Gerhard (Durbuy)

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Coat of arms of Gerhard of Durbuy

Gerhard von Durbuy (* 1223 ; † around 1303) was Count of Durbuy and Lord of Roussy .

He was the fourth and youngest son of Walram IV , Duke of Limburg and Count of Luxembourg and his second wife, Ermesinde of Luxembourg .

Before 1259 he married Mechthilde von Kleve , the daughter of Dietrich von Kleve , Lord von Dinslaken , and Elisabeth von Brabant . They had at least eight daughters:


  • Friedrich Toepfer: Supplements X. Gerhard Graf von Luxemburg, Herr zu Durbuy . In: ders. (Ed.): Document book for the history of the royal and baronial house of the Voegte von Hunolstein , Vol. I. Jacob Zeiser, Nuremberg 1866, pp. 329–331 ( Google Books )

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