Gundolf Keil

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Gundolf Keil (born July 17, 1934 in Wartha , Frankenstein district , Lower Silesia ) is a German specialist in German studies and medical historian . Among other things, he taught from 1972 to 2003 at the Bavarian Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg , where he was director of the Institute for the History of Medicine.


Gundolf Keil, son of the commercial director Walther Keil, attended elementary school in Rostock after being expelled from Lower Silesia, where he also attended grammar school. In October 1950 he moved to Zurich and after moving to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1951, he first went to the Realgymnasium Ettlingen and then attended the Hellenstein-Gymnasium in Heidenheim an der Brenz, where he passed his Abitur in February 1954. Keil studied medicine , German , folklore , classical philology and geosciences in Heidelberg , Göttingen and Bonn . After philological State Examination he was in 1961 when Gerhard ice with the subject Those Cirurgia 'Peters from Ulm to Dr. phil. PhD . He spent his time as assistant in Göttingen and Bonn with Gernot Rath and Johannes Steudel . In 1968 he passed the medical state examination in Bonn and was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. In the same year he was appointed professor for German studies at Stockholm University . The inaugural lecture dealt with the concept of literature and specialist prose research .

He acquired his teaching license ( venia legendi ) for the field of history of medicine in 1971 in Freiburg with Eduard Seidler . Subsequently, he temporarily took over the position of director of the Marburg Institute for the History of Medicine. After he was appointed to the Würzburg chair in May 1972, he moved to Würzburg with his wife Anne-Marie Keil, was then a full professor at the University of Würzburg from 1972 to 2002 and at the same time was at the Institute for the History of Medicine there (initially in Back building Koellikerstraße 6, later on Oberen Neubergweg), from the summer semester 2002 to the winter semester 2003/4 as a provisional director. Gundolf Keil has been an emeritus since 2004 . His successor at the chair for the history of medicine at the University of Würzburg was Michael Stolberg in 2004 . Keil is a member of the Historical Commission for Silesia .

Scientific work

The scientific focus of Keil is medieval and early modern prose research. He has published numerous publications, including in the fields of medical history , the history of science , the history of literature and classical philology . Since the beginning of the 1960s, Keil has been the "most important representative" of the philological methodology introduced into medical history by Gerhard Eis and established there.

From 1975 onwards, Keil was the editor of the Würzburg Medical History Research (WmF) series of monographs founded in 1974 , a series of studies by the Institute for the History of Medicine, which by 2009 had 94 volumes. Michael Holler (1932–1996) was co-founder and co-editor of the WmF until volume 66, which appeared in 1998. Josef Domes, Erhart Kahle, Peter Proff, Christoph Weißer and others also contributed to the publication.

From 1983 Gundolf Keil was also the editor of the Würzburg Medical History Communications (WmM) , which appeared in 30 volumes until 2011 . Michael Holler was again co-founder and co-editor of the first 17 volumes (1983–1998) of this magazine.

Organized by the Institute for the History of Medicine in Würzburg , the Würzburg medical-historical colloquia , which are documented in the WmM up to volume 25, took place regularly until 2005 .

In continuation of the tradition of the WmM , from 2005 Keil was also (and, as before, honorary) publisher of specialist prose research - Border Crossing (founded by the Würzburger Fachprosakreis ; since 2015: medical history reports. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research ). In 1993, Keil set up the Wullstein Research Center for German medical literature from the Middle Ages at the University of Würzburg . With the help of Franz-Christian Czygan , Keil set up the research group " Monastery Medicine " at the University of Würzburg in 1999/2000 , which was converted into the non-university research group Monastery Medicine after Johannes G. Mayer left the university in 2010 . In 2000 he became a full member of the natural science class of the Academy of Non-Profit Science in Erfurt . In 2010 he was appointed a full member of the Sudeten German Academy of Sciences and Arts , natural science class.

