Nekrolog 1726

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1726 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 2nd Domenico Zipoli Italian baroque composer and missionary 37
10. January Andreas Reveillas du Veyne Prussian lieutenant general of the cavalry, governor of the Peitz fortress
January 12th Ercole Turinetti de Prié Habsburg governor 67
January 18th Bartolomeo Laurenti Italian composer and violinist of the Baroque
21th January Kacper Bażanka Polish architect
21th January Franz Beer Austrian architect and builder 65
January 23 Friedrich Konrad Hiller German Protestant lawyer and hymn poet 74
January 24th Rowland Gwynne English nobleman and Welsh politician
January 25th Guillaume Delisle French cartographer 50
January 28th Marie-Elisabeth de Ludres Mistress of the French King Louis XIV.


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 2nd Joachim von Dale Lawyer and Councilor of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck, Privy Councilor of Commerce
3 February Alexis Littré French medic, surgeon, anatomist and university professor 67
February 9 Johann Friedrich Karcher German garden architect and builder 75
February 16 Franz building material Bohemian sculptor, carver, builder, carpenter and Jesuit
February 18 Jacques Carrey French painter and draftsman 77
February 18 Adam Mikołaj Sieniawski Polish nobleman, civil servant and general
February 26th Maximilian II Emanuel Elector of Bavaria, general governor of the Netherlands 63


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Alexander Magnus von der Marwitz Prussian major general 57
1st March Johann Abraham Mayer German medic 42
6th March Henriette Catharina von Gersdorff German religious poet, promoter of reform movements in the Protestant Church, promoter of Herrnhut and poet 77
March 11 Louis Camus Destouches French artillery officer
19th March Johann Adolf of Anhalt-Zerbst Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst 71
March, 20th Ulrich Junius German astronomer, geographer and mathematician 55
26th of March John Vanbrugh English baroque architect and playwright
27th of March Carlo Luigi Pietragrua Italian composer, conductor and choir director
March Friedrich Ferdinand Bawyr von Frankenberg Bergischer Pfennigmeister, Imperial Lieutenant General


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 1st Vicent Presiac Valencian composer, organist and choir master
4. April Bernhard Goeken German provost and prior general 65
April 5th Ludwig Babenstuber German Benedictine and professor at the Salzburg University
April 5th Zacharias Wolf German soldier in the service of Godfather, nobleman, fortress construction engineer, cartographer 59
12. April Eberhard Finen German Protestant theologian, abbot and Brunswick court preacher 57
12. April Vincenzo Olivicciani Italian singer (castrato, soprano) 79
April 13th Johannetta Antoinetta Juliana of Saxony-Eisenach Princess of Saxony-Eisenach and Duchess of Saxony-Weissenfels-Querfurt 28
April 13th Antonio Palomino de Castro y Velasco Spanish painter, art writer and clergyman
April 13th Friedrich I. Vitzthum of Eckstädt Saxon secret cabinet minister 51
April 18 Henriette Amalie of Anhalt-Dessau Princess of Nassau-Dietz, regent 59
April 24th Christian August of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf Protestant prince-bishop of the Lübeck bishopric 53
April 24th Johann Georg Leuckfeld Theologian, writer, historian and document collector 57
April 25 Benedikt Litwerig Abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Ossegg in Northern Bohemia
26th of April Jeremy Collier English clergyman 75
26th of April Johann Bernhard Friese German legal scholar 82


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
8th of May Catharina Christina von Ahlefeldt Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Glücksburg 38
May 13th Francesco Antonio Pistocchi Italian castrato and composer
May 19th Josef Anton Stranitzky Austrian actor and theater poet 49
May 21 Hermann Joachim Hahn Protestant preacher 46
28th of May Nikolaus Christoph Lyncker German legal scholar 83
May Christian Zickermann German Protestant pastor and historical researcher 53


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 4th Christian Thumb Austrian architect
June 7th Johann Georg Mohr Austrian baroque sculptor
June 12 Fabrizio Paolucci Italian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church 75
June 12 Johann Andreas Schmidt German Lutheran theologian and church historian 73
18th of June Michel-Richard Delalande French violinist and composer 68
18th of June Michel Farinel French violinist and Baroque composer 77
20th June Johann Arnold Barckhausen German legal scholar 74
June 22 George of Lilien Prussian lieutenant general, governor of Geldern 73
23rd June Johann Esaias von Rühle Mayor of Heilbronn 70
June 26th Lüder Mencke German lawyer 67
June 27th Johann Caspar Ripp German porcelain, faience and blue painter
June Titus Schröder German clergyman and theologian
June Michael Szembek Auxiliary Bishop in Krakow


