realism († 1898 )
- October 14 : Felix Pino von Friedenthal , Austrian civil servant and politician († 1906 )
- October 15 : Georg Friedrich Carl Kölling , German sculptor († 1872 )
- October 15 : Marie Friederike von Prussia , Bavarian Queen († 1889 )
- October 18 : Claire von Glümer , German writer and translator († 1906 )
- October 20 : Marshall Jewell , American politician († 1883 )
- October 22 : Friedrich von Schmidt , German architect († 1891 )
- October 23 : Caspar Butz , German-American writer and politician († 1885 )
- October 23 : Julius Kühn , founder of university studies in agricultural sciences († 1910 )
- October 25 : Johann Strauss , Austrian conductor and composer († 1899 )
- November 1 : Friedrich Haase , German actor, director and theater director († 1911 )
- November 6 : Charles Garnier , French architect († 1898 )
- November 7th : Eginhard von Barfus , German writer († 1909 )
- November 8 : Ludwig Carl Christian Koch , German entomologist and arachnologist († 1908 )
- November 8th : Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm Herbst , German educator, philologist, lexicographer and historian († 1882 )
- November 9 : Ambrose Powell Hill , American general (Confederation) († 1865 )
- November 10 : Johann Jakob Scherer , Swiss politician († 1878 )
- November 12 : Julia Hauke , wife of Prince Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt († 1895 )
- November 13 : Charles Frederick Worth , fashion designer, is considered the founder of haute couture († 1895 )
- November 20 : António de Serpa Pimentel , Portuguese politician († 1900 )
- November 24 : John Wolcott Stewart , American politician († 1915 )
- November 28 : Heinrich Auer , German industrialist († 1892 )
- November 29 : Jean-Martin Charcot , French neurologist († 1893 )
- November 29 : Victor Verrimst , French double bass player, organist and composer († 1893 )
- November 30th : William Adolphe Bouguereau , French painter († 1905 )
- December 2 : Peter II , Brazilian Emperor († 1891 )
- December 4 : Franz Heinrich Reusch , German old Catholic church historian († 1900 )
- December 5 : E. Marlitt , German Biedermeier writer († 1887 )
- December 7th : Malvina Schnorr von Carolsfeld , Portuguese opera singer († 1904 )
- December 11th : Ambroise Verschaffelt , Belgian gardener and author († 1886 )
- December 18 : John S. Harris , American politician († 1906 )
- December 19 : George Frederick Bristow , American composer († 1898 )
- December 20 : Friedrich Grillo , German industrialist († 1888 )
- December 25 : Stephen Chadwick , American politician († 1895 )
- December 26th : Felix Hoppe-Seyler , German chemist and physiologist († 1895 )
- December 30 : Newton Booth , American politician († 1892 )
- December 31 : Robert Austin , English explorer and engineer († 1905 )
- December 31 : James Hobrecht , German urban planner († 1902 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Grigore Arghiropol , Romanian politician († 1892 )
- Vicente Barrios , Paraguayan military and politician († 1868 )
- José Joaquín Guarín , Colombian composer († 1854 )
- Georg Koppitsch , Austro-Hungarian master stonemason († 1880 )
- Pashko Vasa , Albanian writer and politician († 1892 )
- Shir Ali Chan , Emir of Afghanistan († 1879 )
- Zekai Dede , Turkish composer († 1897 )
January to April
- 4th January : Ferdinand IV , King of Naples, King of the Two Sicilies (* 1751 )
- January 5 : Christian Moritz Pauli , German pedagogue and linguist (* 1785 )
- January 8 : Eli Whitney , American inventor and manufacturer (* 1765 )
- January 10 : Engelhard Benjamin Schwickert , German publisher (* 1741 )
- January 12 : Rudolf André , German farmer and author (* 1792 )
- January 14th : Robert Goodloe Harper , American politician (* 1765 )
- January 18 : Johann Peter von Feuerbach , German political official (* 1761 )
- January 19 : Isaac Salomon Anspach , Swiss Protestant clergyman and politician (* 1746 )