According to his own statements, Keil supervised at least 250 dissertations . In the winter semester 2012/13 he offered two seminars as a full professor emeritus at the University of Würzburg.

PhD affair

The University of Würzburg investigated allegations that Keil had accepted payments for the issuance of dissertations and essential assistance; In its 22-page final report of June 8, 2007, the Standing Commission found the suspicion that "here payments were made for the benefit of the Medical History Society in return for the issuing of dissertations and for essential assistance in their preparation".

The President of the University of Würzburg followed the recommendation to hand over the matter to the public prosecutor's office . The allegations of accepting money from commission brokers could be proven in six cases. Keil was sentenced to 90 daily rates for accepting benefits . In 2009 he received a penalty order in the amount of 14,400 euros, which stated: “When you received the amounts of money mentioned, you were aware that the witness M. also gave you the amounts of money against the background that he was the first to contact various future doctoral students came about (...). "

In March 2011 an anonymous group of former members of the institute called “Friends of the Institute for the History of Medicine” sent a 40-page dossier to the press and the judiciary. One of the allegations was that Keil had operated a "university doctor factory" at the University of Würzburg. The University of Würzburg initiated a review of the doctoral theses supervised by Keil and offered the prospect of revoking doctoral degrees if they did not meet “minimum scientific standards”. In November 2012, doctoral degrees were revoked in two cases.


  • Chairman of the Physical-Medical Society Würzburg (since 1974/75 and 1976)
  • Board member (from 1982) and honorary chairman (from 2001) of the Würzburg Medical History Society , which was founded on October 14, 1982 and which existed until 2011
  • Co-director (since 1982) and managing director (1986 to 2009) of the Gerhard Möbus Institute for Silesian Research at the University of Würzburg , founded in 1982 and taken over as an affiliated institute in 1986 , which existed until 2013.
  • Member (since 1986), Chairman of the Board of Trustees (1991–2006), Deputy Chairman (2006–2009) of the Silesian Cultural Works Foundation
  • Managing director of the German National Academic Foundation .
  • Member or board of directors of other domestic and foreign scientific history societies.

honors and awards

Fonts (selection)

