Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli

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Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli

Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli (born January 29, 1842 in Zurich ; † July 27, 1930 ibid) was a Swiss architect who worked in Germany from 1866 and in Zurich from 1881.


Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli was the son of the renowned legal scholar Johann Caspar Bluntschli . First he became a student of Gottfried Semper in Zurich. During his studies at the Zurich Polytechnic , he became a member of the Teutonia Landsmannschaft, later the Corps Frisia Karlsruhe . In 1863 he went to Florence , in 1864 to Paris to the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris and in 1866 to Heidelberg .

With Karl Jonas Mylius he had a successful office community in Frankfurt am Main from 1870 to 1881, which among other things won the architecture competition in 1876 for the new building of the Hamburg town hall . However, the planned construction was not implemented. In 1876, Bluntschli and Mylius built the Hotel Frankfurter Hof in Frankfurt . In addition, their plans for the Vienna Central Cemetery were carried out , on the western edge of which Mylius-Bluntschli-Straße reminds of both of them to this day.

Bluntschli was the builder of numerous magnificent buildings and castles. From 1881 to 1914 he was Semper's successor professor at the construction school of the Polytechnic (today: ETH ) in Zurich . In Zurich, the Reformed Church Enge is among many other buildings .

Bluntschlis grave, Sihlfeld cemetery , Zurich

Bluntschli's grave is in the Sihlfeld cemetery .

Works and drafts




  • Apprenticeship and traveling years of the architect Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli, 1842-1930: based on notes and letters left behind , edited by Hans Bluntschli (his son) (= New Year's Gazette for the Year for the Best of the Orphanage in Zurich , 109th item = No. 168). Beer, Zurich 1946, OCLC 610621042 (67 pages).
  • Bernd Altmann: My motto for life remains Renaissance: the architect Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli (1842–1930) , Trier 2004, DNB 971945209 (Dissertation University of Trier 2000. Full text , five PDF files: Part 1, Life and Work , 2.5 MB ; Part 2, catalog , 2.8 MB; Part 3, illustrations , 20 MB, parts 4 and 5, abstract and summary ).
  • Geraldine Ramphal: Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli and the construction of villas in the late 19th century: Dealing with historical building forms and decorations , Zurich 2006, OCLC 637424553 (Licensed thesis (thesis) University of Zurich 2006, 104 pages, speaker: Stanislaus von Moos).

Web links

Commons : Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Address list of the Weinheimer SC. Darmstadt 1928, p. 231.