Samuel Friedrich Nathanael More

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Samuel Friedrich Nathanael More

Samuel Friedrich Nathanael More (born November 30, 1736 in Lauban , † November 11, 1792 in Leipzig ; also Samuel Friedrich Nathanaël More ) was a German philologist and Lutheran theologian.


Samuel Friedrich Nathanael More was the son of Nikolaus Christoph More (1694–1757). He had received a solid basic education from his father and expanded it further at the high school in his hometown. In 1754 he moved to the University of Leipzig , where he completed his linguistic studies with Johann August Ernesti . In addition, Johann Heinrich Winckler and August Friedrich Müller were his teachers in philosophy . He completed theological studies with Christoph Wolle , Christian August Crusius and Johann Christian Hebenstreit . In 1760 he acquired the degree of master's degree in philosophy.

After he was accepted into the philosophical faculty in 1761, he was a private teacher in Leipzig, among others with the sons of Christian Gottlieb Ludwig . Here he met Johann Wolfgang von Goethe . In 1763 More became a member of the great prince's college. In 1768 he was appointed as an associate professor of philosophy at the Leipzig University and in 1771 he became a full professor of the Greek and Latin languages. After he had been Ephorus of the electoral scholarship holder in 1780 and had given lectures on the exegesis of the New Testament at the theological faculty, he became a doctor of theology and full fourth professor of theology at the Leipzig University in 1782 .

In this office he rose to third professor of theology in 1785, was associated with canon in Zeitz and in 1786 second professor of theology and decemvir of the university and canon in Meissen . In 1787 he became a member of the Leipzig Consistory and, associated with it, second professor of theology in Leipzig. He died in 1792.

As a student of Ernesti, he viewed theology philosophically. More made a contribution to the exegesis of the New Testament. He remained a quiet, inconspicuous Lutheran theologian who had come to theology through the Greek and Roman classics. He was certainly well respected in his time abroad, but he hardly set any lasting accents.

More was dean of the theological faculty four times . In the winter semesters of 1774 and 1784 he was elected rector of the Alma Mater .


  • Oratio Ingratos erga philosophiam videri, qui eius studia deserunt. Leipzig 1760
  • Diss. De cognatione historiae et eloquentiae cum poesi. Leipzig 1761
  • On Elisinden's wedding day. Leipzig 1765
  • Oratio de dignitate fidelium e futuro eorum in vitam reditu cognoscenda. Leipzig 1765
  • Diss. Defensio narrationum novi testamenti quoad modum narrandi. Leipzig 1766
  • Isocratis Panegyricus, recensuit et animadversionibus illustravit. Leipzig 1765 edition II multum aucta. Edition III auctior (by Wendler) Leipzig 1804
  • Progr. De commendatione veri fubtilitatis accefüone. Leipzig 1768
  • Louginus de sublimitate, cum animadversionibus et versione nova. Leipzig 1769
  • Progr. De Euripidis Phoenissis. Leipzig 1771
  • Libellus animadversionum ad Longinum. Leipzig 1773
  • M. Antonini Imp. Commentarii, quos ipse sibi scripsit, cum syllabo variarum lectidnum et couiecturarum partim veterum partim nunc recens additarum. Leipzig 1774
  • Xenophontis Cyropaedia, e recensione Hutchinsoni, cum selectis eiusdem notis. Accessit index Graecitatis. Leipzig 1774, 1783
  • Pauli's letter to the Romans. Leipzig 1775
  • The letter to the Hebrews. Leipzig 1776, 1781, 1786
  • Vita Jo. Jac. Reiskii. Leipzig 1776
  • Progr. De nexu signisieationum eiusdem verbi. Leipzig 1776
  • Progr. De discrimine sensus et significationis in interpretando. Leipzig 1777
  • Xenophontis historia Graeca; recensuit, animadversiones et iodicem adiecit. Leipzig 1778
  • C. Julii Caesaris de bello Gallico et civili; accedunt libri de bello Alexandrino, Africano et Hispaniensi; e recensione Oudendorpii. Curavit editionem (et adnotationes atque indicem adiecit) etc. SFNM Leipzig 1780
  • Progr. Quibus caussis allegoriarum interpretatio nitatur. Leipzig 1781
  • Progr. Ad locum Paullinum 2 Corinth. X, 12-17. Leipzig 1781
  • Philoais, Judaei, liber de virtutibus sive de legatione ad Caium Imperatorem. Leipzig 1781
  • Diss. Inaug. super 1 cor. XV, 35.55. Leipzig 1782
  • Diss. De notionibus universis in theologia, Leipzig 1782
  • Progr. De utilitate notionum universarum in theologia. Leipzig 1782
  • Progr. Ad locum Lucae II, 34. Leipzig 1783
  • Progr. De Deo, spiritu, ad popularem intelligentiam accommodate describendo. Leipzig 1783 German by PCG Andrea. Dresden 1793
  • Progr. Exemplum cogitandi de religione, nominatim de offieiis, ex cap. XIV Epist. Pauli ad Rome. depromtum. Leipzig 1784, German by G. Göpfert. Chemnitz 1788
  • Progr. Quo ostenditur, in tradenda religione huc etiam respiciendum esse, ut eam experiendo cognoscere Christiani possint. Leipzig 1784 German by Kreisamtmann Just, under the title: Instructions for future teachers of religion to set up the public lecture in such a way that it promotes the spiritual experience of Christians. Leipzig 1785
  • Progr. Ad memoriam Bestuchefianam primum celebrandam, super Gal. VI, 8th Leipzig 1784
  • Progr. De Christo, demandatum sibi a Patre duplex negotium exsequente cum virtute, et hactenus Patri obendiente. Leipzig 1785
  • Sermons. Leipzig 1786
  • Progr. IV de religionis notitia cum rebus experientiae obviis et in facto positis copulata. Leipzig 1786-87
  • Dissertationes theologicae et philologicae primum editae ac emendatae. Leipzig 1787, Series II Leipzig 1794, Edition II Leipzig 1798
  • Progr. De homine submittente se Dco. Leipzig 1788 also published in German by GJ Petsche
  • Progr. Quo continuatur disputatio de homine submittente se. Deo. Leipzig 1789 also published in German by GJ Petsche
  • Progr. Additamentum disputationis de homine submittente se Deodorant. Leipzig 1789 also published in German by GJ Petsche
  • Epitome Theologiae Christianae; futuris doctoribus religionis scripsit. Leipzig 1789 Edition II. Passim aueta. Leipzig 1790, German by JF Heynatz under the title: Brief epitome of the Christian divine grant for future teachers of religion; translated from Latin after the second edition. Leipzig 1794 and from IHA Schneider under the title; Dogmatics, or the short epitome of the Christian religion for future religion teachers. Translated into German. Halberstadt 1795, 1800
  • Diss. I et II ad locum Epistolae Paullinae Ephes. IV, 11-17. Leipzig 1792


