Gerhard (also: Gerhardt, abbreviated: Gerd, Gert, Gertschi and Geri) is a male given name and family name .
Origin and meaning of the name
- Old High German ( ger = " spear "; harti = "hard", "strong")
Gerhard can be interpreted as "sattelfest" (hard - firm), thus: "the strong spear", "bold, accurate javelin thrower", "the bold with the spear", "brave hunter with a spear", "pointed spear".
The spread of the name Gerhard increased in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. From the mid-1910s to the mid-1930s, he was one of the ten most common boy names of each year. Its popularity fell sharply in the 1960s, and since the 1970s, boys have hardly been called Gerhard.
name day
Possible name days are:
- January 27: after Blessed Gerhard, Abbot of Kremsmünster († January 27, 1050)
- earlier January 30th, now June 14th: after Blessed Gerhard von Clairvaux (treasurer) , a nobleman and Cistercian monk , brother of Bernhard von Clairvaux († 1138)
- March 8: after Blessed Gerhard von Clairvaux (abbot) , a martyr and Cistercian abbot († around 1177)
- April 23: after St. Gerhard , Bishop of Toul († April 23, 994)
- September 24th: after St. Gérard von Csanád , Bishop of Csanád († September 24th 1046)
- October 16: after St. Gerhard Majella , († October 16, 1755)
male: Gard, Garrit, Geert , Gehre, Gerd, Gerhardt, Gerhart, Gerit, Gero, Gerrit , Gerrith, Gerry, Gert, Gherhard, Gherardo, Jerrit
Short form: also Hardy, Austrian (colloquial): Hartl, Geri, Gerli ( First name)
Family names : Gerhard, Gerhardy, Gerdes , Geerdes , Gertz
Dutch | Geert, Geeraard, Geerd, Gerrit, Gert |
Low German | Gerke, Gehrke, Gericke |
English | Garrett and Garret , Jerrard , Gerrard, Gerard , Jerry |
Esperanto | Gerardo |
Spanish | Gerardo, Giraldo (as a family name) |
French | Gérard and Gerard ; Girard |
Italian | Gerardo ;, Gherardi and Gherardini |
Latin | Giraldus |
Gallic | Xerardo |
Catalan | Gerard, Guerau, gray |
Basque | Kerarta |
Icelandic | Geirharður |
Hungarian | Gellért (also as a saint's name ) |
Lower Franconian | Gerrit |
German | Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gerhart, Gehrhardt |
In Norway and Sweden, "Gerd" is a female given name, see also Gerda (mythology)
Name bearer
- Gerhard von Bevar (before 1280–1318), Bishop of Constance
- Gerhard von Brussels (lat. Gerardus Bruxellensis ), geometer and philosopher
- Gerhard von Cremona (1114–1187), translator, deacon, teacher
- Gerhard von Ennstal († 1284), Bishop of Lavant
- Gerhard von Grafschaft († 1249), Abbot of Werden and Helmstedt
- Gerhard von Hoya (Verden) , Bishop of Verden
- Gerhard von Malberg (* before 1200–1246), Grand Master of the Teutonic Order
- Gerhard von der Mark (1220–1272), Bishop of Münster
- Gerhard von Passau († 946), Bishop of Passau
- Gerhard von Ruppin , auxiliary bishop in the diocese of Cammin
- Gerhard von Sabbioneta (13th century), astronomer and astrologer
- Gerhard Sasso , Grand Master of the Order of Malta
- Gerhard von Seeon , Benedictine, abbot of the Seeon monastery
- Gerhard von Sileto (Silteo), monk and astronomer of the 13th century
- Gerhard von Steterburg († 1209), chronicler and provost
- Gerhard von Vianden († 1212), abbot of Prüm and abbot of the twin abbeys of Stavelot-Malmedy
- Master Gerhard († 1260), Cologne cathedral builder
Ruler's name
- Gerhard (Lothringen) (around 1030–1070), Lord of Châtenois and Duke of Lothringen, also Gerhard of Alsace
- Gerhard (Durbuy) (1223 – around 1303), Count of Durbuy and Lord of Roussy
- Gerhard von der Mark zu Hamm (around 1387–1461), regent of the county of Mark
- Gerhard I. (Jülichgau) , Count (1003-1029)
- Gerhard I of Cambrai († 1051), Roman Catholic bishop
- Gerhard I. von Oldenburg-Wildeshausen († 1219), Bishop of Osnabrück and Archbishop of Bremen
- Gerhard I. (Holstein-Itzehoe) , Count (1239–1290)
- Gerhard I von Dhaun († 1259), Prince Archbishop of Mainz
- Gerhard I. (Berg) , Count of Berg and Ravensberg (1348–1360)
- Gerhard I. (Vaudémont) , Count, also Gerhard of Alsace
- Gerhard I. (Geldern) is: Gerhard III. from Wassenberg
- Gerhard I. Chamberlain of Worms (around 1200–1248)
- Gerhard II. (Jülichgau) , Count (1029-1081)
- Gerhard II (Geldern) , Count (1129–1131)
- Gerhard II. (Holstein-Plön) , Count (1290-1312)
