Pyotr Romanovich Bagration

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Pyotr Bagration (1852)

Prince Pyotr Romanovich Bagration ( Russian : Пётр Романович Багратион ; * 12 September July / 24 September  1818 greg .; † 17 January July / 29 January  1876 greg. In Saint Petersburg ), son of Lieutenant General Roman Ivanovich Bagration (1778 –1834) and a nephew of the famous general Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration , was a lieutenant general in the Russian army ; since 1862 governor of Tver and since 1870 governor general of Courland , Livonia and Estonia .

He discovered a new fossil in the Akhmatov mineral mines near Zlatoust , which is named after him bagrationite .

Web links

Commons : Peter Bagrationi  - collection of images, videos and audio files