List of Prime Ministers of Romania

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Prime Minister of Romania
Standard of the Prime Minister
Standard of the Prime Minister
Acting Prime Minister
Ludovic Orban
since 2019
Official seat Victoria Palace in Bucharest
Creation of office January 22, 1862

This is a list of the Prime Ministers of Romania since the creation of the office on January 22, 1862.

The Romanian political system today is a representative parliamentary democracy . The legislative power rests with a bicameral parliament . The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. According to the Romanian Constitution , the President appoints the Prime Minister as head of state, who in turn appoints a cabinet, which must be confirmed by a vote of confidence in parliament (joint session of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate ).

Romania used the Julian calendar until 1919 and then the Gregorian calendar .

List of incumbents

Fürstentum Romania ( 1859 -1881)

No. image Surname Life dates Start of office End of office Political party cabinet
1 Barbu Catargiu2.jpg Barbu Catargiu 1807-1862 January 22, 1862 June 8, 1862 - B. Catargiu
- Apostol Arsache1.jpg Apostol Arsache
( interim )
1789-1869 June 8, 1862 June 23, 1862 -
2 Nicolae Cretulescu.jpg Nicolae Crețulescu 1812-1900 June 24, 1862 October 11, 1863 - Creţulescu I
3 Mihail Kogalniceanu utexas.jpg Mihail Kogălniceanu 1817-1891 October 11, 1863 January 26, 1865 - Kogălniceanu
4th Constantin Bosianu.jpg Constantin Bosianu 1815-1882 January 26, 1865 June 14, 1865 - Bosianu
(2) Nicolae Cretulescu.jpg Nicolae Crețulescu
( 2nd term )
1812-1900 June 14, 1865 February 11, 1866 - Creţulescu II
5 Ion Ghica 02.jpg Ion Ghica 1816-1897 February 11, 1866 May 10, 1866 - I. Ghica I
6th Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu 1823-1899 May 11, 1866 July 13, 1866 - L. Catargiu I
(5) Ion Ghica 02.jpg Ion Ghica
( 2nd term )
1816-1897 July 15, 1866 February 21, 1867 - I. Ghica II
7th Constantin Al.  Creţulescu.jpg Constantin A. Crețulescu 1809-1884 March 1, 1867 August 5, 1867 - CA Crețulescu
8th Stefan Golescu desen.png Ștefan Golescu 1809-1874 August 5, 1867 April 29, 1868 - Ș. Golescu
9 Nicolae Golescu desen.png Nicolae Golescu 1810-1877 May 1, 1868 November 15, 1868 - N. Golescu
10 Dimitrie Ghica.jpg Dimitrie Ghica 1816-1897 November 16, 1868 January 27, 1870 - D. Ghica
11 Alexandru G. Golescu.jpg Alexandru G. Golescu 1819-1881 February 2, 1870 April 18, 1870 - AG Golescu
12 Manolache Costache Epureanu.jpg Manolache Costache Epureanu 1823-1880 April 20, 1870 December 14, 1870 - Epureanu I
(5) Ion Ghica 02.jpg Ion Ghica
( 3rd term )
1816-1897 December 1, 1870 March 11, 1871 - I. Ghica III
(6) Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu
( 2nd term )
1823-1899 March 11, 1871 March 30, 1876 - L. Catargiu II
13 Emanoil Ion Florescu 01.jpg Ion Emanuel Florescu 1819-1893 April 4, 1876 April 26, 1876 - Florescu I
(12) Manolache Costache Epureanu.jpg Manolache Costache Epureanu
( 2nd term )
1823-1880 April 27, 1876 July 23, 1876 PNL Epureanu II
14th Ion C. Bratianu 01.png Ion C. Bratianu 1821-1891 July 24, 1876 November 24, 1878 PNL I. Brătianu I
November 25, 1878 July 10, 1879 I. Brătianu II
July 11, 1879 March 13, 1881 I. Brătianu III

Kingdom of Romania (1881-1947)

