Benedikt Litwerig

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Benedikt Simon Litwerig SOCist (* 1655 in Wogau , Bohemia ; † April 25, 1726 in Ossegg , Bohemia) was an abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Ossegg in northern Bohemia.


After his ordination he became provost of the women's monastery Mariensaal in Altbrno and philosophy professor in Prague. Abbot in 1699 he became Vicar General for Bohemia. Shortly after being elected abbot in 1691, Benedikt Litwerig started implementing a construction plan for the redesign of the Ossegg Abbey. While his predecessor Laurentius Scipio had to be content with the partial restoration or maintenance of the building, Litwerig pursued a comprehensive concept. The relatively quick start of construction after Scipio's death suggests that Litwerig worked out the plan or had it worked out during the lifetime of his (sick) predecessor, in order to take it out of the drawer and implement it after his abbot. Significantly, the ›economist‹ and Cistercian abbot began building new farm buildings and not the church, the construction of which was only started 20 years later.

In 1726 Benedikt Litwerig died in Ossegg, where he was buried in a side chapel of the Ossegg monastery church.


  • Mario Feuerbach: The Cistercian monastery Ossegg. Building history and design from its foundation in 1196 to 1691 . Aachen 2009. ISBN 3-8107-9306-X ; ISBN 978-3-8107-9306-5 .
  • Mario Feuerbach: The Osek Monastery, the pilgrimage site of Mariánské Radčice and the Cistercians. Klášter Osek, Poutní Místo Mariánské Radčice a Cisterciáci, Litvínov 2012. ISBN 978-80-7382-151-7 .
  • MR Treuhan: Benedikt Simon Littwerig. Abbot of the Cistercian monastery Ossegg from 1691-1726, in: Erzgebirgszeitung 59 (1938), pp. 37–39.
  • Benedikt Littwerig in Biographia Cisterciensis (Cistercian Biography)