Heinrich Martin Thümmig

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Heinrich Martin Thümmig (born June 5, 1693 in Münchsteinach , † March 23, 1778 in Steben ) was a German Protestant theologian .


The son of the preacher Johann Valentin Thümmig, who later held a pastor's position in Steben, received his first training from his father. In 1708 he became a pupil of the grammar school in Hof (Saale) , where the rector at the time, Johann Joseph Seyler, had a positive influence on his scientific education. In 1712 he went to the University of Jena , stayed in the house of Jesaias Friedrich Weissenborn (1673–1750) and attended lectures at the theological faculty.

He rejected the plan to pursue an academic lectureship in order to support his father in his office. In 1718 he was an adjunct of his father, after his death in 1733 pastor in Steben and later senior of the church district in Hof. He died after he was retired. Of his few writings, one on the temperament of Martin Luther gained some significance in the history of the Reformation.


  • Commentatio. de temperamento Lutheri, ex ipsius, ut et Reformationis historia illustrata, firmisque testimoniis adornata. Chur 1717.
  • Observationes physicae, de acidulis Stebensibus. Chur 1722.
  • Vindiciae cultus Dei publici, qui in templis peragitur, iuxta praxin Ecclefiae… Evangelicae receptam. Chur 1724.
  • Generous Moses, or illustration of a true Christian in practice. Jena 1730.
  • The process of divine temptation between Christ and the Cananaean woman proceeded, explained from the story of Matthew XV, 21-28, reinforced with the most emphatic passages and backed by exquisite testimonies from the church fathers. Jena 1732.
  • Letter to Joh. Ad. Küffner - whether it is in accordance with Christianity to accept public honorary offices with the honorary titles associated with them? Court 1734.


  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1815, p. 65, ( online ).
  • Heinrich Doering : The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Verlag Johann Karl Gottfried Wagner, 1835, Neustadt an der Orla, Vol. 4, p. 487, ( online ).
  • Klemens Alois Baader : Lexicon of deceased Bavarian writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Verlag Jenisch & Stage, Augsburg-Leipzig, 1825, Volume 2, Part 2, ( online ), p. 206.