Sorin Cîmpeanu

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Sorin Cîmpeanu

Sorin Mihai Cîmpeanu (born April 18, 1968 in Bucharest ) is a Romanian agronomist and politician. From 2012 to 2014 he was rector of the University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest . From December 2014 he was Minister for Education and Research. Following the resignation of Prime Minister Victor Ponta , he was interim head of government from November 5 to November 17, 2015 .

Education and science career

Cîmpeanu studied at the Faculty of Improvement and Environmental Engineering of the University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) in Bucharest and graduated in 1991 with a degree in engineering. He then worked as a project engineer.

In 1992 he returned to his alma mater, where he was initially a research assistant, from 1995 assistant and from 1997 lecturer (Șef lucrări) . At the same time he was the coordinator of the Periș - Ilfov test center . In 2000 he received his PhD from the University of Agricultural Science. He then worked at the Ministry of Education and Research from 2000 to 2003 as specialist coordinator of the national center for the EU program "Leonardo da Vinci" and then until 2004 as specialist coordinator of the National Agency for University Partnership with the Economic-Social Environment (APART) active. The University of Agricultural Sciences appointed him Junior Professor (Conferențiar) in 2001 . In 2003 he became Vice President of the Center of Excellence for Research BIOTEHNOL . From 2004 to 2008 he was Vice Dean of the Faculty for Improvement and Environmental Engineering. In 2006 he was appointed professor. He then headed the university's doctoral program. From 2008 to 2012 he was dean of his faculty.

In March 2012, he became rector of the University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine. He was then a member of the Academy of Agricultural and Forest Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti" and the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, Vice-President of the Romanian National Committee for International Hydrological Programs (CIHR) and Secretary General of the National Council for the certification of university titles, diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU). In July 2013 he became President of the Romanian Rectors' Conference. In 2013 he took a course at the National Academy "Mihai Viteazul" of the Romanian secret service SRI .

Political offices

Cîmpeanu supported Victor Ponta's candidacy in the 2014 presidential election . At the suggestion of the Partidul Conservator (PC), he was appointed Minister of Education and Science in the Ponta IV government on December 17, 2014 . Shortly after taking office, Cîmpeanu campaigned for an emergency ordinance that would allow holders of academic degrees who had plagiarized their dissertation to return their title without explanation, without having to expect further consequences (e.g. repayment of their scholarship). This was seen in connection with the plagiarism affair of the Prime Minister Ponta. The regulation was later rejected by Parliament.

After Prime Minister Victor Ponta and his government resigned as a result of the fire in a Bucharest night club and public protests against the perceived corruption of the government , President Klaus Johannis appointed Cîmpeanu as interim head of government. After 12 days in office, he was replaced by Dacian Cioloș as the new regular Prime Minister.

For the Alianța Liberalilor și Democraților (ALDE), in which the PC had meanwhile been absorbed, Cîmpeanu was elected to the Romanian Chamber of Deputies in the parliamentary election in December 2016 . In May 2017 he left the ALDE and joined the PRO România party of Victor Ponta and Daniel Constantin .

Individual evidence

  1. Cine este Sorin Cîmpeanu, propus pentru ministrul Educației în Guvernul Ponta IV
  2. Curriculum vitae CIMPEANU Sorin Mihai , Facultatea de Îmbunătăţiri Funciare şi Ingineria Mediului, October 2013.
  3. a b Cine este Sorin Campeanu - propus sa ocupe functia de ministru al Educatiei in Guvernul Ponta 4., December 14, 2014.
  4. a b Cine este Sorin Cimpeanu si cum a ajuns noul prim-ministru interimar. Cimpeanu a initiat Ordonanta care permitea amnistierea plagiatorilor., November 5, 2015.
  5. Education Minister Cimpeanu takes over government affairs on an interim basis. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (online), November 5, 2015.
  6. Sorin Cimpeanu a demisionat din ALDE. In: , May 23, 2017.