as an author
  • The discarded days. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 41, 1957, pp. 27-58.
  • The messenger blessing. Instructions for consecrating water when treating wounds. In: Medical monthly. 11, 1957, pp. 541-543.
  • Peter von Ulm and the Passauer Wundarznei. In: Ulm and Upper Swabia. Announcements from the association for art and antiquity in Ulm and Upper Swabia. Volume 35, 1958, pp. 139-157.
  • Ortolf von Baierland's pharmacopoeia : its scope and influence on the "Cirurgia magistri Petri de Ulma". In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 43, 1959, pp. 20-60.
  • The control of the earwig according to the instructions of late medieval and early modern German pharmacopoeias. In: Journal for German Philology. Volume 79, 1960, pp. 176-200.
  • A Latin version of Master Alexander's monthly rules. Bavarian health rules from the end of the 14th century. In: East Bavarian border marks. Volume 4, 19160, pp. 123-138.
  • The German Spirits Tract of the Middle Ages: Texts and Source Studies. In: Centaurus. Volume 7, 1960/61, pp. 53-100.
  • The "Cirurgia" Peters von Ulm. Investigations into a memorial of old German specialist prose with a critical edition of the text (= research on the history of the city of Ulm. Volume 2). Stadtarchiv, Ulm 1961 (also philosophical dissertation Heidelberg 1960). Cf. Hans Wiswe: about Gundolf Keil, Die 'Cirurgia' Peters von Ulm, 1961. In: Yearbook of the Association for Low German Language Research. Volume 86, 1963, pp. 161-164.
  • A recipe called Charlemagne. In: Journal for German Philology. Volume 81, 1962, pp. 329-337.
  • The Middle Latin translation of the urinary tract of "Bartholomäus". Studies on the effect of the early German recipe literature. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 47, 1963, pp. 417-455.
  • on Hermann Menhardt , Directory of Old German Literary Manuscripts in the Austrian National Library, II – III. In: No. German antiquity German lit. Volume 76, 1965, pp. 100-143
  • Fragment of a previously unknown Avicenna manuscript from the 13th century. In: Gernot Rath, Heinrich Schipperges (Hrsg.): Medical history in the spectrum. Festschrift Johannes Steudel. Wiesbaden 1966 (= Sudhoffs Archiv. Supplement 7), pp. 82–92.
  • The announcement of a surgeon from the 15th century. Investigations on the medical advertising form. In: [Paul and Braune's] contributions to the history of the German language and literature. Volume 89, (Tübingen) 1967, pp. 302-318.
  • The Graz Early Middle High German monthly rules and their source. In: Gundolf Keil, Rainer Rudolf, Wolfram Schmitt, Hans Josef Vermeer (eds.): Specialist literature of the Middle Ages. Festschrift Gerhard Eis. Metzler, Stuttgart 1968, pp. 131-146.
  • Ortolf's Pharmacopoeia. Additions to James Follan's Edition. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 53, 1969, pp. 119-152.
  • The 'short urinary tract' of the Breslau 'Codex Salernitanus' and his clan. Medical dissertation Bonn 1969; Commissioned by Carl-Ernst Kohlhauer, Feuchtwangen 1969.
  • The urognostic practice in pre- and early Salernitan times. Medical habilitation thesis Freiburg im Breisgau 1970.
  • with the participation of Wolfgang Löchel: Gestalt change and decomposition. Roger Urtext and Roger Gloss from the 12th to the 16th century. In: August Buck, Otto Herding (ed.): The commentary in the Renaissance. (= German Research Foundation. Communication I from the Commission for Research on Humanism ), pp. 209–224.
  • Marginal notes on the 'Stockholm Pharmacopoeia'. In: Studia neophilologica. Volume 44, 1972, pp. 238-262.
  • Dating the 'Antidotarium Nicolai'. In: Sudhoff's archive. Vol. 62, 1978, pp. 190-196; also in Klaus O. Kern (Hrsg.): Scientific connection between Cimbria and Heidelberg. Festschrift for the 100th anniversary. Heidelberg 1976, pp. 28-36.
  • The 'Freiberg Medicines Doctrine' of the 13th century in Middle Low German transcription. In: Volker Schmidtchen , Eckhard Jäger (Ed.): Economy, technology and history. Contributions to research into cultural relations in Germany and Eastern Europe. Festschrift Albrecht Timm . (= Writings of the Nordostdeutschen Kulturwerk. ) Berlin 1980, pp. 63–82.
