Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza

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Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza

Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza ( pronunciation ? / I ; * March 10, 1833 in Miclǎușeni , † October 21, 1914 in Bucharest ), full name Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza-Miclăușanu , was a liberal politician in Romania and prime minister four times from 1895 to 1909 . Audio file / audio sample


Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza came from the old Romanian family Sturdza (Sturza), whose origin can be traced back to around 1540. The family was long and intimate with the governments of Moldova and later Romania . Since 1822, some of the princes of Moldova such as Michael Stourdza and General Grigore Sturdza were important members of the family .

Sturdza was born on March 10, 1833 in Miclǎușeni and educated at the Academia Mihăileană in Iași. He later became the private secretary of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza . Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza was President of the Romanian Academy between 1882 and 1884 . The politician of the Partidul Național Liberal was subsequently Romanian Prime Minister from 1895 to 1896, 1897 to 1899, 1901 to 1906 and from 1907 to 1909. He died in Bucharest in 1914.

Web links

Commons : Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Enciclopedia României: Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza , accessed on September 6, 2013.
  2. Meyers Handbuch der Geschichte - Lexikon der Historical Personalities, Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza, p. 610, Bibliographisches Institut, 1968
  3. ^ Britannica: Dimitrie Alexandru Sturdza , accessed September 6, 2013.