- Gerhard II von Eppstein (around 1230–1305), Elector of Mainz
- Gerhard II. (Berg) , Duke of Berg, Jülich and Ravensberg (1428–1475)
- Gerhard II zur Lippe († July 27, 1258), archbishop
- Gerhard II von Goch († 1422), bishop of Naumburg from 1409 to 1422
- Gerhard III. (Jülich) , Count (1081–1114)
- Gerhard III. von Wassenberg , Graf (1096–1129)
- Gerhard III. (Geldern) , Count (1182–1207)
- Gerhard III. (Holstein-Rendsburg) , Count and Duke of Schleswig (1304–1340)
- Gerhard III. (Hoya) , Count (1324-1383)
- Gerhard III. von Hoya (* around 1360; † 1398), from December 1397 to January 1398 Bishop of Minden
- Gerhard III. von Hoya (Bremen) († 1463), Archbishop of Bremen from 1442 to 1463
- Gerhard IV. (Jülich) , Count (1114–1127)
- Gerhard IV. (Geldern) , Count (1207–1229)
- Gerhard IV. (Holstein-Plön) , Count (1312–1323)
- Gerhard IV. (Oldenburg) , Count (1450–1500)
- Gerhard V. (Eppstein) , (* unknown; † after 1294)
- Gerhard V. (Jülich) , Count (1127–1138)
- Gerhard V. (Holstein-Plön) , Count (1323-1350)
- Gerhard VI. (Jülich) , Count (1138–1142)
- Gerhard VI. (Holstein-Rendsburg) , Count (1382–1404)
- Gerhard VII. (Jülich) , Count (1297–1328)
- Gerhard VII. (Holstein) , Count and Duke of Schleswig (1427–1433)
First name
Form Gerhard
- Gerhard Berger (* 1959), Austrian racing driver
- Gerhard Cromme (* 1943), German group manager
- Gerhard Delling (* 1959), German sports journalist
- Gerhard Domagk (1895–1964), German pathologist and bacteriologist, Nobel Prize winner
- Gerhard Dongus (* 1937), German actor, news anchor and presenter
- Gerhard Friedle , known as DJ Ötzi (* 1971), Austrian singer and entertainer
- Gerhard Garbers (* 1942), German actor
- Gerhard Glogowski (* 1943), German politician (SPD), Prime Minister of Lower Saxony
- Gerhard Hilbrecht (1915–1996), German athlete
- Gerhard Höllerich , known as Roy Black (1943–1991), German pop singer and actor
- Gerhard Kießling (1922–2017), German ice hockey coach
- Gerhard Klarner (1927–1990), German news anchor
- Gerhard Konzelmann (1932–2008), German journalist and author
- Gerhard Löwenthal (1922–2002), German journalist and television presenter
- Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder (1933–2015), German sports official and politician (CDU)
- Gerhard Polt (* 1942), German cabaret artist and actor
- Gerhard Schick (* 1972), German politician (Alliance 90 / The Greens)
- Gerhard Schröder (1910–1989), German politician (CDU), Federal Minister
- Gerhard Schröder (* 1944), German politician (SPD), Federal Chancellor
- Gerhard Sommer (* 1921), German war criminal, SS member
- Gerhard Stoltenberg (1928–2001), German politician (CDU), Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein and Federal Minister
- Gerhard Strack (politician) (1911–1977), German politician (SPD), MdL
- Gerhard Strack (1955–2020), German soccer player, see Gerd Strack
- Gerhard Weiser (1931–2003), German politician (CDU), state minister
- Gerhard Wendland (1916–1996), German pop singer
- Gerhard Widder (* 1940), German local politician (SPD), Lord Mayor of Mannheim
Short form Gerd
- Gerd Antes (* 1949), German mathematician, biometrician
- Gerd Baltus (1932–2019), German actor
- Gerd Böttcher (1936–1985), German pop singer
- Gerd Dais (* 1963), German soccer player
- Gerd Dessel (1930-2010), German politician (SPD)
- Gerd Dudenhöffer (* 1949), German cabaret artist
- Gerd Gies (* 1943), German politician (CDU), Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt
- Gerd Grabowski , known as GG Anderson (* 1949), German composer, music producer and pop singer
- Gerd Jauch (1924–2007), German television presenter and television journalist
- Gerd Müller (* 1945), German soccer player
- Gerd Müller (* 1955), German politician (CSU), Federal Minister
- Gerd Rubenbauer (* 1948), German sports reporter and television presenter
- Gerd Ruge (* 1928), German journalist
- Gerd von Rundstedt (1875–1953), German Wehrmacht officer, Field Marshal General in World War II
- Gerd Silberbauer (* 1953), German actor
- Gerd Sonnleitner (* 1948), German farmer and agricultural functionary
- Gerd Weinmann (* 1962), German soccer player
- Gerd Wiltfang (1946–1997), German show jumper
- Gerd Zewe (* 1950), German soccer player
family name
