Werner E. Gerabek

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Werner E. Gerabek (2013)

Werner Erwin Gerabek (born July 14, 1952 in Gerolzhofen ) is a German historian , Germanist and medical historian as well as founder and managing director of the German Science Publishing House (DWV).


Werner E. Gerabek, son of the teacher Franz Gerabek, attended the elementary schools in Lülsfeld and Giebelstadt as well as the X-ray high school in Würzburg . There he graduated from high school in 1973. He studied German , history and social studies at the University of Würzburg . His academic teachers were Hans-Jürgen Schings , Kurt Ruh , Norbert Richard Wolf , Heinrich Rombach , Georg Brunner , Peter Johanek , Peter Herde and Otto Meyer . In 1980 he passed the scientific examination for teaching at grammar schools ( state examination ). In the same year he took up a position as a research assistant at the Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Würzburg, headed by Gundolf Keil . There he continued his education in the subject of medical history. After working as a student trainee in Schweinfurt and Traunstein (1984–1986) and taking the second state examination, Gerabek became a research assistant at the Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Würzburg in 1986. In 1988, with a thesis on Jean Paul , which he wrote with Günter Hess and Helmut Pfotenhauer , at the Philosophical Faculty II of the University of Würzburg, he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. He was Academic Council at the time and was in 1995 at the Medical Faculty of the University of Würzburg with a thesis on Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling for medical history habilitation , received the Venia legendi and became a lecturer appointed. From 1996 to 2012 he taught medical history as a lecturer with the right to award doctorates at the University of Regensburg . In 2001 Gerabek was appointed adjunct professor for the history and ethics of medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Würzburg .

In 1998 Gerabek founded the Deutsche Wissenschafts-Verlag (DWV) in Würzburg , which he still manages today.

Due to his research on the history of German-Turkish scientific relations in medicine, Gerabek received the Ataturk plaque from the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy Gülhane in Istanbul in 1998 .


Gerabek's main areas of work include the history of medicine and dentistry under National Socialism. Other areas of work are the medicine and anthropology of the German Enlightenment and Romanticism , the history of dentistry, the Würzburg medical history and medical-historical lexicography. He is an employee of the Neue Deutsche Biographie , for which he has so far written 45 articles about doctors. He also works on medieval medicine, including as a reviewer for the German Archive for Research into the Middle Ages , the publication organ of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH), and as a contributor to the Lexicon of the Middle Ages and the author's lexicon . In 1998 he wrote eighteen ergographic articles on Nobel Prize winners for Physiology or Medicine for the Harenberg Lexicon of Nobel Prize Winners . In 2005 Gerabek published with Bernhard Dietrich Haage , Gundolf Keil and Wolfgang Wegner the encyclopedia “Pschyrembel” planned around 1998 , for which he wrote 164 articles himself.

Gerabek has published more than 400 papers to date and supervised numerous dissertations at the universities of Würzburg and Regensburg as a doctoral supervisor. A doctoral student Gerabeks received the “Research Prize on the Role of the Medical Profession in the Age of National Socialism” from the German Medical Association for her dissertation on the SS dentist Willy Frank .

Scientific reviewer

Gerabek works as a reviewer for the history of medicine for the German National Academic Foundation , the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Swiss National Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research (SNSF). He also works as an expert for Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift . Gerabek is also a member of the National Competence-Based Catalog of Learning Objectives in Dentistry (NKLZ).


Fonts (selection)