- January 27 : August Ferdinand Ludwig Dörffurt , German pharmacist and mayor of Wittenberg (* 1767 )
- January 28 : Johann Ludwig Klohss , German physician (* 1770 )
- January 31 : Johann Friedrich Neidhart , German educator and headmaster (* 1744 )
- January 31 : Johann Theodor Reinke , German engineer (* 1749 )
- February 1 : Meinard Tydeman the Elder , Dutch jurist and historian (* 1741 )
- February 2 : Feodossi Fjodorowitsch Shchedrin , Russian sculptor and university professor (* 1751 )
- February 3 : Henric Schartau , Swedish priest and preacher (* 1757 )
- February 6 : William Eustis , American politician (* 1753 )
- February 11th : Friedrich IV. , Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (* 1774 )
- February 11 : Franz Peter Nick , German Catholic clergyman and university professor (* 1772 )
- February 11 : Raiden Tameemon , Japanese sumo wrestler of the Edo period (* 1767 )
- February 12 : Friedrich Meisner , German pedagogue and naturalist (* 1765 )
- February 14 : Robert Lindet , French politician (* 1746 )
- February 15 : Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck , Dutch diplomat and statesman (* 1761 )
- February 21 : Georg Anton Christoph Scheffler , German educator and philologist (* 1762 )
- March 1 : John Brooks , American politician (* 1752 )
- March 10 : José de Bustamante y Guerra , Spanish politician, navigator and governor of Montevideo (* 1759 )
- March 10th : Johann Joseph Kausch , Silesian medic and writer (* 1751 )
- March 10 : Carl Brandan Mollweide , mathematician and astronomer (* 1774 )
- March 18 : Ferdinand von Lüninck , Prince-Bishop of Corvey and Bishop of Münster (* 1755 )
- March 22nd : Johann Jakob Aders , German politician, banker and social reformer (* 1768 )
- March 29 : Johannes Amon , German composer and music publisher (* 1763 )
- March 29 : Return Jonathan Meigs junior , American politician (* 1764 )
- April 3 : Otto von Loeben , German poet (* 1786 )
- April 5 : Sergei Nikolajewitsch Titow , Russian composer (* 1770 )
- April 7th : Konrad Tanner , Abbot of Einsiedeln Monastery (* 1752 )
- April 10 : Casimir Ulrich Boehlendorff , writer, poet and historian (* 1775 )
- April 13 : Josef Jelínek , Czech composer and pianist (* 1758 )
- April 13 : Christoph Casimir Lerche , General Staff Physician and personal physician to the Russian Emperor Alexander I (* 1749 )
- April 16 : Johann Heinrich Füssli , Swiss-Hungarian painter (* 1741 )
- April 19 : Heinrich Ernst von Schönburg-Rochsburg , German farmer and sheep farmer (* 1760 )
- April 23 : Painter Müller , German painter, engraver and poet (* 1749 )
- April 29 : José Cienfuegos , Spanish officer, governor of Cuba and minister of war (* 1763 )
May to August
- May 7th : Antonio Salieri , Italian composer, conductor and music teacher (* 1750 )
- May 10 : Johann Gabriel von Chasteler , Austrian general (* 1763 )
- May 15 : Johann Gottfried Kneschke , German educator (* 1766 )
- May 15 : Ernst Julius Walch , German Protestant clergyman and educator (* 1751 )
- May 19 : Henri de Saint-Simon , officer in the American Liberation War (* 1760 )
- May 21 : Stepan Dawydow , Russian composer (* 1777 )
- May 31 : Robert Burton , American politician (* 1747 )
- May 31 : George Chalmers , English political writer (* 1742 )
- June 2 : Karl Wilhelm Salice-Contessa , Silesian romantic poet (* 1777 )
- June 4th : John Adam , British interim Governor General (* 1779 )
- June 5 : Odysseas Androutsos , Greek liberation fighter (* 1788 )
- June 5 : Ferdinand von Bubna and Littitz , Austrian Lieutenant Field Marshal (* 1768 )
- June 7th : Karl Gottlob Hausius , German Protestant clergyman and writer (* 1754 )
- June 8 : Benedict Christian Vogel , German physician, botanist and university professor (* 1745 )
- June 9 : Pauline Bonaparte , favorite sister of Napoléon Bonaparte (* 1780 )
- June 11 : Daniel D. Tompkins , American politician (* 1774 )
- June 11 : Peter Villaume , German theologian and pedagogue (* 1746 )
