Necrology 1807

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This is a list of well-known people who died in 1807 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 1st Louis Balan Prussian diplomat 37
6th January Ahasuerus van den Berg Dutch Reformed theologian and poet 73
January 7th John Bayard American politician 68
January 9th Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Prince of Leiningen, Imperial Chamberlain, Real Electoral Palatinate Privy Councilor and Lieutenant General 82
11th January Karl August von Greiffenberg Prussian Major General, Chief of Fusilier Battalion No. 4 68
11th January Hieronymus Löschenkohl Austrian painter and engraver
January 12th Adrian Kluit Dutch educator and historian 71
January 12th Johan Luzac Dutch lawyer, journalist and professor of Greek and history
13th January Moshe body Hereditary Rabbi, author and founder of the Sassiv dynasty of Hasidim
January 17th Josef Winterhalder the Younger German painter 63
January 19th Christoph Gottlob von Burgsdorff Electoral Saxon civil servant 71
21th January Volkmar Daniel Spörl German Lutheran theologian 73
January 23 Charles Gore British amateur artist, Grand Tour traveler and lover of the maritime 77
January 26th Joseph von Widnmann Bavarian enlightened state church character, district judge of Erding and Dorfen (1781–1803) 68


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 2nd Franz Gabriel Fiessinger German painter, draftsman and engraver 54
February 2nd Ehrenfried von Willich evangelical field preacher 29
3 February Levi Casey American politician
3 February Johann Karl Kellmann Swedish philologist and university professor
February 4th Johann Ignaz Seuffert German organ builder 78
February 5th Pascal Paoli Corsican revolutionary and resistance fighter 81
February 6th Friedrich August Carus German psychologist and philosopher 36
February 6th John Harvie American lawyer and politician
February 6th Johann Friedrich von Krajewski Royal Prussian major general and lastly commander of infantry regiment No. 52 64
February 8 Louis-François Binot French brigadier general 35
February 8 Claude Corbineau French brigadier general of the cavalry 34
February 8 Jean-François Féraud French Jesuit, educator and lexicographer 81
February 8 Pierre-Charles Lochet French Brigadier General of the Infantry 39
February 9 Lorenz Huebner Spiritual advisor, publicist and translator 55
February 9 Karl of Pelchrzim royal Prussian major general 64
February 9 Joseph-Benoît Suvée Flemish painter 64
February 10th Nicolas Dahlmann French brigadier general 37
February 10th Georg Ernst von Rüling German poet lawyer and appellate judge 59
February 11th Jacques Desjardin French infantry division general 48
February 11th Anton von Saß Russian-Prussian cavalry officer 67
February 12th David Roentgen German artisan 63
February 12th Anton Joseph Stratmann German artist
13th February Albrecht Wittenberg German publicist, translator and writer 78
14th of February Jean-Joseph Ange d'Hautpoul French division general 52
February 15th Benno Pointner Austrian religious, Benedictine, abbot of the Schottenstift in Vienna 84
February 16 Andreas White organ builder from Upper Palatinate
February 17th Johann Rudolf Dolder Swiss politician 53
February 18 Sophie from La Roche German writer 76
February 18 August Gottlieb Meißner German writer 53
21st of February Hermann Hair Man German merchant and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck
21st of February Pierre de Salabert Abbot, Minister of State in the Duchy of Pfalz-Zweibrücken and in the Electorate of Bavaria
February 24th Kurd Gottlob von Knobelsdorff Prussian major general and most recently in command of the fortress Stettin 71
February 25 Carl Philipp Cassel German captain, merchant, shipowner and consul 62
27th of February John Evert Van Alen American land surveyor, cartographer, lawyer, and politician
27th of February Friedrich Wilhelm von Wartenberg Prussian lieutenant general, hereditary lord on trampoline 81
February 28 Justus Friedrich Runde German lawyer and legal historian 65


