Ion Gheorghe Mason

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Ion Gheorghe Mason

Ion Gheorghe Maurer (born September 23, 1902 in Bucharest ; † February 8, 2000 there ) was a Romanian lawyer and communist politician who belonged to the country's German minority .

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Ion Gheorghe Maurer came from Bucharest and was the son of a high school teacher. He was descended from Transylvanian Germans . His grandfather emigrated from Schässburg in Transylvania to Great Wallachia . His mother was French . Maurer grew up in an upper-class family and had an urbane demeanor.

As a lawyer, he defended members of illegal left and anti-fascist groups in court, such as in the Craiova Trial in 1936, when he, in collaboration with Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu , pleaded for the defendants Ana Pauker , Alexandru Drăghici and Alexandru Moghioroș . During the Second World War he was imprisoned for his political activities, including in the camp in Târgu Jiu .

He began his political career in the ranks of the national liberal party Brătianus . Later he switched to the radical Junians party. In 1936 he became a member of the Romanian Communist Party . Maurer had been arrested and convicted twice for his fight against the fascization of Romania. In 1941 he was interned in the concentration camp in Târgu Jiu , but was soon released due to his good relations with President General Antonescu .

After the war, he became a member of the Central Committee of the KP, renamed the Romanian Workers' Party, and held various ministerial posts in the communist government of Romania . He supported the nationalist policies of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej and finally became Foreign Minister for two years in 1957 . He then became President of the National Assembly from January 11, 1958 to March 21, 1961 and was subsequently Prime Minister until March 29, 1974 , before retiring from public life.

In March 1989, he and Ion Iliescu signed a letter calling on Ceaușescu to pursue a more moderate policy. The letter was interpreted as treason by Ceaușescu, and the signatories, including Masons, were placed under house arrest. After the fall of Ceaușescu (December 1989), house arrest was lifted by the new regime. Ion Maurer died at the age of 97.


  • Lavinia Betea: Gheorghe Maurer - «aparător al comuniştilor» . In: Jurnalul Naţional, February 9, 2005

Web links

Commons : Ion Gheorghe Maurer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b , Ion Gheorghe Maurer
  2. ^ Dennis Deletant : Communist Terror in Romania . C. Hurst & Co., London 1999. p. 19.