Local mayor
Local mayor (also mayor , chairman of the local council ) is a German official designation for an elected representative of a district or a locality that belongs to a municipality . The official title and legal position are not used uniformly. A local mayor usually works on a voluntary basis.
In Rhineland-Palatinate, "local mayor" is the official designation for the mayor of a local community that belongs to an association community. The mayor of a city that is part of the association is called the city mayor . Local and city mayors work on a voluntary basis . You are the chairman of the municipality or city council.
Local mayors are directly elected every five years in the context of local elections. If no candidate stands for election, the local or city mayor is elected by the municipality or city council.
In Saxony-Anhalt, the mayor is the official title of the chairman of a local council. The local mayor is elected from among the local council. Instead of the local council / mayor model, a locality can also be formed according to the local council model (without local council). The members of the local council as well as the local mayor and the local mayor are active on a voluntary basis. Regardless of the model, a village can only be formed in a municipality that does not belong to an association municipality.
Other German federal states
In some other German states , the mayor of a district or a locality of a municipality is also referred to as the mayor. But this can also be other names, such as. B. bear the mayor . He is usually chairman of Ortschaftsrats , Ortsbeirates or Ortsrates, ie the elected body for the village, there often is a former municipality in.