Georg Ludwig Koeler

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Georg Ludwig Koeler (born May 31, 1764 in Stuttgart , † April 22, 1807 in Mainz ) was a German botanist and doctor . Its official botanical author's abbreviation is " Koeler ".


"Experimenta circa regenerationem ossium"

Koeler went in 1780 to the University of Göttingen to surgeons at the suggestion of his uncle, Gottlieb August Richter , Medicine study. His teachers there also included Johann Friedrich Blumenbach and Johan Andreas Murray . The subject of his doctoral thesis "Experimenta circa regenerationem ossium" in 1786 was the regeneration of bones.

Koeler married Elisabeth Friederike nee Amelung (1773-1832) from Grünenplan. Their daughter Louise Katharina Adelaide, born Köler (born December 30, 1793 in Wörrstadt, † September 19, 1875 in Darmstadt) married Johann Jakob Parcus .

Koeler practiced as personal medic and rural physicist of the Rhine Count Carl Ludwig zu ( Salm- ) Grumbach in Flonheim and from 1786 in Wörrstadt . The doctor had been friends with Georg Forster in Mainz since his student days and was able to use his political influence as a " clubist " in various ways . As a result, however, he himself came under suspicion of similar revolutionary sentiments. In 1799 Koeler was appointed professor of the “ Historia naturalis ” at the University of Mainz and, after its conversion into a provisional “ École spéciale de médicine ” (1803), continued to represent his subject, which was restricted to “materia medica” and botany. When he continued to run the military hospital in Mainz during a flu and typhoid epidemic in the spring of 1807 in place of the failed chief physician Pierre Joseph Duhem (1758–1807) , he became infected and died.


Koeler began botanical studies in the Rheingau in 1786 . His goal was to write a “Flora of Germany, France and Switzerland”. The scientist gave important impulses to important botanists like Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle in Geneva. In his revision (1805–1815) of Lamarck's "Flore française", he resorted to numerous unpublished findings by Koeler. Candolle names plant locations that can be traced back to Koeler and also received herbarium material from Koeler.

Due to his systematic exploration of the flora , especially the grasses , and his studies of plant physiological phenomena such as growth, branching , budding and flowering, which were considerable for this time , Koeler was one of the outstanding botanists of his time. This is evidenced by a letter from 1805 to the botanist of the Empress Josephine , Étienne Pierre Ventenat , to whom he also dedicated the genus Ventenata .

When Koeler had largely compiled the raw data for his planned large flora, he published the grass section as the most difficult - and only - part.

honors and awards

The plant genus Koeleria Pers. was named after him to honor Koeler's services to the Gramineae .

Fonts (selection)

  • Correction of the story of the delivery and the child's bed of Mrs. W ... up to the eighteenth Pluvios and continuation of this story up to the death of the child beggar and the opening of the corpse , presented in B. Ruf's writing , 1800.
  • Descriptio Graminum in Gallia et Germania tam sponte nascentium quam humana industria copiosius provenientium . Francofurti ad Moenum, Apud Varrentrapp et Wenner, 1802 ( doi: 10.5962 / bhl.title.15586 ).
  • Sur la disposition des espèces du genre Veronica… , in: Recueil des Mémoires et Actes de la Société des Sciences et Arts du Départem. du Mont-Tonnère I , 1804, pp. 65-76.
  • Lettre à M. Ventenat sur les boutons et ramifications des plantes, la naissance de ces organes et les rapports organiques existant entre le tronc et les branches . 1805.
  • Observationes spectantes ad Salsolam arenarium nonnullasque alias species affinas , in: JJ Roemer , Collectanea ad omnem rem botanicam spectantia , 1809, pp. 45-74.


  • Martin Müllerott:  Koeler, Georg Ludwig. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 12, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1980, ISBN 3-428-00193-1 , p. 316 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Jörg Schweigard: Enlightenment and enthusiasm for revolution at the University of Mainz 1782–1792. Master's thesis at the University of Mainz, GRIN Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-638-71329-6
  • Claus Nissen and Ludwig Spilger: Georg Ludwig Koeler, Professor of Botany and Drug Science at the University of Mainz , in: Mainzer Zeitschrift 31, 1936, pp. 60–66

Individual evidence

  1. Excursion on the 250th birthday of Georg Ludwig Koeler to the Rheinische Naturforschende Gesellschaft on May 31, 2014.
  2. Experimenta circa regenerationem ossium , Göttingen, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung , 1786, [1] on
  3. ^ Heinrich Adolph Schrader: New Journal for Botany , Volume 1, Erfurt, Friedrich August Knick, 1805, p. 156
  4. Lettre la M [onsieu] r Ventenat sur les boutons et ramifications des plantes [2]
  5. Descriptio graminum in Gallia et Germania tam sponte nascentium quam humana industria copiosius provenientium. , 1802, 384 S. online
  6. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [3]

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