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Johann Ehrenfried Wagner German Konsistorialrat 82
4th of March Abraham Baldwin American politician 52
4th of March August Gottlieb von Gärtner German administrative officer and church functionary 68
5. March Garlieb Hanker German lawyer and poet 48
6th March Andrea Amoretti Italian engraver and printer 49
March 10th Jean Thurel French soldier 108
March 11 Anton Eberl Austrian pianist and composer 41
March 11 Johann August Nösselt German Protestant theologian 72
March 13th Nikolai Petrovich Resanov Russian statesman 42
March 16 Hyde Parker British admiral
March 18th Johann Peter Pichler Austrian mezzotint artist and portrait engraver
19th March Joseph Anton Blatter Roman Catholic bishop in the diocese of Sion 62
March, 20th Carl Moritz Wenzel von Dobschütz Silesian-Prussian major general and landowner 80
March 23 Gottfried Posselt Baden lawyer and board member 57
March 24th August Ernst von Schöning Prussian district administrator 61
26th of March Philipp Georg von Dietherdt Prussian major general, state, secret budget and war ministers as well as conducting ministers on the boss and president of the upper war college 65
26th of March Julius Christian Luther German Lutheran theologian and general superintendent 71
28th March Joseph Hickel Austrian portrait painter 71
28th March Georg Friedrich Wilhelm von Schoenermarck Prussian major general, chief of the 2nd artillery regiment in Breslau 67
March 31 Johann Christian von Koch German lawyer and judge at the Wismar Tribunal 52
March Johann Leonhard Falter Baroque sculptor


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 1st Václav Praupner Czech composer 61
2nd of April Balthasar Anton Dunker German painter and etcher 61
2nd of April Christian Hartmann Samuel von Gatzert German lawyer and politician 67
3rd of April Carl Caspar von Siebold German doctor 70
4. April Hans Jakob Holzhalb Swiss scholar 86
4. April Jérôme Lalande French mathematician and astronomer 74
April 6th Johann Friedrich LeBret German historian 74
April 8th John James Beckley American librarian, first director of the Library of Congress 49
10th of April Anna Amalia from Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel German composer and by marriage Duchess of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach 67
10th of April Johann Nikolaus von Kalckreuth Prussian officer, most recently lieutenant general 86
April 13th Maria Theresa of Naples-Sicily last Empress of the Holy Roman Empire and first Empress of Austria by marriage 34
April 13th Friedrich Wilhelm von Spiegel zum Desenberg Mining captain in the Duchy of Westphalia 31
April 15th John Mainwaring English theologian, biographer of George Frideric Handel 82
April 15th Karl Bernhard von Rosenbusch Prussian major general 62
April 15th Gottlob Moriz Christian von Wacks Mayor of Heilbronn 86
April 16 David von Neumann Prussian officer, most recently major general 72
April 19th Georg Adam von Starhemberg Austrian diplomat, minister and high court master 82
April 22 Georg Ludwig Koeler German botanist 42
April 21 Christian Heinrich Reichel German educator 73
April 22 Eleonore Sophie Auguste Thon German writer
April 27 Friedrich Ferdinand Press German philologist 52
April 28 Jakob Philipp Hackert German painter 69
April 28 Ludwig Friedrich II. Prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (1793–1807) 39


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st of May Carl Gottlob Horn German architect and builder
2.May Friedrich Ludwig II. Truchsess zu Waldburg Prussian major and chamberlain 66
May 4th Napoléon Charles Bonaparte Son of Louis Bonaparte and Hortense de Beauharnais 4th
May 4th Jeremias Benjamin Richter Chemist, mining expert and private scholar 45
5th of May Mathias Julius von Laurens Prussian major general and finally head of the engineering department in the Upper War College
May 9 Johann Georg Peter Möller German historian and philologist 77
10th of May Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau French general, Marshal of France 81
May 13th Louis Joseph Charles Amable d'Albert de Luynes French politician and military 58
May 13th Eliphalet Dyer American politician 85
May 13th Georg Friedrich Seiler German theologian and university professor 73
May 18 Antoine Philippe d'Orléans, duc de Montpensier younger brother of the last French king Louis-Philippe 31
May 27th Celestine Stoeckl German Benedictine and abbot 64
May 29th Gottlieb Christoph Bohnenberger German theologian and inventor 75
May 29th Léonard Bourdon French politician 52


