Gerd Baltus

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Gerhard "Gerd" Baltus (born March 29, 1932 in Bremen ; † December 13, 2019 in Hamburg ) was a German actor as well as radio play and audio book speaker .


During his law studies , Gerd Baltus made his film debut in a small role in 1952 . In 1953 he received his first theater engagement under Gustaf Gründgens in Hamburg without any acting training ; In 1956 he moved to Bonn , then to Berlin and Munich . From 1959 to 1966 he was a member of the Münchner Kammerspiele ensemble . For a while, Baltus was a member of the Hamburg Thalia Theater . In the mid-1970s, however, he gave up theater work in favor of television .

Baltus had his breakthrough there with a total of four appearances in the television series Der Kommissar . He became known to a wide audience as a regular guest in other crime series such as Derrick , Der Alte or in Tatort in the First . The actor was often cast for difficult, brooding and obscure loners or psychopathic characters. He also had leading roles in the short series PS - Stories about Cars 1975 , in the ZDF series Kara Ben Nemsi Effendi and in the family saga Lorentz and Sons , where he stood in front of the camera with Ernst Schröder and Hans Korte . In addition to Wolfgang Fierek and Ottfried Fischer , he played the mayor Donatius Domberger in the series Ein Bayer auf Rügen . In the TV series Now even more! he embodied the judge Dr. Heribert Koch. In 1989, he played the journalist Klaus Bardusch in the series With Body and Soul , starring Günter Strack as the main actor . Most recently he worked for ARD; between 1996 and 2009 in four episodes of the previous evening series Großstadtrevier , in 2008 in one episode of the hospital series In allerfreund .

The actor had his greatest success on screen in 1965 with the film Wälsungenblut next to u. a. Michael Maien and Rudolf Forster directed by Rolf Thiele . For his portrayal of Lieutnant von Beckerath in the film adaptation of the eponymous story by Thomas Mann , he was awarded the German Film Prize as the best young actor . However, he did not pursue a film career.

In addition, Baltus worked extensively as a radio play and audio book speaker . For example, in 1968 he spoke one of the main characters in the last Paul Temple multi-part series that WDR produced under the direction of Otto Düben , namely in Paul Temple and the Alex case . His partners included Paul Klinger , Margot Leonard , Kurt Lieck and Ernst Hilbich . In 1991, under the direction of Hans Gerd Krogmann , he spoke the part of the English writer William Shakespeare in the radio play Das Treffen in Valladolid, commissioned by the European Broadcasting Union . In the radio play series Die Drei ??? Baltus can be heard in five episodes between 1987 and 2018.

Gerd Baltus was married to the presenter and actress Brigitte Rohkohl for 45 years and lived with her in Hamburg. He leaves two sons, including the actor Philipp Baltus .

Filmography (selection)

Radio plays (selection)


  • Michael Hanfeld: Credibility as the opposite of smoothness. He played outsiders who held some films together: On the death of Gerd Baltus . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung No. 292 of December 16, 2019, page 11.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Actor Gerd Baltus died in Hamburg. NDR website , December 14, 2019

Web links