Ehrenreich Wilhelm Gottlieb von Besser

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Ehrenreich Wilhelm Gottlieb von Besser

Ehrenreich Wilhelm Gottlieb von Besser (born January 4, 1740 in Lübben , † June 19, 1807 in Königsberg ) was a Prussian lieutenant general , chief of infantry regiment No. 14 , commander of the Gaudenz fortress and heir to Peterwitz and Freistadt in West Prussia .



His father was the Polish and electoral Saxon governor Karl Christoph von Besser (1705–1774), his mother was his wife Johanna Friedericke Eleonore von Kratz († 1754). The father was also mayor of Lübben and was raised to the nobility on March 24, 1768 . The Saxon major general Johann Christian Gotthilf von Besser (1737-1806) was his brother.

Military career

In 1756, Corporal in Grenadier Guard Battalion No. 6 improved . He thus took part in the Seven Years' War and in 1761 became second lieutenant . But then it was better to have to bring the bad news of the capitulation of the Schweidnitz Fortress to King Friedrich II . Thereupon he was cashed, i.e. H. dismiss. In 1763 Besser was employed again and was transferred to the grenadier battalion "Plotho" No. 4 . In 1768 he became a prime lieutenant and in 1773 came to the "Rohr" infantry regiment as a staff captain . In 1776 Besser became captain and company commander . He took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession and in 1784 became major and commander of the grenadiers. In 1792 he became a lieutenant colonel and in 1794 a colonel . In 1794/96 he took part in the fighting in Poland . In 1798 he became commander of the "Mosch" infantry regiment and in 1799 major general .

On October 1, 1799 he received the infantry regiment "von Burghagen" as chief. In the garrison in Bielefeld he built a regimental school and received the Pour le Mérite in 1804 . As early as 1803 the infantry regiment "von Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen" received him as chief. In 1806 he became the commandant of the Gaudenz Fortress, but in the same year he was also bid farewell because of illness. He became lieutenant general in 1807 shortly before he died in June.


Better was married twice. His first wife was Helene Dorothea von der Schulenburg (1737–1781) from the Piskaborn family in 1766. The couple had the following children:

⚭ April 27, 1792 (divorce 1802) Wilhelmine Louise von Borstell (1772–1859), the daughter of Hans Friedrich Heinrich von Borstell
0September 2, 1816 Carolina Antonie von Kleist (1790–1864)
  • Ehrenreich Ludwig Wilhelm August (1777–1842), Prussian lieutenant colonel ⚭ Friederike Wilhelmine Friese (1788–1875) (parents of Hermann von Besser )

His second wife was Anna Amalie von Beneckendorf († 1809) in 1783 , widowed von Diericke.

The daughter Amalie (1787–1822) emerged from this marriage. In 1804 she married Christian von Graevenitz (1777–1847), the Prussian lieutenant colonel and lord of Marienhof in the Fischhausen district .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Johannes Gallandi : Old Prussian Adelslexikon. 4. Delivery. In: Wilhelm Gaerte (Ed.): Prussia. Journal for local history and homeland security. Volume 31, Königsberg 1935, pp. 70–117, here p. 99.
  2. ^ Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 901 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Prussian Adels Lexicon , Volume 1, p. 31, digitized
  4. ^ Christian von Graevenitz at