Manfred Lehmann

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Manfred Lehmann in a speaker's booth, 2006

Manfred Lehmann (born January 29, 1945 in Berlin ) is a German actor and voice actor .


Manfred Lehmann played in German television productions, including several times in Tatort and in Ein Fall für Zwei . He has also been seen in international films, for example together with Lewis Collins and Klaus Kinski in Secret Code: Wild Geese and Command Leopard . Lehmann plays “Detective Summer” for the weekly ZDF consumer magazine WISO .

Lehmann became known to a wide audience through his work as a voice actor. He is the standard voice of Bruce Willis and Gérard Depardieu , and has dubbed Dolph Lundgren , Kurt Russell and James Woods, among others . He lent his voice once to Steven Seagal in The Patriot and twice to actor and comedian Bill Murray . He is also in commercials on radio and television - best known for the REWE - award ceremony , the hardware store Praktiker ( "20 percent off everything except pet food"), Navigon ( "Any questions?") Or Meda kitchens  - as well as in radio plays (e.g. in Jeff Wayne's music version of The War of the Worlds ) and documentaries. Some of the spots mentioned are shown on YouTube with a wink .

Lehmann lives in Berlin-Wilmersdorf . His daughter Dascha Lehmann , his son-in-law Dennis Schmidt-Foss and his granddaughter Dalia Mya Schmidt-Foss also work as voice actors.


Synchronous rollers (selection)

Bruce Willis

Cheech Marin

Dolph Lundgren

Gérard Depardieu

James Woods

Kurt Russell

Michael Madsen

Willem Dafoe



Video games

year game figure
1997 Broken Helix "Jake Burton"
1998 The settlers III "Helios"
1998 Apocalypse "Trey Kincaid (Bruce Willis)"
1998 Nightlong - A Union City Conspiracy "Joshua Reev"
1999 The Nomad Soul "Krill"
1999 Outcast "Cutter Slade"
2000 Battle Isle - The Andosia Conflict teller
2002 The thing "Blake"
2002 Neocron "Voice over of the German trailer"
2002 Die Hard - Die Hard: Vendetta "John McClane"
2003 nocturne "Stranger"
2004 Sacred gladiator
2004 The moment of silence "Peter Wright"
2005 Earth 2160 "Michael R. Falkner"
2008 The black eye: Drakensang "Knight Traldar"
2008 Mirror's Edge
2011 Duke Nukem Forever "Duke Nukem"
2011 Crysis 2 "Colonel Barclay"
2016 Dishonored 2: Legacy of the Mask "Corvo Attano"

Radio plays and features

Web links

Commons : Manfred Lehmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Lehmann speaks