Hauff's fairy tale
Hauff's fairy tales are Wilhelm Hauff 's fairy tales and stories that appeared in almanac form from 1825 to 1828 .
Motives and origin
Hauffs' fairy tale poetry is based on the combination of oriental and European fairy tale motifs. Hauff's early fairy tales are set exclusively in the oriental culture, while later he turned almost exclusively to Europe as the setting. Occasionally he told stories from other authors, in the second almanac he took some of them verbatim. All three almanacs have a framework in which people meet and tell stories under unusual conditions. At first there was often a connection between stories and the framework, which then went back more and more and no longer appears in the third almanac.
The fairy tale almanac for the year 1826 ( entitled "The Caravan" ) contains, among other things: The story of the caliph Storch and The story of the little Muck . It appeared in November 1825.
After the success of this collection, the fairy tale almanac appeared for the year 1827 for sons and daughters of the educated classes ( "The Sheik of Alessandria and his slaves" ). During this time Hauff traveled through France, Germany and the Netherlands; apparently out of time, he took up stories from other authors.
The third and final almanac, “Das Wirtshaus im Spessart” ( fairy tale almanac for sons and daughters of educated classes for the year 1828 ), contains the most important fairy tale, The Cold Heart . The fairy tale Said's Fate was apparently intended for the second almanac, but was not finished in time and seems a bit out of place here. The framework plot is based on the robber stories of the time, but is considered less mature than that of the predecessor. Wilhelm Hauff died shortly after the publication.
Complete list
The Caravan (1826)
- The story of Kalif Storch
- The story of the ghost ship
- The story of the severed hand
- The salvation of Fatme
- The story of little Muck
- The fairy tale of the false prince
The Sheik of Alessandria and his slaves (1827)
- The dwarf nose
- Abner, the Jew who didn't see anything
- Poor Stephan (by Gustav Adolf Schöll )
- The Baked Head (by James Justinian Morier )
- The monkey as a person (also: the young Englishman)
- The Festival of the Underground (by the Brothers Grimm )
- Snow white and rose red (by the Brothers Grimm)
- The history of Almansor
The tavern in the Spessart (1828)
- The legend of the Hirschgulden
- The cold heart , part 1
- Said's fates
- The Steenfoll Cave
- The cold heart , part 2
Web links
- Hauff's fairy tales in the literature network