  • "I, master Ortolf, born from Beierlant, a doctor in Wirzeburc". On the history of the effects of Würzburg medicine in the 13th century (= Würzburg University Speeches. 56). In: Annual report of the Bavarian Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg on the academic year 1975/76. Würzburg 1977, pp. 17-42.
  • On the history of plastic surgery. [Lecture held at the 48th annual meeting of the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Bad Reichenhall, 22. – 26. May 1977]. In: Laryngologie Rhinologie Otologie. Volume 57, 1978, pp. 581-591.
  • Prose and bound speech in the short medical treatise of the High and Late Middle Ages. In: Poetry and utility literature in the German Middle Ages. Würzburger Colloquium 1978. Edited by Volker Honemann, Kurt Ruh, Bernhard Schnell and Werner Wegstein, Tübingen 1979, pp. 76-94.
  • Sudhoff's view of the German medical middle ages. In: News sheet of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology. Volume 31, 1981, pp. 94-129.
  • Side note on Danielle Jacquart's Wickersheimer supplement. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 66, 1982, pp. 172-186.
  • "Gart", "Herbarius", "Hortus". Notes on the oldest herbal book incunabula. In: Gundolf Keil (ed.): "Gelêrter der arzenîe, ouch apotêker": Contributions to the history of science. Festschrift Willem F. Daems (= Würzburg medical historical research. Volume 24). Wellm, Pattensen, now at Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1982 (published 1983), ISBN 3-921456-35-5 , pp. 589-635.
  • The medical short treatise in German literature of the Middle Ages. In: Ingo Reiffenstein (Hrsg.): Contributions to the transmission and description of German texts from the Middle Ages. Papers at the 8th workshop of Austrian manuscript editors […] 1981 […]. Göppingen 1983 (= Göppinger works on German studies. Volume 402), pp. 41–114.
  • On the question of the curative and advisory activity of the medieval German pharmacist. In: Peter Dilg et al. (Ed.): Perspektiven der Pharmaziegeschichte. Festschrift Rudolf Schmitz . Graz 1983, pp. 181-196.
  • The woman as a doctor and patient in the medical prose of the German Middle Ages. In: Harry Kühnel , Franz Hundsnurscher (Hrsg.): Woman and everyday life in the late Middle Ages. International Congress Krems an der Donau 2. – 5. October 1984. Vienna 1986 (= publications by the Institute for Medieval Realienkunde Austria. Volume 9), pp. 157–211.
  • Medieval surgery. In: Acta medicae historiae Patavina. Volume 30, 1983/1984 (1985), pp. 45-64.
  • German Psychiatric Journals of the 19th Century. In: Gundolf Keil, Gerhardt Nissen (Ed.): Psychiatry on the way to science. Psychiatry-historical symposium on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the opening of the "Psychiatric Clinic of the Royal University of Würzburg". Stuttgart / New York 1985, pp. 28-35.
  • Hortus Sanitatis, Garden of Health, Garden of Sunthede. In: Elisabeth B. MacDougall (Ed.): Medieval Gardens. (= Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture. Volume 9). Washington, DC 1986.
  • Silesia as the subject of medical prose research. In: LKothar Bossler, Gundolf Keil, Josef Joachim Menzel, Eberhard Günther Schulz (eds.): Silesia as a task of interdisciplinary research. Sigmaringen 1986 (= Schlesische Forschungen. Volume 1), pp. 53-74.
  • Plagues of the Middle Ages. In: Bernd Herrmann (Ed.): Man and the environment in the Middle Ages. Stuttgart 1986; New prints (declared as 3rd and 4th editions) ibid 1987 and 1989 (= Fischer-Taschenbuch. Volume 1480), pp. 109–128.
  • Organizational forms of medical knowledge. In: Norbert Richard Wolf (ed.): Knowledge-organizing and knowledge-imparting literature in the Middle Ages. Perspectives on their exploration. Colloquium 5-7 December 1985. Wiesbaden 1987 (= knowledge literature in the Middle Ages. Writings of the Collaborative Research Center 226 Würzburg / Eichstätt. Volume 1), pp. 221–245.
  • "Weme daz heart of suffering because of wê tuot". Psychiatry in old German recipes. In: Hans-Jürgen Friede, Götz-Erik Trott (Hrsg.): Depression in childhood and youth. Huber, Bern / Stuttgart / Toronto 1988, ISBN 3-456-81731-2 , pp. 11-21.
