Jean-Baptiste Labelle

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Jean-Baptiste Labelle (born September 1825 in Burlington , Vermont , † September 9, 1898 in Montreal ) was a Canadian organist, pianist, composer and conductor.


Jean-Baptiste Labelle had his first music lessons with Joseph Lyonnais from Quebec. In 1943 he received his first organist position in Boucherville near Montreal, from 1846 he was organist in Chambly. During this time he took piano lessons from Leopold von Meyer , who was on a North American tour. From 1849 he was organist at the Notre-Dame church in Montreal for more than forty years ; In 1891 he was followed by Alcibiade Béique . He also taught at the Collège de Montréal , the Collège Ste-Marie , the Collège Mont-St-Louis and the École normal . In December 1856 and January 1857 he took piano lessons from Sigismund Thalberg in Boston.

In 1851, Labelle published Le Répertoire de l'organiste , a collection of Gregorian chants with their own organ accompaniment, which had ten editions. This was followed by Les Chansons les plus populaires and, in 1887, the Échos de Notre-Dame , a collection of his own compositions. Since 1855 he also imported pianos and ran a music shop. In 1857 he went on a concert tour through the USA and South America and organized a Grand Operatic Concert in the Mechanics' Hall in Montreal, at which excerpts from works by Vincenzo Bellini , Gaetano Donizetti , Adolphe Adam , Franz Schubert and Giacomo Meyerbeer were performed. In 1863 he appeared as a conductor with the orchestra of the Société philharmonique canadienne of Montreal.

His songs Ô Canada! mon pays! mes amours! and Avant tout je suis Canadien (both based on texts by George-Étienne Cartier ) and Chant des Zouaves canadiens . Labelle also composed piano pieces such as Marche canadienne and Quadrille national canadien , the cantatas La Confédération (text by Auguste Achintre , 1868) and La Croisade canadienne (text by Alphonse Bellemare , 1886) as well as the operetta La Conversion d'un pêcheur de la Nouvelle-Écosse (Libretto by Elzéar Labelle , 1868).
