Michel Corrette

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Portrait of Michel Corrette

Michel Corrette (born April 10, 1707 in Rouen , † January 21, 1795 in Paris ) was a French composer and author of music theory treatises.


His father Gaspard Corrette was a composer and organist. In 1758 Michel became organist at the Grand Collège des Jesuit Order in Paris, until its expulsion in 1762. In 1780 he was appointed organist of the Duke of Angoulême . He composed ballets and divertimentos (divertissements) for the following comedies: Arlequin, Armide, le Jugement de Midas, les Âges, Nina, Persée ; furthermore numerous concerti for organ , sonatas , divertissements, concertos, organ books, arias, canons, cantatas , songs, counter dances, motets , symphonies and church music.

Corrette was the author of probably 17 methodical works for various instruments such as the harp , flute , violoncello , bassoon , mandolin , guitar (1763), harpsichord and the hurdy-gurdy .

The École d'Orphée for violin from 1738, in which Corrette compares the Italian and French styles and gives important instructions for the playing technique of his time, is considered to be his most important textbook today . L'Art de se perfectionner sur le violon from 1782 can be seen as a continuation of the École d'Orphée . For the singer he published the textbook Le Parfait Maître à chanter .

Some works

  • Concerto for hurdy-gurdy and orchestra Op. 3 No. 4
  • Concerto for flute and orchestra Op. 3 No. 6
  • 25 Concertos comiques Op. 8 for three violins and B. c.
  • Premier Livre de Pièces de clavecin , oeuvre 12 e (1734).
  • 6 organ concerts Op. 26th
  • Several Noëls (Christmas music)
  • Several organ books

Individual evidence

  1. Riemann Musiklexikon: Article Corrette
  2. James Tyler: A Guide to Playing the Baroque Guitar. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis 2011, ISBN 978-0-254-22289-3 , p. 25.

Web links