August Beer

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August Beer (born July 31, 1825 in Trier , † November 18, 1863 in Bonn ) was a German mathematician , chemist and physicist .

After acquiring thorough previous knowledge at the trade school in his home town of Trier, August Beer began studying mathematics and natural sciences at the University of Bonn in 1845 . He became an assistant to Julius Plücker and received his doctorate in 1848 with his award-winning thesis De situ axium opticorum in crystallis biaxibus at the Faculty of Philosophy and qualified as a private lecturer in 1850. In 1854 he published the book "Introduction to Higher Optics ", which, translated into many languages, became the standard work on light theory. In 1855 August Beer received an extraordinary professorship, in 1857 a full professorship.

Beers photometer

He died at the age of only 38 while working on a comprehensive textbook in which he wanted to summarize all of mathematical physics . The completed excerpts appeared after his death under the title Introduction to Elasticity ; the theory of magnetism and electrodynamics (1865) and introduction to the mathematical theory of elasticity and capillarity (1869).

His main areas of work were electrostatics , elastomechanics , capillarity and especially light absorption ( Lambert-Beer law ) and photometry .


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