Hermann person

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Hermann person (* 6. September 1914 in Radolfzell ; † 29. January 2005 in Gundelfingen ) a German politician (was CDU ) and District President of the Regional Council of Freiburg .

education and profession

The son of Karl Person , member of the Baden state parliament, studied physics , mathematics and chemistry at the Technical University of Karlsruhe and at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg . There he joined the Catholic student union WKSt.V. in 1932 . Unitas Freiburg at. His studies were interrupted when he was drafted into the Wehrmacht . In 1940 person became Dr. rer. nat. doctorate and then called up again for the Wehrmacht, where he worked as a marine meteorologist from 1940 . After French captivity until 1947 he entered theGerman Meteorological Service and in 1949 became head of the Freiburg Meteorological Office, where he resigned as senior government councilor in 1967 .

Political activity

After the Second World War, Person first joined the Center Party in South Baden , which elected him as its first chairman. However, a short time later he joined the CDU. In 1952 he was elected to the first state parliament of Baden-Württemberg as a member of the Lahr constituency. He held this mandate until he resigned it on November 2, 1967, before his appointment as District President of South Baden .

During his tenure as regional president, the decisions to retain the regional councils and the district reform of 1973 as well as the municipal reform in Baden-Württemberg were made. Above all, Person maintained contacts with the neighboring countries by initiating regular meetings of the regional state bodies in the three-country triangle Alsace-Switzerland-South Baden. This collaboration was recognized by the governments in 1975 and transferred to the Tripartite Commission. Person thus intensified the cross-border cooperation on the Upper Rhine, High Rhine and Lake Constance . In the administrative district itself, he advocated extensive decentralization and was a committed critic of what he called the “scrub of the commission” and the state “funding program” . As a conservative of values , the person represented a comparatively modern environmental protection policy , turned against the urban sprawl and ordered construction stops in several cases in which he saw nature and landscape protection at risk.

Other offices

Hermann Person was chairman of the Black Forest Association from 1979 to 1990 and president of the Badischer Sportbund Freiburg from 1964 to 1989 . He also did an honorary job at the Freiburg Minster Construction Association.

honors and awards


  • International Biographical Archive 23/1971 of May 31, 1971
  • Alexander Schweickert (Ed.): South Baden. Writings on political geography . Volume 19. Stuttgart, Berlin and Cologne

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Burr (ed.): Unitas manual . tape 2 . Verlag Franz Schmitt, Siegburg 1996, p. 290 .