  • Christian August CIodii, quondam Prof. Poeseos in Acad Lipsiensi, Dissertationes et Carmina. Cuiavit et auctoris elogium praemisit. Leipzig 1787

After his death

  • Praelectiones in Epistolam Paulii ad Romanos. Cum eiusdem versione Latina locorumque quorundam NT dissiciliorum interpretatione edidit JTG Holzapfel. Praemissa est Chr. Dan. Beckii praefatio. Leipzig 1793
  • Explanation of the letter Paulii to the Romans and the letter of Juda; after his lectures. Leipzig 1794 (actually, 1793)
  • Academic lectures on theological morality; after his death edited by M. Chr. Fr. Traug. Voigt, Leipzig 1794 (originally 1793) 2nd vol. Leipzig 1794
  • Posthumous sermons, from his own manuscripts promoted to print by Dr. KAG wedge. 1st part, Leipzig 1794, 2nd part, Leipzig 1795, 3rd part. Leipzig 1797
  • Praelectiones in Jacobi et Petri Epistolas; edidit CA Donat. Leipzig 1794
  • Versio et explicatio Actuum Apostolicorum; animadversiones interpretum maxime recentiorum, suasque addidit GI Dindorf. Leipzig 1794
  • Explanation of the two letters from Paul II to the Corinthians, after his lectures. (From JT G, Crab Apple.). Leipzig 1794
  • Praelectiones in Evangelium Lucae, edited by Car. Aug. Donat. Leipzig 1794
  • De modo cogitandi de officiis e locis S. Scripturae moralibus classicis a D. Sam. Fr. Nath, Moro primum proposito ac varie deinde aucto. Leipzig 1794
  • Acroases in Epistolas Paullinas ad Galatas et Ephesìos. Leipzig 1795
  • Recitationes in Evangelium Johannis, edidit, animadversiones exegetico - criticas nostris temporibus accommodatas subiecit G, I. Dindorf. Leipzig 1795, part II. Leipzig 1795.
  • Praelectiones exegeticae in tres Johannis Epistolas, cum nova earumdem peripbrasi Latina. (Edited by CA Hempel.) Leipzig 1796. 8
  • Hermenevtica. Editionem aptavit variiaque additamentis instruxit HCA Eichstädt. Part I. Leipzig 1797
  • Commentarius exegetico historicus in suam Christianae Theologiae Epitomen; edidit et indicibus insttruxit CA Hempel, Tomus I. Halle 1797; Tomus Hall 1798
  • Praecepta maxime necessaria Tlieologiae dogmaticae e Mori Epitome Theologiae Christianae excerpta, Schleswig 1796


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