John Mainwaring

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John Mainwaring (born August 4, 1724 in Drayton Bassett , Staffordshire , † April 15, 1807 in Cambridge ) was an English theologian and first biographer of the composer George Frideric Handel (1685-1759). His Handel memoirs, published anonymously in 1760, are considered the first musicians' biography .

More than half of the biographical section is devoted to Handel's life before 1712, before he settled in London. It is therefore now assumed that Handel himself, directly or indirectly, provided his biographer with material from his early life.

Works and editions

  • [anonymous:] Memoirs of the Life of the Late George Frederic Handel . London 1760 ( digitized in the Google book search).
  • Johann Mattheson : Georg Friderick Handels biography . Hamburg 1761 (German translation of Mainwarings Memoirs, with additional material)
  • Georg Friedrich Handel. Biography of John Mainwaring [translated by Johann Mattheson (Hamburg 1761).]. Letters and writings. Published by Hedwig and EA Mueller von Azow on behalf of the International Musicians' Letters Archive. List of names compiled by Lolo Kraus. Werk-Verlag Frisch & Perneder Lindau am Bodensee 1949. Reprint: Georg Olms Verlag, Wiesbaden 1977, ISBN 3-487-06331-X .
  • John Mainwaring: Life and Music of Georg Friedrich Handel. Foreword and translation by Johann Mattheson. Revised new edition. Heupferd Musik Verlag, Dreieich 2010, ISBN 978-3-923445-08-0 (publisher's note ).
  • John Mainwaring: Memoirs of the Life of the late George Frederic Handel , ed.Ilias Chrissochoidis. Brave World, Stanford 2015, ISBN 978-0-692-54343-6 ( online ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Annette Landgraf, David Vickers: The Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009, ISBN 978-0-521-88192-0 , p. 406 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  2. ^ A b Donald Burrows: Commerce. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1994, ISBN 0-19-816470-X , p. 465.
  3. Donald Burrows: Commerce. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1994, ISBN 0-19-816470-X , p. 3.