No. image Surname Life dates Start of office End of office Political party cabinet
14th Ion C. Bratianu 01.png Ion C. Bratianu 1821-1891 March 13, 1881 April 9, 1881 PNL I. Brătianu III
15th Dimitrie Brătianu.png Dimitrie Brătianu 1818-1892 April 10, 1881 June 8, 1881 PNL D. Bratianu
(14) Ion C. Bratianu 01.png Ion C. Brătianu
( 2nd term in the Kingdom )
1821-1891 June 9, 1881 March 20, 1888 PNL I. Brătianu IV
16 Teodor Rosetti.jpg Theodor Rosetti 1837-1932 March 23, 1888 November 11, 1888 Pc Rosetti I
November 12, 1888 March 22, 1889 Rosetti II
(6) Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu
( 3rd term )
1823-1899 March 29, 1889 November 3, 1889 Pc L. Catargiu III
17th Gheorghe Manu.jpg Gheorghe Manu 1833-1911 November 5, 1889 February 15, 1891 Pc Manu
(13) Emanoil Ion Florescu 01.jpg Ion Emanuel Florescu
( 2nd term )
1819-1893 February 21, 1891 November 26, 1891 Pc Florescu II
(6) Lascarcatargiu.jpg Lascăr Catargiu
( 4th term )
1823-1899 November 27, 1891 October 3, 1895 Pc L. Catargiu IV
18th Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza 1833-1914 October 4, 1895 November 21, 1896 PNL Sturdza I
19th Petre S Aurelian.jpg Petre S. Aurelian 1833-1909 November 21, 1896 March 26, 1897 PNL Aurelian I
(18) Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza
( 2nd term )
1833-1914 March 31, 1897 March 30, 1899 PNL Sturdza II
20th Cantacuzino.jpg Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino 1833-1913 April 11, 1899 July 6, 1900 Pc Cantacuzino I
21st PP Carp.jpeg Petre P. Carp 1837-1919 July 7, 1900 February 13, 1901 Pc Carp I
(18) Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza
( 3rd term )
1833-1914 February 14, 1901 December 20, 1904 PNL Sturdza III
(20) Cantacuzino.jpg Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino
( 2nd term )
1833-1913 December 22, 1904 March 12, 1907 Pc Cantacuzino II
(18) Sturdza.jpg Dimitrie Sturdza
( 4th term )
1833-1914 March 12, 1907 December 27, 1908 PNL Sturdza IV
22nd Iicbratianu.png Ion IC Brătianu 1864-1927 December 27, 1908 March 4, 1909 PNL IIC Brătianu I
March 4, 1909 December 28, 1910 IIC Brătianu II
(21) PP Carp.jpeg Petre P. Carp
( 2nd term )
1837-1919 December 29, 1910 March 27, 1912 Pc Carp II
23 Titu Maiorescu.jpg Titu Maiorescu 1840-1917 March 28, 1912 October 14, 1912 Pc Maiorescu I
October 14, 1912 December 31, 1913 Maiorescu II
(22) Iicbratianu.png Ion IC Brătianu
( 2nd term )
1864-1927 January 4, 1914 December 10, 1916 PNL IIC Brătianu III
December 11, 1916 January 28, 1918 IIC Brătianu IV
24 Averescu.png Alexandru Averescu 1859-1938 January 29, 1918 March 4, 1918 military Averescu I
25th Marghiloman 2.jpg Alexandru Marghiloman 1854-1925 March 5, 1918 October 23, 1918 Pc Marghiloman
26th Constantin Coanda.jpg Constantin Coanda 1857-1932 October 24, 1918 November 29, 1918 military Coanda
(22) Iicbratianu.png Ion IC Brătianu
( 3rd term )
1864-1927 November 29, 1918 September 26, 1919 PNL IIC Brătianu V
27 ArturVaitoianu.jpg Artur Văitoianu 1864-1956 September 27, 1919 November 30, 1919 military Văitoianu
28 Vaida-Voevod.jpg Alexandru Vaida-Voevod 1872-1950 December 1, 1919 March 12, 1920 PNR Vaida I
(24) Averescu.png Alexandru Averescu
( 2nd term )
1859-1938 March 13, 1920 December 16, 1921 PP Averescu II
29 Take jonescu.png Take Ionescu 1858-1922 December 17, 1921 January 19, 1922 PCD Ionescu I
(22) Iicbratianu.png Ion IC Brătianu
( 4th term )
1864-1927 January 19, 1922 March 29, 1926 PNL IIC Brătianu VI
