Christian Ludwig Bachmann

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Christian Ludwig Bachmann (born September 24, 1763 in Schwarza , † December 28, 1813 in Kulmbach ) was a German medic and music writer.


Christian Ludwig Bachmann was the son of the cantor Johannes Bachmann (born October 27, 1738 in Albrechts ; † unknown).

After attending school in Schleusingen (today: Hennebergisches Gymnasium "Georg Ernst" ) from 1775, he attended the University of Leipzig in 1783 and became a preacher . For health reasons, however, he then studied medicine at the University of Erlangen , received his doctorate on September 25, 1792 and then became a general practitioner in Erlangen ; around 1797 he settled in Kulmbach. Due to the large number of French prisoners, he came to the Plassenburg Fortress as a hospital doctor in 1795 and shortly afterwards became a rural and urban physician in Kulmbach.

He wrote the draft for lectures on the theory of music, insofar as it is necessary and useful for lovers of the same , in which he dealt with the explanations of Johann Nikolaus Forkel . Shortly afterwards, he published his dissertation in Latin in German.

Christian Ludwig Bachmann was married to Henriette Dorothea (née Wipprecht) (born August 6, 1765 in Bayreuth; † January 15, 1816 in Kulmbach) in Bayreuth since February 21, 1796 . They had a son together:

  • Eduard Bachmann (born November 19, 1804 in Kulmbach; † May 16, 1860 in Münchberg ), dean in Münchberg, married to Emilie Barbara (1811–1863), daughter of Kraft Ernst Kiderlin and Barbara Dorothea Dietrich.

Fonts (selection)


Web links

Christian Ludwig Bachmann . In: Bavarian Musicians Lexicon Online (BMLO).

Individual evidence

  1. The life of Eduard Bachmann. Digital Library - Munich Digitization Center, 1885, accessed on November 28, 2019 .