  • Medical education and alternative medicine. In: Winfried Böhm , Martin Lindauer (ed.): “Not much knowledge saturates the soul”. Knowledge, recognition, education, training today. (= Third Symposium of the University of Würzburg. ) Ernst Klett, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-12-984580-1 , pp. 245-271.
  • Dealing with AIDS sufferers as a challenge to a humane society. "Statement" on the acquired immune deficiency syndrome from a specialist historical perspective. In: Johannes Gründel (Ed.): AIDS. Challenge to society and morals. 2nd Edition. Düsseldorf 1988 (= writings of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria. Volume 125), pp. 31–41.
  • The term anatomei in Paracelsian disease theory. With a historical perspective on Samuel Hahnemann. In: Hartmut Boockmann, Bernd Moeller , Karl Stackmann (eds.): Life lessons and world designs in the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern age. Politics - Education - Natural History - Theology. Report on colloquia of the commission to research the culture of the late Middle Ages 1983 to 1987 (= treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen: philological-historical class. Volume III, No. 179). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1989, ISBN 3-525-82463-7 , pp. 336-351.
  • Ortolf's Surgical Treatise and the Appearance of Medical Demonstration Drawing. In: Wolfgang Harms (ed.): Text and image, image and text. DFG Symposium 1988. Stuttgart 1990 (= German Symposia. Volume 11), pp. 134, 137–149, 216–221 and 237 f.
  • The medical literature of the Middle Ages. In: Ria Jansen-Sieben (ed.): Artes Mechanicae in middeleeuws Europa. Brussels 1989 (= Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België. Extranummer 34), pp. 73–111.
  • Apercus on the history of vascular surgery. In: Martin Sperling (ed.): Dangers, mistakes and successes in vascular surgery and its reality. Karger, Basel et al. 1991, ISBN 3-8055-5533-4 , pp. 13-21.
  • The texts of the “Codex Berleburg” mirrored in old German specialist prose. In: Werner Dressendörfer, Gundolf Keil, Wolf-Dieter Müller-Jahncke (eds.): Older German “Macer” - Ortolf von Baierland “Pharmacopoeia” - “Herbarium” by Bernhard von Breidenbach - Dyer and painter recipes. The Upper Rhine medical composite manuscript of the Berleburg Codex (Berleburg, Fürstlich Sayn-Wittgenstein'sche Bibliothek, Cod. RT 2/6). Introduction to the texts, description of the plant images and the manuscript (= Codices illuminati medii aevi. 13). Edition Lengenfelder, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-89219-013-5 , pp. 19-74.
  • The householder as a doctor. In: Trude Ehlert (ed.): Household and family in the Middle Ages and early modern times. Lectures at an interdisciplinary symposium from 6. – 9. June 1990 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1991, ISBN 3-7995-4156-X , pp. 219-243.
  • The oldest Dutch recipe and its sources. In: Scientiarum Historia. Volume 17, 1991, pp. 5-16.
  • Heinrich von Pfalzpaint and the plastic surgery of the skin. In: Günter Burg, Albert A. Hartmann, Birger Konz (eds.): Oncological Dermatology. New aspects, age-related features. 14th annual meeting of the Association for Surgical and Oncological Dermatology from 10. – 12. May 1991 in Würzburg. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 1992, ISBN 3-540-55768-7 , pp. 3-11.
  • Lexer and medical terminology. In: Horst Brunner (Ed.): Matthias von Lexer. Contributions to his life and work (= magazine for dialectology and linguistics. Supplement 80). Steiner, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-515-06357-9 , pp. 141-157.
  • 'regimen sanitatis - râtes Leben': Health rules of the Middle Ages. In: Ria Jansen-Sieben, Frank Daelemans (ed.): Voeding en geneeskunde / Alimentation et médecine. Acten van het colloquium Brussel [...] 1990. Brussels 1993 (= Archief- en bibliotheekwezen in België. Extranummer 41), pp. 95–124.
  • Ipokras. Personal authoritative legitimation in medieval medicine. In: Peter Wunderli (Ed.): Origin and Origin. Historical and mythical forms of legitimation. (Files from the Gerda Henkel Colloquium, organized by the Research Institute for the Middle Ages and Renaissance [...] at the University of Düsseldorf, October 13-15, 1991). Jan Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1994, pp. 157-177.