(24) Averescu.png Alexandru Averescu
( 3rd term )
1859-1938 March 30, 1926 June 4, 1927 PP Averescu III
30th Barbu Stirbey.jpg Barbu Știrbey 1873-1946 June 4, 1927 June 20, 1927 independent Stirbey
(22) Iicbratianu.png Ion IC Brătianu
( 5th term )
1864-1927 June 21, 1927 November 24, 1927 PNL IIC Brătianu VII
31 Vintila Bratianu - Foto01.jpg Vintilă Brătianu 1867-1930 November 24, 1927 November 9, 1928 PNL V. Brătianu
32 Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2000-0518-507, Julius Maniu.jpg Iuliu Maniu 1873-1953 November 10, 1928 June 6, 1930 PNȚ Maniu I
33 Mironescu.PNG Gheorghe Mironescu 1874-1949 June 7, 1930 June 12, 1930 PNȚ Mironescu I
(32) Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2000-0518-507, Julius Maniu.jpg Iuliu Maniu
( 2nd term )
1873-1953 June 13, 1930 October 9, 1930 PNȚ Maniu II
(33) Mironescu.PNG Gheorghe Mironescu
( 2nd term )
1874-1949 October 10, 1930 April 17, 1931 PNȚ Mironescu II
34 RetratoNicolaeIorga.png Nicolae Iorga 1871-1940 April 18, 1931 June 5, 1932 PND Iorga
(28) Vaida-Voevod.jpg Alexandru Vaida-Voevod
( 2nd term of office )
1872-1950 June 6, 1932 August 10, 1932 PNȚ Vaida II
August 11, 1932 October 19, 1932 Vaida III
(32) Bundesarchiv Bild 183-2000-0518-507, Julius Maniu.jpg Iuliu Maniu
( 3rd term )
1873-1953 October 20, 1932 January 13, 1933 PNȚ Maniu III
(28) Vaida-Voevod.jpg Alexandru Vaida-Voevod
( 3rd term )
1872-1950 January 14, 1933 November 13, 1933 PNȚ Vaida IV
35 Ion Gheorghe Duca - Foto02.jpg Ion G. Duca 1879-1933 November 14, 1933 December 29, 1933 PNL Duca
- Constantin Angelescu.jpg Constantin Angelescu
1870-1948 December 29, 1933 January 3, 1934 PNL Angelescu
36 GheorgheTatarescu.PNG Gheorghe Tătărescu 1886-1957 January 4, 1934 October 1, 1934 PNL Tătărescu I
October 2, 1934 August 28, 1936 Tătărescu II
August 29, 1936 November 14, 1937 Tătărescu III
November 17, 1937 December 28, 1937 Tătărescu IV
37 Octavian Goga.jpg Octavian Goga 1881-1938 December 29, 1937 February 10, 1938 PNC Goga
38 Miron Cristia patriach of Romania.JPG Patriarch Miron Cristea 1868-1939 February 11, 1938 March 29, 1938 independent Cristea I
March 30, 1938 January 31, 1939 Cristea II
February 1, 1939 March 6, 1939 Cristea III
39 Armand Calinescu.jpg Armand Călinescu 1893-1939 March 7, 1939 September 21, 1939 FRN Călinescu
40 Argeseanu Gheorghe2.jpg Gheorghe Argeșanu 1883-1940 September 21, 1939 September 28, 1939 FRN Argeșanu
41 Mr Argetoiano, ministre des Finances de Roumanie 1932, Agence Mondial.jpg Constantin Argetoianu 1871-1952 September 28, 1939 November 23, 1939 FRN Argetoianu
(36) GheorgheTatarescu.PNG Gheorghe Tătărescu
( 2nd term )
1886-1957 November 24, 1939 May 10, 1940 FRN Tătărescu V
May 11, 1940 3rd July 1940 Tătărescu VI
42 Ion Gigurtu.jpg Ion Gigurtu 1886-1959 4th July 1940 4th September 1940 FRN Gigurtu
43 Ion antonescu.png Ion Antonescu 1882-1946 4th September 1940 September 14, 1940 military Antonescu I
September 14, 1940 January 24, 1941 Antonescu II
January 27, 1941 August 23, 1944 Antonescu III
44 ConstantinSanatescu.jpg Constantin Sănătescu 1885-1947 August 23, 1944 November 3, 1944 military Sănătescu I
November 4, 1944 December 5, 1944 Sănătescu II
45 Nicolae Radescu.jpg Nicolae Rădescu 1874-1953 December 6, 1944 February 28, 1945 military Rădescu
46 Petru Groza Anefo.jpg Petru Groza 1884-1958 March 6, 1945 November 30, 1946 FP Groza I
December 1, 1946 December 29, 1947 Groza II