- June 13 : Johann Peter Melchior , sculptor (* 1747 )
- June 14 : Pierre L'Enfant , French artist and scientist (* 1754 )
- June 17th : Joseph Barbaczy , Austrian major general (* around 1750)
- June 17th : Helias Meder , Reformed theologian (* 1761 )
- June 21 : Johann Friedrich Facius , German pedagogue and classical philologist (* 1750 )
- June 22nd : Johann Karl Burckhardt , German astronomer (* 1773 )
- June 25 : Friedrich Carl Christian Ulrich von Ahlefeldt , German lieutenant and general (* 1742 )
- June 30 : Friedrich Wilhelm Hemprich , German naturalist and zoologist (* 1796 )
- July 6 : Frederik von Haxthausen , Danish officer and first Norwegian head of state (* 1750 )
- July 10 : Ludwig Fischer , German opera singer (bass) (* 1745 )
- July 10 : Andreas Joseph Schnaubert , German legal scholar (* 1750 )
- July 19 : Ludwig Wilhelm Zimmermann , German chemist, mineralogist and university professor (* 1780 )
- July 26 : Heinrich Christoph Jussow , German architect and garden designer (* 1754 )
- August 4th : Frederick Bates , American politician (* 1777 )
- August 11th : Franz Egon von Fürstenberg , Prince-Bishop of Paderborn and Hildesheim (* 1737 )
- August 16 : Charles Cotesworth Pinckney , American politician (* 1746 )
- August 17th : Raynor Taylor , English composer (* 1747 )
September to December
- September 2 : Gottfried Tauber , German instrument dealer and optician (* 1766 )
- September 11th : Christian Jakob Salice-Contessa , Silesian local politician and writer (* 1767 )
- September 15 : Manuel Abad y Queipo , Spanish canon lawyer (* 1751 )
- September 16 : Franciszek Karpiński , Polish poet and playwright (* 1741 )
- September 26 : José Bernardo de Tagle Portocarrero , President of Peru from 1823 to 1824 (* 1779 )
- October 6 : Bernard Germain Lacépède , French naturalist (* 1756 )
- October 7th : Johann Baptist Moralt , German musician and composer (* 1777 )
- October 10 : Dmytro Bortnjanskyj , Ukrainian composer (* 1751 )
- October 11 : Julius Georg Paul du Roi , German lawyer and director of the Braunschweigische Poor's Asylum (* 1754 )
- October 12 : Franz Joseph Müller von Reichenstein , natural scientist (* 1740 or 1742 )
- October 13 : Maximilian I , King of Bavaria (* 1756 )
- October 17th : Peter von Winter , German composer and Kapellmeister
- October 21 : Friedrich Theodor von Schubert , German astronomer (* 1758 )
- October 28 : Karl Ambros Glutz-Rüchti , Swiss Catholic clergyman (* 1748 )
- November 6th : Giocondo Albertolli , Swiss sculptor and architect (* 1742 )
- November 8th : Friedrich Julius von Kniestedt , German lawyer and landowner (* 1765 )
- November 9th : Friedrich Hellwig , German singer, actor and director (* 1782 )
- November 12th : Carl Leberecht Messow , German Protestant clergyman (* 1759 )
- November 14th : Jean Paul , German writer (* 1763 )
- November 17 : Walter Leake , American politician (* 1762 )
- November 17 : Johann Gottfried Steinhäuser , physicist, mathematician, mining specialist and lawyer (* 1768 )
- November 19 : Jan Václav Voříšek , Bohemian composer (* 1791 )
- November 24th : Karl Friedrich Hensler , Austrian theater director (* 1759 )
- November 28 : Maximilien Foy , French general and statesman (* 1775 )
- November 29th : Georg Friedrich Karl Günther , German educator (* 1787 )
- November 29 : William Hull , American politician and officer (* 1753 )
- December 1 : Alexander I , Russian tsar (* 1777 )
- December 26 : Friedrich Johann Christoph Cleemann , German Protestant clergyman and private scholar (* 1771 )
- December 27 : Mikhail Andrejewitsch Miloradowitsch , Russian general (* 1771 )
- December 28 : James Wilkinson , American general, Governor of Louisiana (* 1757 )
- December 29 : Jacques-Louis David , French painter (* 1748 )
Web links
Commons : 1825 - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files
- Digitized newspapers from 1825 in the newspaper information system (ZEFYS) of the Berlin State Library