Nicolas Dahlmann

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Nicolas Dahlmann

Nicolas Dahlmann (born December 7, 1769 in Thionville , † February 10, 1807 in the Battle of Preussisch Eylau ) was a general de brigade of the French First Empire .


Dahlmann came as a troop child (enfant de troupe) to the Régiment Dauphin-Cavalerie , in which his father was a trumpeter. Here he was paid regular wages from September 9, 1777 and was accepted into the regiment as a soldier on November 1, 1785. On January 25, 1790 he was promoted to brigadier (NCO in the cavalry), but left the regiment on July 5, 1790 and entered the Régiment d'Alsace on November 12, 1790 .

He served in the Moselle Army (Armée de Moselle) in 1792 and in the Armée des Pyrénées orientales (Pyrenees Army ) in 1793 , where he was wounded on the right leg in the battle at Peyrestortes on September 17, 1793. From 1796 to 1798 he was with the Armée d'Italie (Italian Army) where he was transferred to the Guides à Cheval Napoleons on June 22, 1796 . On April 20, 1797 he was promoted to Maréchal-des-logis , on May 20, 1797 to Maréchal des logis chef and on August 15, 1797 to Sous-lieutenant .

Dahlmann took part in Bonaparte's Egyptian expedition from 1798 and was promoted to lieutenant in the battle near Salahieh (Upper Egypt) on the battlefield on August 12, 1798 . He fought in the Battle of Abukir and received the rank of Capitaine after Napoleon's return to France

On January 13, 1800 he was appointed Adjudant-Major in the Grenadiers à Cheval de la Garde Consulaire (Grenadiers on horseback of the Garde des consuls ) and received on October 13, 1802 the rank of Chef d'escadron in the Garde des consuls . On June 14, 1804 he was accepted as an officer in the Legion of Honor and on June 9, 1805 he was transferred to the position of deputy commander of his regiment with the rank of Major du régiment .

He fought on December 2, 1805 in the Battle of Austerlitz and was then appointed Colonel-Major and Deputy Regimental Commander of the Chasseurs à cheval de la Garde impériale on December 18, 1805 . Dahlmann took part in the Battle of Jena on October 14, 1806 and the fighting at Lopaczyn on December 25, 1806 and was promoted to Général de brigade on December 30, 1806 .

In the Battle of Preussisch Eylau on February 8, 1807, he suffered a fatal wound, from which he died on February 10, 1807.

"He ... was hit in the left side by a shrapnel, which caused a deep injury to the kidney. In general, this injury is not life-threatening."

In 1811 Napoléon awarded the widow a pension of 6,000 francs, and his son, although only ten years old, was given the title of “ Baron de'l Empire ”. At Napoleon's instructions, Dahlmann's heart was embalmed and buried in the Panthéon . His name is on the plaques of honor in the Arc de Triomphe on the western pillar in the 20th column in the fourth from last position.


  1. Tradition Magazine hors série N ° 26
  2. ^ Docteur Dominique-Jean Larrey, Relation médicale - 1840 - p331


  • Charles Mullié "Biography of the célébrités militaires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850" - Poignavant et Cie 1852