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Charlotte von Hanau-Lichtenberg Wife of Landgrave Ludwig VIII of Hesse-Darmstadt 26th
3rd of July Anikita Ivanovich Repnin Field Marshal General of the Russian Army
5th July David Nerreter Lutheran theologian and general superintendent 77
July 6th Andreas Gottlieb von Bernstorff Chancellor in the service of the Principality of Lüneburg, Minister of the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg 77
16th of July Maximilian Wilhelm of Braunschweig and Lüneburg German soldier, Prince of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and Imperial Field Marshal 59
July 18th Franz Laubler German butcher and mercenary; Murderer of the Lutheran pastor Hermann Joachim Hahn from Dresden
20th of July Henri Jacques Nompar de Caumont French author and politician 51
20th of July Johann Dientzenhofer Bavarian builder of the baroque period 63
21 July Johannes du Buisson Prussian major general
July 25th Philibert-Charles de Pas de Feuquières French bishop 69
July 26th Filoteo Zassi Greek Catholic Titular Archbishop and Vicar Apostolic 72
July Gotthard Ploennies German lawyer, councilor in Lübeck 68


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 1st Gabriel Rühle German master carpenter and architect 68
8th August Auguste of Baden-Baden Princess of Baden, wife of the Duke of Orléans 21st
August 9 Nicholas II Bernoulli Swiss mathematician and lawyer 31
13 August Anthoni Schoonjans Flemish painter
15th of August Erich Melchior Lunde German Lutheran theologian and general superintendent 54
26th of August Robert Beverley American historian
29th August Johann Jacobi German ore caster 64
29th August Johann Adrian Slevogt German medic 72
August 30th Eleonore Wilhelmine of Anhalt-Koethen Princess of Anhalt-Köthen, through marriage successively Princess of Saxony-Merseburg and Duchess of Saxony-Weimar 30th


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 2nd Eleonore von Dönhoff Wife of the Brandenburg-Prussian Field Marshal Hans Albrecht von Barfus 51
September 3 Johann Christoph Weigel German engraver, art dealer and publisher in Nuremberg 65
5th September Bernd von der Marwitz Prussian major general and heir on leash 65
16th September Jakob Prandtauer Austrian baroque master builder 66
17th of September Louis Remy de la Fosse French architect who worked in Germany
September 18 Johann Eberhard von Droste zu Zützen Saxon general, commander of the Königstein Fortress 64


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
4th of October Johann Friedrich Olearius German legal scholar 47
9th October Johann Georg Judas Architect, court builder in the Electorate of Trier 87
9th October Casimir Wilhelm of Hessen-Homburg Prince of Hesse-Homburg 36
October 27 Johann Friedrich Bachoff from Echt German lawyer, court official and statesman 83
October 27 Franz de Gabrieli architect
October 27 John Stevens British translator, Romanist and Hispanicist
28th of October Felix Freywiller Swiss master stonemason of the baroque era
October 31 Johann Christoph von Ponickau Royal Polish and Electoral Saxon canon governor and chamberlain 74


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 4th Mannus Riedesel German master carpenter 64
November 6th Johann Burchard May German philologist and historian 74
November 13th Sophie Dorothea of ​​Braunschweig-Lüneburg Elector Princess of Hanover and (from 1714) de jure Queen of England 60
November 16 Giacomo del Pò Italian painter 71
November 27th Christoph Bernhard von Nagel General in Munster 61
November 28th Magdalena Sibylla of Saxony-Weissenfels by marriage to the Duchess of Saxony-Eisenach 53


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 1 Georg Andreas Kraft German baroque composer
December 4th Ernst Bogislav von Kameke Prussian Minister of State and General Post Director 51
December 5th Dominicus Geyer Abbot of the Cistercian monastery Grüssau 64
6th of December Maria Anna Lindmayr German Carmelite and mystic 69
10th of December Thomas Fritsch Publishing bookseller
December 14th François Dumont French baroque sculptor
December 17th Otto Curtius German pastor of Golzheim 73
December 18th Georg Wilhelm Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth 48
23rd of December Giovanni Battista Bussi Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal 69
December 31 Peter Kolb German teacher and ethnologist 51

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Antonio Bellucci Italian Rococo painter
Konstantin von Buttlar Prince Abbot of Fulda (1714–1726)
Margaret Clap English landlady, key figure in gay history
Johann Frisching Swiss officer and magistrate
Alessandro Gherardini Italian painter
Wolfgang Ludwig von Grünthal Nobleman, court war advisor from Baaden-Durlach and vice commandant of Pforzheim.
Muhammad Mubarak Khan I. Emir of Shikarpur (Pakistan)
Heinrich Rantzau Schleswig-Holstein criminal squire
Sultan Hosein Iranian Shah of the Safavid dynasty