Andreas Reveillas du Veyne

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Andreas Reveillas du Veyne (* 1653 in Dauphiné ; † January 10, 1726 in Peitz ) was a Prussian lieutenant general of the cavalry, head of the dragoons regiment named after him "du Veyne" and governor of the Peitz fortress .


Military career

Veyne entered French service in 1670 and rose to major . After the edict of Nantes was repealed , he was employed in Brandenburg in 1685. In 1688 he was a lieutenant colonel and on July 7, 1691 he became a colonel in the "Anspach" dragoon regiment .

After a successful company on the Rhine, Field Marshal Flemming praised him in a report to the court. The following year he was sent to Savoy as the Prussian representative . On December 2, 1704 he became a brigadier under Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau , and on January 6, 1705 Major General . He was in the siege of Lille and fought with the army of Marlborough . On March 27, 1713 he became lieutenant general of the cavalry and chief of his regiment. On October 13, 1717, he gave the regiment to Colonel Georg Joachim von der Wense and on January 1, 1722, he was appointed governor of the Peitz Fortress. In 1723 he bought the village and Vorwerk Hermsdorf (today part of the municipality of Münchehofe in the Dahme-Spreewald district ). He died in Peitz in 1726. He was buried at the Berlin Parochial Church .

In 1728 his widow sold the village and Vorwerk Hermsdorf to the “soldier king” Friedrich Wilhelm I , who thereby enlarged the Münchehofe office .


Veyne was married to Karoline-Maria von Mieg. She was the widow of the council Caspar Rademacher († 1706) and daughter of the privy councilor Karl von Mieg (1633–1664). The marriage remained childless.


  • Édouard de La Barre Duparcq: Études historiques et militaires sur la Prusse. Volume 2, digitized.
  • Jean Pierre Erman , Frédéric Reclam: Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des Réfugiés françois dans les Etats du roi. Volume 7, p. 256 f. Digitized.
  • Mme Alexandre de Chambrier: Henri de Mirmand et les réfugiés de la révocation de l'édit de Nantes. 1650-1721. P. 274. Digitized.
  • Kurt von Priesdorff : Soldier leadership . Volume 1, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, undated [Hamburg], undated [1937], DNB 367632764 , p. 82, no. 134.
  • Anton Balthasar König : Andreas Reveillas du Veyne . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military figures who made themselves famous in the Prussian service . tape 4 . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1791, p. 124 ( Andreas Reveillas du Veyne at Wikisource [PDF]).

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to: Günter Wegner, Dermot Bradley : The filling of positions of the active regiments, battalions and departments of the foundation or list up to August 26, 1939. P. 48.
  2. ^ Joachim Schölzel: Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg. Part IX Beeskow-Storkow. 334 p., Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1989 ISBN 3-7400-0104-6 (p. 109–111)