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 1st Johann Friedrich Leberecht Reinhold German portrait and genre painter 62
June 9th Gottfried Ludwig Matthias von Hartmann royal Prussian major general 69
June 12 Daniel Meinertzhagen Bremen businessman and politician 73
14th June Johann Augustin Wagner German classical philologist and pedagogue 72
15th June Karl Wilhelm Ernst von Waldenfels Prussian officer 35
June 16 Adolf Traugott von Gersdorff German naturalist 63
18th of June Joseph Anton Gall second bishop of the diocese of Linz 59
18th of June Pietro Teuliè Italian general in Napoleonic service 44
June 19th Ehrenreich Wilhelm Gottlieb von Besser Prussian lieutenant general, most recently chief of infantry regiment No. 14, commander of the Gaudenz fortress 67
20th June Ferdinand Berthoud Swiss watchmaker 80
23rd June Georg Thomas von Asch General Staff Doctor of the Russian Army and State Councilor under Catherine II. 78
23rd June Adolph von Danckelmann Prussian Minister of State 70
June 27th Michael Klahr the Younger German sculptor 79
June 30th Ignaz Balthasar Rinck von Baldenstein last Grand Prior of the German Grand Priory of the Maltese and Prince of Heitersheim 85


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
7th of July Samuel Hunt American politician 41
7th of July Basil Perger German religious, university professor and astronomer 73
8th of July Noël Desenfans French art dealer 62
July 11th George Atwood English physicist and inventor 61
July 13th Johann III Bernoulli Swiss astronomer 62
July 13th Henry Benedict Stuart Cardinal Bishop of Frascati, Ostia, Velletri and Cardinal Dean of the Roman Catholic Church 82
July 13th Georg Friedrich von Tempelhoff Prussian lieutenant general, mathematician, military scientist and music writer 70
July 14th Karel Rafael Ungar German priest, historian and scholar 64
July 19 Uriah Tracy American politician 52
20th of July Elisha Payne American politician and judge 76
21 July Traugott Karl August Vogt German medic 44
21 July Rémi Willemet French botanist 71
21 July Wilhelm von Zweybrücken Baron from the House of Wittelsbach, French, later Bavarian officer 53
24th July Johann Christoph Kunze German Pietist and Protestant missionary 63
July 27th Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet French doctor, naturalist and zoologist 46
July 28th Christoph Ludwig Hoffmann German doctor, inventor of an opto-mechanical telegraph 85
29th of July Philipp Jakob von Balthasar German theologian and historian 81


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 2nd Judith Rave German writer
4th of August Karl August von Backhof Prussian lieutenant general and chief of the cuirassier regiment No. 2, chief steward of the princes Friedrich Wilhelm and Ludwig 86
4th of August Kasimir Konstantin Plater Lithuanian Chancellor
8th August Heinrich Sebastian Hüsgen Art collector and art historian in Frankfurt am Main 61
August 9 Lewis Nicola Officer, businessman, writer and member of the American Philosophical Society
August 9 Valentin Rose the Younger German pharmacist and chemist 44
August 11th Johann Adrian Bolten German chronicler and theologian 64
August 11th Simon Gottlieb Zug German architect and garden designer 74
12. August Bernardino Honorati Cardinal of the Catholic Church 83
12. August Johann Stephan Pütter German constitutional law teacher and journalist 82
August 14th Georg Ludwig Rudolf von Linstow Prussian major general 63
15th of August Johannes Nikolaus Tetens German philosopher 70
August 16 Bruno de Heceta Spanish navigator and explorer 64
August 22nd Maria Walpole British noblewoman, a member of the British royal family by marriage
August 23 Hans Ehrentreich von Bornstedt Prussian lieutenant general and governor of Biesenthal 85
August 24th Joseph Brant Leader of the Mohawk Indians during the American War of Independence
August 24th Joseph Jakob Plenck Austrian physician and founder of modern dermatology 71
August 24th Jacques-Christophe Valmont de Bomare French naturalist 75
August 25 Sophie Cottin French writer 37
August 25 Christian Jakob Kraus German philosopher and camera scientist 54
August 25 Jean-Étienne-Marie Portalis French lawyer, legal philosopher and Minister for Religious Affairs 61
26th of August Franciszek Dionizy kneeling Polish Jesuit and poet 56
August 27 Guido Calcagnini Italian clergyman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church 81
August 27 Ignatius Mouradgea d'Ohsson Armenian orientalist, historian and diplomat in the Swedish service 67
29th August Isaac Smith American politician
August 31 Christoph Friedrich Bretzner German comedy poet 58
August 31 Ponce-Denis Écouchard-Lebrun French poet 78


