Senior teacher

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Senior teacher is an official title for teachers . Colloquially, the word is also used derogatory in the sense of “ know-it-all ”.

Designation in Germany

"Oberlehrer" was an official title for teachers after their first promotion that was widespread in elementary and secondary schools in almost all German-speaking countries until the 20th century. In Prussia , this official title was replaced in 1918 by the character titleStudienrat ”, which then became generally accepted for high school teachers in the other German states .

In the Federal Republic of Germany , the official title of "senior teacher" was abolished in general school service through a reform of the federal pay system. Oberlehrer had previously been a promotion office for school teachers at secondary schools, secondary schools, special schools and vocational schools ( senior secondary school teacher, senior secondary school teacher, senior secondary school teacher, senior vocational school teacher). The promotion to senior teacher is now only possible for technical teachers (technical school teachers) and in the police force . This gives them a promotion office of the grade A 10 to A 11. For example, in the career of the higher technical college service at the Bundeswehr technical schools there is still the service and official title "Fachschuloberlehrer".

In Bavaria there is still the promotion office "Realschuloberlehrer" in A 14, who are assigned to the ministerial representatives for the Realschulen as clerks (currently eight officers), as well as to the riot police with the official designation Police Realschuloberlehrer .

In the judicial service there are still senior teachers today who can generally demonstrate training as primary, secondary or secondary school teachers. Senior teachers in the prison service are in grade A 13.

In the GDR , “senior teacher” was not an official title, but an honorary title awarded by the state . It was awarded to teachers who, in addition to their technical qualifications, did active social work in the sense of the socialist state ideology and were often members of the SED . As an honorary title of this kind, the designations "Oberstudienrat" or "Oberstudiendirektor" were awarded.

Official title in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the term “senior teacher” has not been in use since the late 19th century.

Official title in Austria

In Austria, the title is still used by tenured teachers.

Swear word

In the figurative sense, a “head teacher” is a person who, in the opinion of the speaker, behaves as a know-it-all . The term “schoolmaster” is also used for this behavior. Teachers liked to be objects of caricaturists .

Individual evidence

  1. Appendix 1 Bavarian Salary Act of August 5, 2010, GVBl 2010, p. 410 ( online ).
  2. Teachers in prison
  3. Birgit Wolf: Language in the GDR. A dictionary. de Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-11-016427-2 , p. 159.