Music year 1707
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Overview of the music years
Further events
Music year 1707 | |
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Johann Sebastian Bach
- January to June: Johann Sebastian Bach is the organist of the New Church in Arnstadt . He has held the position since August 1703.
- July 1st : After Bach performed in the Free Imperial City of Mühlhausen on April 24th , he took up his position as organist at the Divi Blasii Church . His salary is 85 guilders plus natural goods and income from the neighboring churches - a much higher payment than his predecessor and successor, which now allows him to start a family.
- October 17th : Johann Sebastian Bach marries his second cousin, Maria Barbara Bach . The marriage will have seven children.
- During his time in Mühlhausen, Bach wrote the cantata From the depths I call, Lord, to you .
georg Friedrich Handel
- January 14th : Georg Friedrich Handel , who started his study trip to Italy in the summer or autumn of 1706, arrives in Rome from Florence . The study trip will take him back to Florence in autumn.
- April 11th : Handel completes the work Dixit Dominus in Rome , a setting of Psalm 110 in the Latin version of the Vulgate . A performance of the work as part of Vespers for the annual feast of the Carmelite Order on July 16 and 17 in the Roman church of Santa Maria in Montesanto on the Piazza del Popolo is likely, but not proven. Handel conducts the music on at least one of these festive days.
- Spring: In Rome, where due to warlike events and an earthquake, operas by Pope Clement XI. are forbidden, Handel composed the allegorical oratorio Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno , which, however, was not premiered until 50 years later. Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili wrote the text for Il Trionfo . Along with Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, he was an important patron and promoter of Handel.
- November / December: Handel's first Italian opera Vincer se stesso è la maggior vittoria (“Rodrigo”) premieres at the Teatro del Cocomero or the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. The libretto is believed to be by Antonio Salvi and is based on the piece Il duello d'amore e di vendetta by Francesco Silvani .
Alessandro Scarlatti
- Carnival: Alessandro Scarlatti tries to conquer the Venetian audience with two new operas ( Mitridate Eupatore and Il trionfo della libertà ). Instead of the usual three-act libretti with their intriguing plots, the poet Girolamo Frigimelica-Roberti wrote for him two five-act dramas strictly on the model of classic French tragedy. However, both attempts to raise the level of Italian and especially Venetian opera met with little approval. The performances take place in the Teatro Grimani.
- May : Alessandro Scarlatti is appointed Kapellmeister at the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, where he has been employed as assistant conductor since December 31, 1703.
Other events
- Dieterich Buxtehude , who died on May 9th, is buried in the Marienkirche in Lübeck near the so-called "Dance of Death Organ".
- Antonio Caldara leaves his post as Kapellmeister in Mantua to become Maestro di Cappella (German: Kapellmeister) for Prince Ruspoli in Rome.
- Jeremiah Clarke commits suicide with a pistol in London , allegedly because of unrequited love for a woman of higher rank. He is buried with a special permit in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral , as this is not permitted for "suicides" at the time.
- William Croft succeeds Jeremiah Clarke as music teacher at the Chapel Royal .
- The Italian castrato Senesino has his first appearance in Venice .
- Due to financial support from Grand Duke Cosimo III. de 'Medici , Domenico Zipoli can continue his studies in Florence . Here he becomes a student of the organist Giovani Maria Casini.
World premieres
Stage works
- February 5th : The opera Achille placato by Antonio Lotti based on the libretto by Urbano Rizzi is premiered in Venice.
- Spring: Dido, Queen of Carthago , an opera in three acts by Christoph Graupner based on the libretto by Heinrich Hinsch , based on Virgil's epic Aeneid , has its world premiere at the Oper am Gänsemarkt in Hamburg .
- July 26th : The world premiere of the opera Turno Aricino by Giovanni Battista Bononcini on a libretto by Silvio Stampiglia takes place at the Teatro della Favorita in Vienna .