As an author

  • 'Consolida maior', 'Consolida minor' and a herbalist. Medical historical observations on the Reinhardsbrunn collection of letters. In: Sudhoff's archive. Journal of the History of Science. Volume 67, 1983, pp. 80-93.
  • Natural philosophy and poetry with Jean Paul . The problem of the Commercium mentis et corporis. Akademischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-88099-206-1 (dissertation, University of Würzburg, 1987).
  • Jean Paul and Physiognomics. In: Sudhoff's archive. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 73 (1989), pp. 1-11.
  • German-Turkish cultural relations: Alfred Kantorowicz and his student Lem'i Belger. In: Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen 80 (1990), pp. 786-793.
  • The Leipzig physiologist Carl Ludwig and the medical instrumentation. In: Sudhoff's archive. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 75 (1991), pp. 171-179.
  • Schenck, Johann, from Würzburg. Surgeon in Trier, 15th century. In: The German literature of the Middle Ages. Author's Lexicon , 2nd ed. Ed. by Kurt Ruh, VIII, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 1991, Sp. 637–639.
  • N [ikolaus] v [on] Reggio. In: Lexikon des Mittelalters , VI, Munich and Zurich 1993, Sp. 1186 f.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and the Medicine of Romanticism. Studies on Schelling's Würzburg period. Peter Lang, Frankfurt 1995, ISBN 3-631-48865-3 (habilitation thesis, University of Würzburg, 1995).
  • “Dying is the last magnetization” or The Changes in Mesmerism. In: Series of publications of the German Society for the History of Neurology 1 (1996), pp. 133-138.
  • The Würzburg doctor and natural scientist Philipp Franz von Siebold. The founder of modern research on Japan. In: Würzburger medical history reports 14 (1996), pp. 153-160.
  • The merits of German doctors in the implementation of the university reform of Ataturk (1933). In: Negotiations of the Symposium on Ataturk University Reform and Medicine at the Time. October 25, 1996 , ed. by Arslan Terzioglu and Erwin Lucius, Istanbul 1997 (= Acta Turcica Historiae Medicinae, 4), pp. 31-39.
  • Karl Philipp Moritz (1756–1793) - a pioneer in psychology. In: Series of publications by the German Society for the History of Neurology 5 (1999), pp. 17–26.
  • The tooth-worm: historical aspects of a popular medical belief. In: Clinical Oral Investigations 3 (1999), H. 1, pp. 1-6.
  • with August Heidland and K. Sebekova: Franz Volhard and Theodor Fahr: achievements and controversies in their research in renal disease and hypertension. In: Journal of Human Hypertension 15 (2001), pp. 5-16.
  • Lorenz Oken and the Medicine of Romanticism. The Würzburg time of the natural scientist (1804–1805). In: Lorenz Oken (1779-1851). A political natural philosopher , ed. by Olaf Breidbach, Hans-Joachim Fliedner and Klaus Ries , Weimar 2001, pp. 52–72.
  • Dental care. In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde , abbreviated v. Johannes Hoops, 2nd completely revised. and strong exp. Ed. v. Heinrich Beck, Dieter Geuenich a. a., XXXIV, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, pp. 419-422.
  • The health system of the city of Würzburg. In: History of the City of Würzburg. From the transition to Bavaria 1814 to the 21st century , ed. by Ulrich Wagner, III, 1, pp. 770-776, III, 2, p. 1332, Stuttgart 2007.
  • Romantic medicine and religiosity. In: Mysticism and Nature. On the history of their relationship from antiquity to the present , ed. by Peter Dinzelbacher , Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 2009 (= Theophrastus Paracelsus Studies, Vol. 1), pp. 141–154.
  • The Marburg race hygienist and bacteriologist Prof. Dr. med. Wilhelm Pfannenstiel . In: From exclusion to deportation in Marburg and in the Marburg-Biedenkopf district. New articles on the persecution and murder of Jews and Sinti under National Socialism. A memorial book , ed. by Klaus-Peter Friedrich on behalf of the Geschichtswerkstatt, Marburg 2017, pp. 417–424.

As editor

  • with Josef Domes, Bernhard D. Haage, Christoph Weißer, Volker Zimmermann: Light of Nature. Medicine in specialist literature and poetry. Festschrift for Gundolf Keil on his 60th birthday. Kümmerle, Göppingen 1994, ISBN 3-87452-829-4 .
  • with Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner: Encyclopedia Medical History. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York (2004) 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 ( ISBN 978-3-11-015714-7 ); 2nd edition in three volumes (with the same number of pages) ibid 2009.
  • with Ludwig Schießl, Manfred Jähne, Michael Nerlich, Thomas Richter, Christoph Weißer (eds.): Doctor Eisenbarth (1663–1727). A master of his trade: the baroque traveling doctor's medical history was honored on his 350th birthday. Deutscher Wissenschafts-Verlag (DWV), Baden-Baden 2013. ISBN 3-86888-064-X .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b curriculum vitae in dissertation (see publications), p. [315].
  2. ^ Newsletter of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology. 1/1991.
  3. a b c d e Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med. habil. Werner E. Gerabek , website of the Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Würzburg, accessed on October 4, 2016 and on February 1, 2016. and February 6, 2018.
  4. ^ Verlag , website of the German Science Publishing House (DWV), accessed on October 4, 2016.
  5. = Article by Werner E. Gerabek in the Neue Deutsche Biographie , website of the German Biography , accessed on January 5, 2019.
  6. ^ Harenberg Lexicon of Nobel Prize Winners. All award winners since 1901. Their achievements, their lives, their impact. Harenberg, Dortmund 1998.
  7. Werner E. Gerabek: The edition of the medical-historical "Pschyrembel". A lexicographical workshop report. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 18, 1999, pp. 15-17.
  8. ^ Encyclopedia Medical History , website of the De Gruyter publishing house, accessed on October 4, 2016 and February 6, 2018.
  9. 2008 research award on the role of the medical profession during the Nazi era ( memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), website of the German Medical Association, accessed on October 4, 2016.