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 1 Clara Feyoena van Sytzama Dutch poet 78
September 2nd Antonio Casimir Cartellieri German classical composer 34
5th September Johann Christian Ruberg German inventor
7th of September Johann Friedrich Gensichen mathematician 47
7th of September Luise von Göchhausen First lady-in-waiting of the Duchess Anna Amalie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach 55
September 8th Jonathan Grout American politician 70
the 9th of September Guy-Jean-Baptiste Target French lawyer and politician 73
the 9th of September August Fürchtegott Winkler German metallurgist 36
September 11 Johann Caspar von der Heyden Royal Prussian major general and most recently commander of the Dragoon Regiment No. 1 67
12th September Zephaniah Platt American lawyer and politician 72
September 14th George Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend British nobleman and officer 83
17th of September Friedrich George Born German lawyer, First Mayor of Greifenberg and municipal district administrator
17th of September Peter Josef Ignaz von Hontheim German clergyman 68
17th of September Edward Telfair American politician
September 18 Nicolaus Otto von Pechlin German administrative lawyer in the Danish service 53
September 18 Franciszek Smuglewicz Polish painter and draftsman 61
September 20th Honoré Langlé Monegasque composer and professor
September 28th Johann Friedrich August Kinderling German philologist, pastor, song poet and source collector
September Wilhelm Bröckelmann German theater actor, comedian and playwright


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 1 Peter Muhlenberg American politician 61
October 1 Hans Christoph von Natzmer Prussian Major General, Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 54 64
October 2nd Jacob Merz Swiss draftsman, painter and engraver 24
October 2nd Brook Watson, 1st Baronet British merchant, soldier and Lord Mayor of London 72
4th of October Johann Christoph Schmidt Saxon-Weimar Chamber President 79
5th October Luis Née Franco-Spanish botanist
8th October Heinrich Ehrenfried Warnekros German philologist and high school teacher 55
9th October Mikhail Matveevich Cheraskov Russian poet and writer 73
9th October Gianfrancesco Malfatti Italian mathematician 76
October, 16th Christian Wilhelm von Chlebowsky Prussian officer, most recently major general 52
October, 16th Johann Joseph Thalherr Austrian architect
October 17th Jakob Pernisch Swiss reformed theologian
the 20th of October Georg Gemehl Official of the Hochstift Speyer and Baden official
October 21 Attilio Zuccagni Italian botanist 53
October 22nd Elias Dayton American soldier 70
October 22nd Karl Georg von Hoym Prussian statesman 68
23rd October Georg Christoph von Lüdinghausen-Wolff Courland Chancellor and Court Master 56
October 24th Mariano Rossi Italian painter 75
October 26th Andreas Gottlieb Masch German Evangelical Lutheran theologian, superintendent for Mecklenburg-Strelitz and court preacher in Neustrelitz 82
October 27 Franz de Paula Gundaker von Colloredo-Mannsfeld Imperial Vice Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire 76
28th of October Bernhard Friedrich von Buddenbrock Prussian major general


