Carlo Hommel

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Carlo Hommel (born September 24, 1953 in Bissen ; † March 8, 2006 ) was a Luxembourg organist .

He received his first organ lessons from his father. At the age of twelve he became an organist in his home village of Bissen, with which he remained connected all his life. After high school , he has been at the Music Academy in Liege (Conservatoire de Liège) at Hubert Schoonbroodt studied. At the age of only 22 he became his assistant at the music academies in Brussels and Liège. He was also titular organist in the parish church of Ettelbrück (1975-1987) and cotitular organist in the Benedictine Abbey of Clervaux (1979-1987)

In 1987, due to a competition, Homel succeeded Albert Leblanc as titular organist in the Luxembourg Cathedral (cathedral organist); he held this office until his unexpected death.

Carlo Hommel was a founding member of the Amis de l'Orgue Luxembourg , a member of the Institut Grand-Ducal and director of the Madrigal de Luxembourg choir and the choral schools "Misericordias" and "Schola Willibrordiana". Over 60 organs have been built or restored under his leadership.

Carlo Hommel had a particular fondness for Gregorian chant , which he cultivated both at concerts and at masses. He has participated in a number of radio and CD recordings.

Carlo Hommel died unexpectedly on the evening of March 8, 2006 at the age of only 52 as a result of an unrecognized meningitis .

In July 2006, his former student Paul Breisch was appointed as his successor.


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