Communist Romania (1947-1989)

No. image Surname Life dates Start of office End of office Political party cabinet
46 Petru Groza Anefo.jpg Petru Groza 1884-1958 December 30, 1947 April 14, 1948 FP Groza III
April 15, 1948 June 2, 1952 Groza IV
47 Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej1.jpg Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej 1901-1965 June 2, 1952 January 28, 1953 PMR Gheorghiu-Dej I.
January 28, 1953 3rd October 1955 Gheorghiu-Dej II
48 Chivu Stoica 1957.jpg Chivu Stoica 1908-1975 3rd October 1955 March 19, 1957 PMR Stoica I
March 19, 1957 March 21, 1961 Stoica II
49 Ion Gheorghe Maurer1.jpg Ion Gheorghe Mason 1902-2000 March 21, 1961 March 17, 1965 PCR Mason I
March 18, 1965 August 20, 1965 Mason II
August 21, 1965 December 8, 1967 Mason III
December 9, 1967 March 12, 1969 Mason IV
March 13, 1969 February 27, 1974 Mason V
50 Manea Manescu.jpg Manea Mănescu 1916-2009 February 27, 1974 March 18, 1975 PCR Mănescu I
March 18, 1975 March 30, 1979 Mănescu II
51 Ilie Verdet.jpg Ilie Verdeț 1925-2001 March 30, 1979 March 29, 1980 PCR Verdeţ I
March 29, 1980 May 20, 1982 Verdeţ II
52 Constantin Dascalescu.jpg Constantin Dăscălescu 1923-2003 May 21, 1982 March 28, 1985 PCR Dăscălescu I
March 29, 1985 December 22, 1989 Dăscălescu II

Romania (since 1989)

