Johann Carl Ludewig Gerhard

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Johann Carl Ludewig Gerhard (born January 23, 1768 in Berlin ; † June 6, 1835 there ) was a Prussian mining captain .


Gerhard studied at the Bergakademien Berlin , founded by his father Carl Abraham Gerhard , and Freiberg . In 1789 he came to the Oberbergamt in Rothenburg, Prussia, as assessor and chief driver , and in 1792 was promoted prematurely to vice chief miner and mountain ridge . As Supreme bergmeister he traveled 1,793 Silesian area and 1801 the Sayn-old Westphalian Kirchner and mountain areas. On the basis of his excellent reports and suggestions for improvement, he was appointed in 1806 as the secret upper mountain ridge to head the magdeburg-half-city upper mining office. In 1806/07, Gerhard set up the mining administration for the newly founded Kingdom of Westphalia . In 1810 he succeeded his father in office as the Prussian chief miner and head of the Prussian mining, metallurgy and salt works . In the wars of liberation and in the peace that followed, his achievements in the mining, metallurgy and salt works were outstanding. He is primarily responsible for the development of lead and coal mining in Upper Silesia , the Siegen Eisenstein mining and steel production there, as well as the Saarbrücken coal mining. All contemporaries praise Gerhard's modest reserve and his amiable nature.

Gerhard's daughter Luise married the geologist Heinrich von Dechen , his other daughter Caroline married the Prussian mining captain Karl von Oeynhausen .


A coal seam in Upper Silesia, a tunnel and a bridge in Rüdersdorf bear his name . In honor of Gerhard, the unified Bauernwald-Großwald mine , later called the Luisenthal mine, was named Gerhard mine in 1821 . A memorial plaque on the family home in Berlin-Mitte , Neue Grünstraße 27. The eleven- axis three-storey plastered building was erected in 1790 by the architect Carl Gotthard Langhans , commemorating Gerhard's father, Carl Abraham Gerhard . The son's family lived there too.