- Adele Gerhard (1868–1956), German writer
- Alexandra Gerhard-García (* 1974), German-Venezuelan drummer and doctor
- Andrea Gerhard (* 1983), German actress
- Anselm Gerhard (* 1958), German musicologist
- Anton Gerhard (1855–1935), German printer and newspaper publisher
- Anton Meyer-Gerhard (1868–1947), German lawyer and colonial official
- Carl Abraham Gerhard (1738–1821), German mineralogist
- Christian August Gerhard (1745–1817), German organ builder
- Christopher Gerhard (* 1967), German athlete and automobile racing driver
- Clemens Gerhard (* 1967), German actor
- David Gottfried Gerhard (1734–1809), German Protestant clergyman
- Dietrich Gerhard (1896–1985), German historian
- Eduard Gerhard (1795–1867), German archaeologist
- Frank Gerhard (1966–2015), German politician
- Franz Gerhard (? –1955), German newspaper publisher
- Friedrich Gerhard (1884–1950), German equestrian
- Fritz Christian Gerhard (1911–1993), German music teacher and composer
- Georgine Gerhard (1886–1971), Swiss teacher and women's rights activist
- Gustav Adolf Gerhard (1878–1918), German classical philologist and papyrologist
- Hans Gerhard (1888–1978), German politician (FDP), Member of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Hans Ferdinand Gerhard (1868–1930), writer, archivist and local history researcher
- Heidi Gerhard (* 1941), German sprinter
- Hermann Paul Gerhard (1827–1881), German lawyer and politician, MdR
- Hieronymus Gerhard (1518–1574), statesman from Württemberg
- Hubert Gerhard (1540/1550 – around 1620), Flemish sculptor
- Johann Gerhard (theologian) (1582–1637), German theologian
- Johann Gerhard (bailiff) (1781–1858), Baden bailiff
- Johann Gerhard (physician) (1599–1657), German doctor and university lecturer
- Johann Carl Ludewig Gerhard (1768–1835), German mining captain
- Johann Christian Adam Gerhard (1780–1837), German organ builder
- Johann Conrad Gerhard (1720–1808), German-Russian hydraulic engineer
- Johann Ernst Gerhard the Elder (1621–1668), German theologian
- Johann Ernst Gerhard the Younger (1662–1707), German theologian
- Jürgen Gerhard (1947), German painter
- Justinus Ehrenfried Gerhard (around 1710–1786), German organ builder
- Karl Gerhard (actually Karl Johnson ; 1891–1964), Swedish theater producer and songwriter
- Karl Theodor Christian Gerhard (1773–1841), Silesian theologian and poet
- Konstanze Gerhard (* 1961), German LGBT activist
- Kirsten Gerhard , German journalist and news anchor
- Ludwig Gerhard (around 1680–1738), German theologian and teacher
- Marcel Gerhard (* 1955), Swiss motorcycle racer
- Martin Gerhard , German singer
- Melitta Gerhard (1891–1981), American literary historian of German origin
- Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Gerhard (1838–1929), Russian Governor General of Finland
- Nina Gerhard (* 1974), German singer, lyricist, composer and speaker
- Oskar Gerhard (1826–1895), German philologist and high school teacher
- Paul Gerhard (entrepreneur) (1898–1967), German entrepreneur
- Peter Gerhard (1907–1994), Austrian actor
- Reimund Gerhard (* 1952), German physicist and university professor
- Robert Gerhard (1896–1970), Spanish composer
- Siegfried Gerhard , German patrician
- Siggi Gerhard (* 1930), German jazz musician
- Similde Gerhard (1830–1903), German writer
- Tatjana Gerhard (* 1974), Swiss painter
- Till Gerhard (* 1971), German painter and artist
- Ute Gerhard (sociologist) (* 1939), German sociologist and university professor
- Ute Gerhard (actress) (* 1947), German actress
- Wilfried Gerhard (* 1940), German Protestant theologian and social scientist
- Wilhelm Gerhard (1780–1858), German poet
See also
- Gellért
- Gerd
- Gerhard (organ builder) , German family of organ builders
- Gerhardt
- Gerhart
- Gerts
- Gehrts
- Gerdts
- Gerhardi
- Gerhardy
- Quartet Gerhard
- List of all Wikipedia articles whose title begins with Gerardo
Individual evidence
- ↑ Gerhard . (English)
- ↑ Statistics on "Popular first names"
- ↑ a b c d Jakob Torsy, Hans-Joachim Kracht: The big name day calendar . Herder, Freiburg 2003.
- ^ Gerhard B. Winkler : Gerhard v. Clairvaux . In: Walter Kasper (Ed.): Lexicon for Theology and Church . 3. Edition. tape 4 . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1995, Sp. 509 .