No. image Surname Life dates Start of office End of office Political party cabinet
53 Petre Roman 1989.jpg Petre Roman * 1946 December 26, 1989 June 28, 1990 FSN Novel I.
June 28, 1990 April 30, 1991 Roman II
April 30, 1991 October 16, 1991 Roman III
54 Conventia PD-L 2013 - Theodor Stolojan (2) .jpg Theodor Stolojan * 1943 October 16, 1991 November 19, 1992 FSN Stolojan I
55 Nicolae Văcăroiu (cropped) .jpg Nicolae Văcăroiu * 1943 November 19, 1992 December 11, 1996 PDSR Văcăroiu I
56 Victor Ciorbea 2013-11-23.JPG Victor Ciorbea * 1954 December 12, 1996 April 17, 1998 PNȚCD Ciorbea I
- Gavril Dejeu
* 1932 March 30, 1998 April 17, 1998 PNȚCD
57 Radu Vasile (2) .tif Radu Vasile 1942-2013 April 17, 1998 December 22, 1999 PNȚCD Vasile I
- Alexandru Athanasiu
* 1955 December 13, 1999 December 22, 1999 PSDR
58 Mugur Isărescu.jpg Mugur Isărescu * 1949 December 22, 1999 December 28, 2000 independent Isărescu I
59 Nastase3 (cropped) .jpg Adrian Năstase * 1950 December 28, 2000 December 21, 2004 PSDR / PSD Năstase I
- Eugen Bejinariu 2014-03-17.jpg Eugen Bejinariu
* 1959 December 21, 2004 December 28, 2004 Psd
60 Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu 2005-10-26.jpg Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu * 1952 December 29, 2004 April 5, 2007 PNL Tăriceanu I
April 5, 2007 December 22, 2008 Tariceanu II
61 Emil Boc 2011-06-23.jpg Emil Boc * 1966 December 22, 2008 December 23, 2009 PD-L Boc I
December 23, 2009 February 6, 2012 Boc II
- Cătălin Predoiu 2008.jpg Cătălin Predoiu
* 1968 February 6, 2012 February 9, 2012 independent
62 Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu 2013-11-23.jpg Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu * 1968 February 9, 2012 May 7, 2012 independent Ungureanu
63 3. Victor Ponta la sedinta BPN a PSD - 03/31/2014 (13755573393) .jpg Victor Ponta * 1972 May 7, 2012 December 20, 2012 Psd Ponta I
December 21, 2012 4th March 2014 Ponta ii
5th March 2014 December 16, 2014 Ponta III
17th December 2014 23rd June 2015 Ponta IV
- Gabriel Oprea 2011-10-20.jpg Gabriel Oprea
* 1961 23rd June 2015 July 9, 2015 UNPR
(63) 3. Victor Ponta la sedinta BPN a PSD - 03/31/2014 (13755573393) .jpg Victor Ponta * 1972 July 9, 2015 5th November 2015 Psd
- SorinCîmpeanu2015.jpg Sorin Cîmpeanu
* 1968 5th November 2015 17th November 2015 ALDE
64 Dacian Ciolos (cropped) .jpg Dacian Cioloș * 1969 17th November 2015 4th January 2017 independent Cioloș
65 Sorin Grindeanu, interview Feb 2015.jpg Sorin Grindeanu * 1973 4th January 2017 June 29, 2017 Psd Grindeanu
66 Mihai Tudose 2018.jpg Mihai Tudose * 1967 June 29, 2017 January 16, 2018 Psd Tudose
- Mihai-Viorel Fifor.jpg Mihai Fifor
* 1970 January 16, 2018 January 28, 2018 Psd
67 Reuven Rivlin at a meeting with Viorica Dăncilă, April 2018 (3549) (cropped) .jpg Viorica Dăncilă * 1963 29th January 2018 3rd November 2019 Psd Dăncilă
68 Ludovic Orban (cropped) .jpg Ludovic Orban * 1963 4th November 2019 officiating PNL Ludovic Orban I
Ludovic Orban II

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Homepage Guvernul Romaniei ( Memento of the original from January 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Prim ministri in istorie (rum.) Retrieved on February 5, 2011 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Homepage, Ion Brătianu ( Memento of the original from August 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 5, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Homepage, Dimitrie Brătianu ( Memento of the original from August 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 6, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Homepage, Gheorghe Manu ( Memento of the original from February 5, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 5, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ A b Hans-Christian Maner: Parliamentarism in Romania (1930-1940) - Democracy in an authoritarian environment , Appendix Governments 1933-1937, pp. 531 ff., Oldenbourg, 1997, ISBN 3-486-56329-7
  6. Homepage Nicolae Rădescu  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 12, 2012.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  7. Homepage, Chivu Stoica I ( Memento of the original from August 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 6, 2011 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Homepage, Chivu Stoica II ( Memento of the original from August 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 6, 2011 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. ^ Homepage, Nicolae Văcăroiu , accessed on February 12, 2012.