Frank Hereford

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Frank Hereford

Frank Hereford (born July 4, 1825 in Warrenton , Fauquier County , Virginia ; †  December 21, 1891 in Union , West Virginia ) was an American politician ( Democratic Party ) who represented the state of West Virginia in both chambers of the US Congress represented.

After attending preparatory school for studies, Frank Hereford graduated from McKendree University in Lebanon ( Illinois ) in 1845 . He studied law , was admitted to the bar and began practicing as a lawyer. In 1849 he moved to California , where he served as a district attorney in Sacramento County from 1855 to 1857 .

After another move to West Virginia, Hereford began his political career. He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1870 , where he represented the third congressional district of his state from March 4, 1871 to January 31, 1877. Among other things, he acted as chairman of the trade committee.

On January 26, 1877 he was elected as the successor to the late Allen T. Caperton to represent West Virginia in the US Senate ; Samuel Price had previously temporarily occupied the vacant position . Hereford remained in the Senate until March 3, 1881, during which time it was Chairman of the Mining Committee. He then worked again as a lawyer and died in 1891.

Web links

  • Frank Hereford in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)