Oskar Gerhard

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Oskar Gerhard (born September 14, 1826 in Strehlitz , Oels district , Lower Silesia ; † July 17, 1895 in Bonn ) was a German high school teacher.


Gerhard's father was the Strehlitzer pastor Ernst Heinrich Gerhard († 1840). From Easter 1836 to Easter 1842 he attended the Elisabet-Gymnasium (Breslau) , then until Michaelis 1845 the Latina in Halle . After graduating from high school, he studied philology at the Friedrichs University in Halle . In 1846 - in the middle of the progress  - he and Oskar Schade and Samuel Dörr were among the founders of what would become the Corps Normannia-Halle . After three years in Halle, Michaelis moved to the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn in 1848 . On June 19, 1850 he was promoted to Dr. phil.PhD. On July 5th he passed the exam pro facultate docendi before the scientific examination board . He completed his probationary year at the Bonn grammar school . At the same time he was employed on an interim basis at the Royal University Library in Bonn to prepare part of the systematic catalog . From July 1, 1852 to Michaelis 1852 he was at the Kgl. High school in Essen provisionally employed. From Easter 1855 to Easter 1862 he was a full teacher at the Siegen secondary school, which later became the Am Löhrtor high school . At Easter 1862 he came to the Wetzlar grammar school as a senior teacher . From there he went to Michaelis in 1869 as a senior teacher and professor at the Knight Academy (Liegnitz) , where he retired Michaelis in 1883. He was still editor-in-chief of the Hallische Zeitung and, in 1886, editor in Bonn. Like many contemporaries, he dealt with the Sedan Battle and the dispute over the Victoria Altar .


  • The dispute over the altar of Victoria. An episode in the history of the struggle of paganism with Christianity in Rome. Depicted according to the sources . Victories 1860.
  • Victors and vanquished by Sedan. Ceremonial address given on September 2, 1882 . O. Heinze, Liegnitz 1883.
  • The women in Prussia's history . Siegen 1862. GoogleBooks
  • The founding of Normannia zu Halle in the storm of progress [1845–1848] , written down in 1894, ed. by Karl Stukenbrock. Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corporate Student History Research, Vol. 2 (1957), pp. 23-29.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 60/3
  2. Dissertation: De Aristarcho Aristophanis interprete .
  3. Kössler's teacher lexicon
  4. Hallische newspaper (archivportal-d.de)
  5. Siegen Realschule program