Constitution of Romania

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Monitorul Oficial dated October 31, 2003 with the current constitution

The Constitution of Romania ( Romanian Constituția României ) came into force in 1991 and was revised in 2003.


Earlier constitutions

The Organic Regulations were the first constitutional law in the principalities of Wallachia and Moldova , the forerunner states of Romania . It was put into effect by the Russian occupation forces in 1831 (Wallachia) and 1832 (Moldova).

After the formation of the Principality of Romania , the first constitution came into force in 1866 under Carol I. After gaining independence from the Ottoman Empire , there was a constitutional amendment in 1879, and another in 1884 after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Romania in 1881.

After the First World War , the national territory expanded considerably and in Greater Romania there was a new constitution from 1923, which, however, retained many articles of the old constitution. In 1938 King Carol II dismissed the government and set up a royal dictatorship with a new constitution.

Under the influence of the Soviet Union , the People's Republic of Romania was proclaimed with a corresponding constitution in 1948 . The second communist constitution was enacted in 1952. With the constitution of 1965, the state became the Socialist Republic of Romania . A constitutional amendment was made in 1975 when the role of President was defined.

1991 Constitution

After the Romanian Revolution in 1989 , the Frontul Salvării Naționale emerged as the clear winner in both the presidential and parliamentary elections and had a two-thirds majority in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate . The new constitution therefore bore her signature. On November 21, 1991 the Constituent Assembly passed the new constitution and on December 8, 1991 there was a referendum. 10,948,468 Romanians voted, 77.3% of whom voted for the new constitution. In 1995 the Chamber of Deputies designated December 8th as the Romanian Constitution Day ( Ziua Constituției României ).

Constitutional amendment 2003

The constitution was amended in 2003 with a view to joining NATO and the EU . Now EU citizens are allowed to buy real estate in Romania. The parliamentary and presidential elections will no longer be held at the same time due to the increase in the presidential term to five years. The competencies of the judicial authorities have been defined more clearly, and the competences of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate have been separated more clearly. The protection of minorities was strengthened and compulsory military service abolished. Private property is no longer just “protected”, but “guaranteed”. In a referendum on 18./19. October 2003, with a turnout of 55.70%, a majority of 8,915,022 Romanians or 89.70% voted for the constitutional amendment.


The constitution is divided into eight sections (titles) with a total of 156 articles.

items title chapter
I. 1-14 General principles
II 15-60 The fundamental rights, freedoms and duties Common provisions
The fundamental rights and freedoms
Fundamental duties
The advocate of the people
III 61-134 The public authorities The Parliament
The President of Romania
The Government
Relations between Parliament and Government
The public administration
The judicial authority
IV 135-141 The economy and public finances
V 142-147 The Constitutional Court
VI 148-149 Euro-Atlantic integration
VII 150-152 The amendment of the constitution
VIII 153-156 Final and transitional provisions

Web links

Wikisource: Constituția României (2003)  - Sources and full texts (Romanian)
Wikisource: Constituția României (1991)  - Sources and full texts (Romanian)

Individual evidence

  1. Cum a contribuit Rusia la modernizarea societăţii româneşti: Regulamentele Organice deschid drumul spre constituţionalism ,
  2. ^ Constituția României (1866) . ( Wikisource )
  3. ^ Constituția României (1923) . ( Wikisource )
  4. ^ Constituția României (1938) . ( Wikisource )
  5. ^ Constituția României (1948) . ( Wikisource )
  6. ^ Constituția României (1952) . ( Wikisource )
  7. ^ Constituția României (1965) . ( Wikisource )
  8. a b Romania has a new constitution (PDF) Konrad Adenauer Foundation , October 23, 2003
  9. 25 de ani de la referendumul naţional pentru adoptarea Constituţiei României din 1991 . Agerpres , December 7, 2016
  10. Hotărârea Curţii Constituţionale ., October 22, 2003