Johann Gottfried Kneschke

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Johann Gottfried Kneschke (born December 2, 1766 in Zittau ; † May 15, 1825 there ) was a German teacher.


Johann Gottfried Kneschke was born as the son of the soap boiler Johann Gottfried Kneschke and his wife Christiana Rosina (* March 1737 in Zittau; † November 9, 1805 ibid), a daughter of the whitewater Johann Christian Gutbier (1698–1747).

He began attending school in Zittau in 1773 and finished it in 1787. His teachers were Adolf Gottfried Gerlach, Christian Gottlieb Hübner, Benjamin Spitzig, Cantor Karl Friedrich Gössel (1724–1793), Johann Samuel Jary (1735–1792), sub-principal Christian Frühauf (1713–1779), Heinrich August Richter, Karl Heinrich Sintenis (1744–1816), Gottfried Romanus Steinhäußer and Hoffmann; During this time he received special support from the Vice Rector Johann Christian Müller, who supported him in his desire to study. Because he came from a poor background, he saved the necessary capital for his studies by giving lessons in the house of Scabinus (lay judge) and later city judge Stremel and singing as a singer in the Trinity Church , in addition to a three-year scholarship from a foundation of Baron Rudolph Ferdinand von Sylverstein and Pilnickau (1628–1720).

In 1787 he began his studies at the University of Leipzig and attended the lectures in theology with Johann Friedrich Burscher , Samuel Friedrich Nathanael More , Johann August Dathe , Karl August Gottlieb Keil and Johann Georg Rosenmüller as well as the lectures in philology with Johann August Ernesti , Friedrich Wolfgang Reiz and Christian Daniel Beck . At the end of his studies he received his master's degree for his treatise de interna religionis christianae indole, perpetuam illius durationem praestante .

From 1790 to 1792 he worked as a private tutor for the city judge Johann Christian Seyfert and a candidate for the office of preacher in Zittau, became sub-rector at the grammar school in Zittau in 1792 and also librarian of the council library in 1802 and vice-rector in 1803 . After his death, Ferdinand Heinrich Lachmann was his successor.

Johann Gottfried Kneschke was married to Juliana Therese (born March 11, 1771 in Gera, † November 11, 1802 in Zittau), a daughter of Karl Gottlieb Kühn (1741-1813), in his first marriage, they had together since January 29, 1793 two sons:

  • Karl Eduard Kneschke (born October 27, 1794; † unknown); Collaborator at the Zittau high school;
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke (born August 27, 1798 in Zittau, † December 2, 1869 in Leipzig), ophthalmologist and heraldist .

In his second marriage, he was since June 21, 1803 with Christiana Juliana (born January 10, 1767 in Zittau; † December 12, 1827 there), a daughter of the doctor Dr. med. Karl Christian Acoluth (1728–1776), married.

Johann Gottfried Kneschke was born in the St. Petri u. Pauli is buried in Zittau.


He was a member of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences .

Publications (selection)