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 2 Louis Auguste Le Tonnelier de Breteuil French diplomat 77
November 5th Anna Marie Nanny Adamberger Austrian theater actress 54
November 5th Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Herbst German naturalist and entomologist 64
November 5th Angelika Kauffmann Swiss painter 66
November 5th Karl Alexander von Wedel Prussian Major General and Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 10 66
November 7th Konrad Horny German painter, draftsman and engraver
November 8th Franz von Mack Imperial and Royal Court Jeweler, Privy Councilor and owner of the Kalksburg estate 77
November 10th Joachim Lorenz Evers Goldsmith, journalist, writer, publisher and theater director 49
November 10th Alexander Martin American politician, governor of North Carolina, one of the founding fathers of the United States
November 11th Jean-Édouard Adam French chemist and physicist 39
November 12th Hermann Daniel Hermes German Protestant theologian 73
14th November Charles Gray, 1st Earl Gray British general 78
15th of November Thomas Terry Davis American politician
15th of November Christoph Otto von Schönaich German writer 82
15th of November Johann Gabriel von Rosenschanz Prussian major general 70
November 17th Jean-Charles-Pierre Lenoir French police lieutenant and royal librarian 74
November 23 Ulrich Moller German merchant and co-founder of the Patriotic Society from 1765 74
November 23 Jean François Reubell French revolutionary 60
25. November Anne Babette von Belderbusch German woman, childhood friend of Ludwig van Beethoven and wife of Anton Maria Karl von Belderbusch 36
November 26th Oliver Ellsworth American lawyer, politician, and President of the United States Supreme Court 62
November 27th Christian August Buhle German natural scientist, court and hospital surgeon and surgeon 73


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 1 Wilhelm Christoph Diede zum Fürstenstein Danish diplomat 75
December 1 Marianne Camasse, Countess of Forbach French dancer, Countess von Forbach 73
December 1 Sebald Fulco Johannes Rau Dutch poet, reformed theologian and orientalist 42
2. December Johann Friedrich Möller German preacher, researcher and politician 56
3rd of December Clara Reeve English writer
December 4th Prince Hall Founder of Freemasonry for Blacks in the United States
December 8th Friedrich Gottlob Born German philosopher
December 8th Carl Friedrich Cramer Theologian, bookseller and music writer 55
12th of December Giuseppe Antonio Mainoni French general 53
13th December Albrecht von Mülinen Schultheiss of Bern 75
December 14th Carlo Francesco Thaon di Revel Piedmontese general and viceroy 82
19. December Friedrich Melchior Grimm German writer and diplomat 84
20th of December Lorenz Spengler Swiss artist 87
21st December John Newton British slave trader, later opponent of slavery, hymn poet 82
24th of December Johann Georg Steiner Prussian court gardener
25 December Levin August von Dingelstädt Prussian Colonel, Chief of Hussar Regiment No. 4
25 December Hermann von Greiffenegg last government president of the House of Habsburg in Freiburg, in the west of Austria 70
December 26th David Bayer German organ builder
December 28th Johann Ludwig Paulmann German pastor and hymn poet 79
December 31 Anton Grassi Austrian sculptor and porcelain modeler 52
December 31 Johann Joseph Langenhöffel German painter and engraver

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Jeanne Baret French naturalist and circumnavigator
Johann Georg Bäßler German reformed composer and organist
Karl Friedrich Benkowitz German playwright and poet
Johan Henrich Berlin Danish-Norwegian composer
Adam Heinrich Dietrich von Bülow German military writer and publicist
August Butenop German child actor and theater actor
Aaron ben Meir Brisker Jewish Talmudist
Johann Adolph Dori German philosopher
Johann Friedrich Eich German portrait painter
Franz Rudolf Frisching Swiss officer, magistrate and industrialist
Richard Gifford English clergyman and poet
Rudolf von Glan German administrative lawyer and bailiff in East Frisia
Niel Gow Scottish fiddler
Johannes Herrmann painter
Caspar Kersten Entrepreneur and banker
Johann Heinrich Linck German pharmacist and naturalist
Edward Miller British composer
John Murray British lieutenant captain and Australia explorer
Christoph Heinrich Myller Swiss high school professor, editor
Osman Pazvantoğlu Ottoman Janissaries and Pasha von Vidin
Peter Pond American fur trader and explorer
Joseph Wenzel Peithner von Lichtenfels Bohemian Gubernialbergrat and mine inspector
Johann David von Reichenbach Swedish-Pomeranian chronicler, scientist
Maria Rønning Norwegian immigrant in the Faroe Islands
Joseph Stanton American politician
Dieudonné Thiébault French Romance studies, professor of French grammar
Wilhelmine Karoline von Wobeser German writer
Alexander Ypsilantis Greek dragoman at the Sublime Porte, Voivode of Wallachia and Moldova
Thassilo Zöpf German plasterer