Ferdinand Dessoir

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Ferdinand Dessoir (1889)

Ferdinand Dessoir (born January 29, 1836 in Breslau , † April 13, 1892 in Dresden ) was a German actor.

Dessoir was the son of the actor Ludwig Dessoir and his wife Therese Reimann . After finishing school he worked in agriculture for some time, but then also went to the stage. He became a drama student in Mannheim (internship at the Nationaltheater Mannheim ) and was able to make his debut at the Stadttheater Freiburg in 1852 as "Prince" in Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer's village and city . Dessoir spent the following four years almost exclusively on guest tours; rarely interrupted by longer engagements.

It was not until the autumn of 1856 that Dessoir was hired as Buffo at the Stettin City Theater until the end of 1857 . He then made a guest appearance at the Hoftheater Kassel and then went to the theater in Leipzig , where he remained a member of the ensemble until 1861.

In 1861 Dessoir married Jenny Jenke and went with her to the German Theater in Riga . A short time later he worked in Bremen. In 1863 he was brought to the Weimar State Theater as a director and actor for the first comic and serious character roles until 1864 . In the same function he worked there again from 1867/68. In between he had an engagement in Berlin .

In 1868 the theater director Theodor Lobe , a cousin , brought him to Breslau , where he stayed until the end of 1869. At the beginning of 1870 he moved to the Hofbühne in Dresden and stayed there until 1877. In that year Dessoir got a one-year engagement at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg . In 1878 he was entrusted with the management of the Dresden Residence Theater . Dessoir resigned from this position in the spring of 1880 when he was signed by the Deutsches Theater in Prague .

Works (selection)


  • Ludwig Eisenberg: Large biographical lexicon of the German theaters of the 19th century . List, Leipzig 1903, p. 184.
  • Walther Killy (term): German biographical encyclopedia . Saur, Munich 1990.

Individual evidence

  1. The DNB also states 1835 as a different date of birth.