Joseph Jakob Plenck

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Silhouette by Joseph Jakob Plenck (1786)

Joseph Jakob Edler von Plenck , also Josef and Jacob or as Johann , the last name appears in many variants as Plenk , Plenckh , Plenckl , Plenckhl and Blenk , Blenck (born  November 28, 1735 in Vienna ; † August 24, 1807 ibid) was a Austrian physician, surgeon and obstetrician as well as chemist and botanist. He is considered to be the co-founder of modern European dermatology .

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Joseph Jacob Plenck was born in Vienna in 1735 as the son of a bookbinder. He was introduced to surgery by Johann Christian Retter from 1753 to 1756, then studied medicine in Vienna, gained practical experience at the St. Johannes Hospital (Kärntnerstraße) and, despite his incomplete training, already served as a regimental surgeon during the Seven Years' War . After that he first ran a barber shop, where he also performed minor surgical operations. In 1770 he was appointed professor of surgery and obstetrics at the University of Tyrnau by Maria Theresa , from there he went on to Budapest and finally from 1785 was professor of chemistry and botany at the military-medical academy in Vienna ( Josephinum ). Joseph Jacob Plenck is considered the founder of modern dermatology and was one of the most important scientific authors of his time. He has also written works on anatomy, ophthalmology, forensic medicine and surgery. His texts initially appeared in Latin and were promptly translated into German.

From 1788 he published seven volumes of his "Icones plantarum medicinalium". In this work, which contains a total of 758 colored copperplate prints, he described the medicinal use of all herbal plants known to him at the time. Plenck worked according to the new botanical classification system of Carl von Linné (1707–1778) and wrote all texts in Latin and German.

Joseph Jacob Plenck died in Vienna in 1807 on Weihburggasse. After his death, a final eighth volume of the "Icones plantarum medicinalium" appeared under Joseph Kerndl in 1812.


The plant genera Plenckia Raf are named after Plenck . from the family of aizoaceae (Aizoaceae) and Austroplenckia Lundell from the family of celastraceae (Celastraceae).



Web links

Commons : Joseph Jakob Plenck  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Justus FC Hecker : History of modern medicine. Volume 2: The Vienna School. P. 565, .
  2. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names - Extended Edition. Part I and II. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin , Freie Universität Berlin , Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5 doi: 10.3372 / epolist2018 .