Francesco Maria Avellino

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Francesco Maria Avellino (born August 14, 1778 in Naples , † March 9, 1850 ibid) was an Italian classical archaeologist .

life and work

Francesco Maria Avellino, whose father worked as an architect in Naples, was one of the most versatile scientists of his time. He was a lawyer, economist , poet, archaeologist , numismatist , epigraphist , philologist and Graecist .

In his hometown Avellino first studied law, then archeology in Rome , where he met Zoëga , Marini and d'Agincourt, among others . He was first employed in the civil service back to Naples, but soon had at the city's University successively held several chairs. First he was professor of Greek literature from March 1815 . 1809–1815 he had worked as a tutor for Murat's children . After the latter fall, he worked again as a successful lawyer, but also retained his chair. From 1820 he was professor of political economy and finally of Roman law at the University of Naples . He also became a member of the Supreme Council for Public Education and was President of the Accademia della Crusca and since 1832 permanent secretary of the Accademia Ercolanese . The Bavarian Academy of Sciences elected him to its external member in 1842.

Avellino achieved fame primarily through his archaeological and numismatic work. Between 1808 and 1814 he published a catalog of Italian coins. In 1820 he was commissioned to catalog the rich coin collection of the Museo Borbonico . In addition to contributions to the magnificent Real Museo Borbonico , begun in 1824 , he provided numerous treatises for the Accademia Ercolanese and the Accademia delle scienze , and since 1835 for the Società Pontaniana as well .

In 1832 Avellino published a work on archeology with Progresso , in which he advocated new methods. In 1843 he founded the Bullettino archeologico Napoletano ( Neapolitan Archaeological Bulletin ) and published six volumes by 1848. In 1839, after the death of Michele Arditi, he became director of the Museo Borbonico in Naples and at the same time director of excavations in Pompeii until 1850 . He particularly distinguished himself with his analyzes of the findings. With the lecture Osservazioni sopra alcune iscrizioni e disegni graffiti sulle mura di Pompei , which he gave to the Accademia Ercolanese in 1840 , he established the use of a new genre of sources, graffiti . Avellino was also the namesake of this type of source and the first person to ever use the word.

On March 5, 1882, during a laudation given by Luigi Landolfi, a bust in honor of Avellino was erected in Castel Capuano . In 1843 he became a knight of the order Pour le mérite for sciences and arts . From 1812 he was a corresponding member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences .

Other works (selection)

  • In Ariadnes Augustae numum aureum anecdotum commentarius. Morelli, Naples 1804, ( digitized version ).
  • M. Accii Plauti Capteivei. With comment. Morelli, Naples 1807, ( digitized version ).
  • as editor: Italiae veteris numismata. 3 volumes (Vol. 1–2; Suppl.). Sangiacomo, Naples 1808-1811-1814, ( digitized volume 1 ).
  • Elogio di Fedele Fenaroli. Trani, Naples 1818.
  • Opuscoli diversi. 3 volumes. Tramater, Naples 1826-1833-1836, (digital copies: Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 ).
  • Osservazioni del Cav. FM Avellino sopra una epigrafe del Real Museo Borbonico, nella quale si fa menzione di Eprio Marcello, console ed oratore. Stamperia Reale, Naples 1831, ( digitized version ).
  • In Francisci Carellii numorum veterum Italiae descriptionem adnotationes. Tramater, Naples 1834, ( digitized version ).
  • Dell'aes grave del Museo Kircheriano. Articoli due. Puccinelli, Rome 1839, ( digitized version ).
  • Descrizione di una casa disotterata in Pompei 1832, 1833 et 1834. La seconda alle spalle del tempio della Fortuna Augusta con ingresso sulla strada che volgesi verso la porta della di Nola. Con un 'appendice su taluni dischi marmorei figurati. Real Tipografia, Naples 1840, ( digitized ).
  • Conghietture sopra un 'iscrizione sannitica. Stamperia Reale, Naples 1841, ( digitized version ).
  • Osservazioni sopra alcune iscrizioni e disegni graffiti sulle mura di Pompei. Stamperia Reale, Naples 1841, ( digitized version ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Member entry of Francesco Maria Avellino at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences , accessed on December 16, 2016.
  2. ^ Members of the previous academies. Francesco Maria Avellino. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, accessed on February 10, 2015 .