  • Last hours and funeral of Frederick the Second King of Prussia. Potsdam Horvath 1786.
  • Commentatio peculiaris cujusdam societatis cum Gymnasii nostri alumnis constituendae, cujus propositum in eo cernitur, ut ingenia psorum libris legendis contineantur, patrio sermone scriptis. Zittau 1792
  • Memoriam Seligmannianam D. XIIX. Septembris ANNI MDCCXCII In Auditorio Superiori Recolendam. Zittaviae: Ex Officina Frankiana, 1792.
  • Admonition speech on the 1st Communion day, 1798 . Zittau, 1798.
  • De Eximia Ratione, Quam In Formando Ioecheri Lipsiensis Ingenio Iniit Coniuncta Et Parentum Et Scholae Magistrorum Cura / Com. 2, Ad Orationem Memoriae Winklerianae Sacram Futuro Martis Die Hora IIX Ante Meridiem A Se Habendam Humanissime Invitat M. Ioannes Godofredus Kneschke Gymnasii Subrector. Zittauiae: Frank, 1798.
  • The school teacher lives on in his pupils after his death: This truth was revealed at the funeral of Carl Friedrich Goessel, Cantoris and others. Collegae IV at the local grammar school considered March 11, 1793. Zittau, printed there by Gottlieb Beniamin Franke 1793.
  • Quid spectavit Socrates in sermone cum Theodota meretrice habito? Zittaviae, 1800.
  • De aetatis nostrae ingenio ludis literariis maxime contrario. Zittaviae, 1801.
  • Ad orationem memoriae Winklerianae sacram the 3rd May 1803. Zittau: Frank, 1803.
  • De flore scholarum recto dijudicando. Zittaviae, 1803.
  • De optima juvenes jurisprudentiae studiosos ad academiam praeparandi ratione. Zittaviae, 1803.
  • De rationibus, quibus permotus Georgius Barbatus animum induit Luthero infenssimum. Zittaviae, 1806.
  • Memoriam Winklerian on June 17, 1806. Zittau: Frank, 1806.
  • Johann Gottfried Kneschke; Gottlob Friedrich Seligmann : Ad orationem memoriae Gottlob Friderici Seligmannianae. Zittau: Frank, 1806.
  • Diploma, quo Christianus Keimannus laurea poetica est ornatus, ex archetypo, quod in bibliotheca senatoria asservatur. Zittaviae: Franke, 1808.
  • Commentatio de Olympia Fulvia Morata. 1. Ad Augusti Iusti cancellarii olim Martisburgensis anniversaria die 19. Julii 1808 hora 8 matutina concelebranda invitat. Zittaviae, 1808.
  • Ad orationem memoriae Reilmannianam. Zittaviae, 1808.
  • De Olympia Fulvia Morata . Zittaviae: Frank, 1809.
  • History and curiosities of the Rathsbibliothek in Zittau. Zittau, JD Schöps, 1811.
  • De auctore libelli: Monarchia solipsorum. Zittaviae, 1811.
  • Johann Gottfried Kneschke; August Just: De auctore libelli: Monarchia solipsorum. Zittaviae, 1811.
  • Johann Gottfried Kneschke; Christian Keimann : Memoriam Keimannianam D. XVIII Junii Anni MDCCCXI: hora IIX. in auditorio superiori recolendam. Zittaviae: Franke, 1811.
  • Adami Erdanni Miri, gymnasii Zittaviensis quondam conrectoris memoria. Zittaviae, 1812.
  • De turbis Paccianis. Zittaviae, 1814.
  • De D. Michaele Masco. Zittaviae, 1815.
  • Johann Gottfried Kneschke; Karl Heinrich Gottfried Lommatzsch: Propempticon, viro plurimum reverendo M. Carolo Henrico Godofredo Lommatzsch Dresdam abeunti. Zittaviae: Seyfert, 1816.
  • Speech at the pre-feast of the third Reformation celebration on October 30th, 1817 in the top lecture hall of the Zittauische Gymnasium. Zittau: Schöps, 1817.
  • De religione christiana, a sexu muliebri per connubia propagata commentatio 1-11. Zittau 1817-24.
  • Carmen, Friderici Augusti Regimini Semiseculari. Zittaviae: Seyfert, 1818.
  • Johann Maass; Johann Gottfried Kneschke: Observations during my stay in Upper Lusatia and on a trip via Dresden to Wittenberg: in 1818. Görlitz: author., 1819.
  • Serenissimo Saxoniae principi Friderico Augusto, the 11th January 1823 Zittaviam invisenti pietatem suam hoc carmibne testan volint Gymnasium Zittaviense. Zittaviae, 1823.


  • In memory of Johann Gottfried Kneschke, Conrector at the Gymnasium zu Zittau: short message about the life of the deceased. Seyfert, Zittau 1825.
  • New necrology of the Germans . 3rd year 1825, 1st issue. Voigt, 1827, p. 547-566 ( [accessed July 11, 2018]).
  • New Lausanne magazine. Journal of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences . 1825, p. 436 ff . ( [accessed on July 11, 2018]).
  • Leipzig newspaper . 1825 ( [accessed on July 11, 2018]).
  • August Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph: News about the Zittauische Gymnasium . Franke, 1804, p. 8 ( [accessed on July 11, 2018]).
  • Christian Adolph Pescheck: Handbook of the history of Zittau . in Commission of the JD Schöpfische Buch- und Kunsthandlung, 1837 ( [accessed on July 11, 2018]).


  1. Joh. Christ. Jahn (ed.): Yearbooks for Philology and Pedagogy. A critical journal in connection with an association of scholars, pp. 203 ff. Teubner, Leipzig 1827 ( [accessed on July 11, 2018]).