German dubbing files

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German dubbing files
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On - line database of voice actors in film and television productions
operator Martin Schowanek
editorial staff Content: Martin Schowanek,
programming: Christopher Beppler
Registration No
On-line February 28, 1997 (currently active)

The German synchronous index is an online - database via voice actors in film - and television productions . It is listed as a scientific and freely accessible source of information in the database information system .


The German dubbing index is an advertising-financed online database in which (international) actors and their German-speaking voice actors are listed and - if known - the responsible dubbing company, the responsible dialogue director and the dialogue book author are named. The database enables searches for series, films, actors and voice actors. Every user can enter new data or correct incorrect entries without prior registration. These entries are checked as far as possible by the team before activation. However, there is no indication of the sources and thus the accuracy of the data. At the beginning of 2020, the database had over 700,000 entries according to its own presentation and is visited by an average of around 30,000 users per day (as of January 31, 2020).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. German synchronous index in the directory of the database information system. Retrieved May 18, 2016.
  2. Deutsche Synchronkartei - About Us In: Retrieved March 30, 2019.