- Carlo Agostino Badia - Napoli ritornata ai Romani (Vienna)
- Giovanni Battista Bononcini - Etearco
- Nicola Fago - Radamisto, Dramma per musica
- Georg Friedrich Handel - Vincer se stesso è la maggior vittoria (“Rodrigo”)
- Reinhard Keizer - The Pleasant Fraud or The Carneval of Venice (Singspiel in three acts based on the libretto by Johann August Meister and Mauritz Cuno based on La Carneval de Venise by Jean-François Regnard ; contains arias by Christoph Graupner and other composers)
- Antonio Lotti - Teuzzone (Dramma per musica; libretto by Apostolo Zeno; Venice)
- Johann Christoph Pepusch - Thomyris, Queen of Scythia
- Giuseppe Porsile - Il ritorno d'Ulisse alla patria (Dramma per musica in three acts; libretto by Giovanni Andrea Moniglia; world premiere in Naples at the Teatro dei Fiorentini; 40 arias and duets received)
Alessandro Scarlatti
- Mitridate Eupatore
- Il trionfo della libertà
- Agostino Steffani - Arminio
- Alessandro Scarlatti - Cain, overo Il primo omicidio
Instrumental music
- Tomaso Albinoni - Concerti a cinque op.5 , Venice
Chamber music
- Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre - Sonatas for violin and basso continuo (Paris [chez l'auteur, Foucault, Ribou, Ballard], 1707)
- Johann Christoph Pepusch - 6 Sonatas or Solos for the Flute with a through Bass for the Harpsicord , Op. 1 (recorder sonatas, published in London in 1707)
Keyboard music
- Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre - Pièces de clavecin qui peuvent se jouer sur le violon (Harpsichord pieces that can be accompanied ad libitum on the violin) (Paris, 1707)
- Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565 (composed between 1703 and 1707)
Vocal music
- Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantatas
- Christ was in death gangs , BWV 4 (around 1707)
- God's time is the very best time , BWV 106
- From the depths I call, Lord, to you , BWV 131 (around 1707)
- The Lord thinks of us , BWV 196 (1707/1708)
- George Frideric Handel - Dixit Dominus
- Jeremiah Clarke - O Harmony, Were's Now Thy Power (New Year's Sode)

Finger position on the recorder in J.-M. Hotteterre's flute school from 1707
Textbooks u. a.
- Jacques-Martin Hotteterre - Principes de la flûte traversière, ou flûte d'Allemagne, de la flûte à bec ou flûte douce et du hautbois, divisez par traictez , op.1
- Isaac Watts - Hymns and Spiritual Songs (includes "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross")
Instrument making
Arp Schnitger is involved in the construction and completion of the following organs:
- Completion of the organ in the Church of St. Sebastian in Berlin
- Further construction of the organ in the Church of St. Nikolai in Berlin
- Start of organ building for the church of the St. Georg Hospital in Hamburg-St. George
- Start of organ building in St. Pankratius Church in Hamburg- Ochsenwerder
- Start of organ building in the Nikolaikirche in Flensburg
- Andreas Silbermann and Gottfried Silbermann complete the organ of the Church of St. Nikolai in Strasbourg .
- The violins " Rivaz, Baron Gutmann ", Brüstlein , Prihoda , La Cathédrale , Hammer and Castelbarco as well as the cellos Countess of Stainlein and " Fau, Castelbarco " are made in Antonio Stradivari's workshop in Cremona .
- January 22nd : Jean Esprit Isnard , French Dominican and organ builder († 1781 )
- April 10 : Michel Corrette , French composer and author of music theory treatises († 1795 )
- May 2 : Jean-Baptiste Barrière , French cellist and composer († 1747 )
- May 14 : António Teixeira , Portuguese composer and harpsichordist († 1776 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Johann Baptist Georg Neruda , Bohemian violinist, conductor and composer († 1780 )
- Pietro Domenico Paradies , Italian composer and teacher († 1791 )
- Johann Nikolaus Tischer , German organist and composer († 1774 )
- February 8 : Giuseppe Aldrovandini , Italian composer and conductor (* 1671 )
- April 20 : Johann Christoph Denner , German instrument maker, is considered the inventor of the clarinet (* 1655 )
- May 9 : Dieterich Buxtehude , Danish-German organist and Baroque composer (* around 1637)
- August 20 : Nicolas Gigault , French organist and composer (* around 1627)
- August 28 : Johann Jacob John , German organ builder (* 1665 )
- October 5 : Daniel Speer , German writer and composer (* 1636 )
- December 1 : Jeremiah Clarke , English composer (* around 1674)
Exact date of death unknown
- Julie d'Aubigny , French swordsman and opera singer (* 1670 / 1673 )
- Gaspard le Roux , French harpsichordist and composer (* around 1660)
See also
Web links
Commons : Music 1707 - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
Commons : Opera Libretti 1707 - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files