  • Technical and scientific literature in medieval Silesia. In: Gundolf Keil, Josef Joachim Menzel (Hrsg.): Beginnings and development of the German language in medieval Silesia. Negotiations of the 8th Symposium from November 2nd to 4th in Würzburg 1989. Sigmaringen 1995 (= Silesian Research. Publications of the Gerhard Möbus Institute for Silesian Research at the University of Würzburg. Volume 6), pp. 183-218.
  • Disease and Time in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine. In: Trude Ehlert (Ed.): Time Concepts, Time Experience, Time Measurement. Paderborn / Vienna / Zurich 1997, pp. 117-138.
  • Physique. Aspects of the ancient concept of nature. Opening lecture in: Peter Dilg (Hrsg.): Nature in the Middle Ages. Concepts - experiences - effects. Files from the 9th Symposium of the Medievalist Association, Marburg, 14. – 17. March 2001. Berlin 2003, pp. 1-30.
  • “Our dear fraw spoke in the puch der libe: 'I pin a plvm of the valley and also of the green forest'”: The introduction of convallarin glycosides as an indication of Moravian-Silesian provenance. In: Iva Kratochvilová, Lenka Vaňková (ed.): German studies in the mirror of the generations. Festschrift Zdeněk Masařík. Opava / Ostrava 2004, pp. 72-132.
  • The "Wässerbüchlein" Gabriel von Lebenstein and the "Upper Silesian Roger Aphorisms". Observations on the history of effects and provenance. In: Technical prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 1, 2005 (2007), pp. 105-154.
  • The health catechisms of the Breslau city doctor Martin Pansa (1580–1626). In: Klaus Garber: Cultural history of Silesia in the early modern times. 2 volumes, Tübingen 2005, volume 1, pp. 287-319.
  • Jan Yperman and Dutch surgery in the late Middle Ages. In: Sarton Chair of the History of Sciences (Ed.): Sartonia. Volume 19, (Gent) 2006, pp. 99 and 104-136.
  • The 'Breslau Pharmacopoeia' and its specialist literary environment. In: Yearbook of the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University in Breslau. Volume 47/48, 2006/2007 (2008), pp. 27-46.
  • The descending series of consistency as a macrostructural structure principle in wound medicine handbooks of the late Middle Ages. In: Jürgen Kiefer (Ed.): Parerga - Contributions to the history of science: in memoriam Horst Rudolf Abe. Erfurt 2007 (= special publications of the Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt. Without volume), pp. 9–22.
  • "Isaak künig Solomons sun made a buoch in Arabia, daz Got never bezzerz created" - The representation of the school of Kairouan in Würzburg and Breslau of the 13th century. In: Mamoun Fansa, Karen Aydin u. a. (Ed.): Ex oriente lux? Paths to Modern Science. Accompanying volume for the special exhibition [...] in the Augusteum Oldenburg. Mainz / Oldenburg 2009 (= series of publications by the State Museum for Nature and Man. Volume 70), pp. 212–225 and 495–526.
  • Doctor and patient in the Middle Ages. In: Anja Hesse, Hans-Joachim Behr u. a. (Ed.): TABU: About how society deals with disgust and shame. Berlin 2009 (= Braunschweiger Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien. Publications of the Department of Culture of the City of Braunschweig. Volume 1), pp. 161–200.
  • Color and structure in the medical prescription of the German Middle Ages. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 4/5, 2008/2009 (2010), pp. 47-46.
  • "... daz crütlein, daz zů Kammerach zůg". Anton Trutmann as a late medieval phytopharmaceutical between Germany, France and Switzerland. In: Ingrid Kästner, Jürgen Kiefer (Hrag.): Botanical gardens and botanical research trips. Contributions from the conference from May 7th to 9th 2010 at the Academy of Non-Profit Science in Erfurt. Aachen 2011 (= European Science Relations. Volume 3), pp. 3–34.
  • Medicine among the Teutons. In: Heinrich Beck, Dieter Geuenich, Heiko Steuer (Hrsg.): Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. 2nd, completely revised edition. Founded by Heinrich Beck, Herbert Jankuhn, Hans Kuhn and Reinhard Wenskus. Edited by Rosemarie Müller, 35 volumes and 2 register volumes. Berlin / New York (1968–) 1973–2008, here: Supplementary Volume 77: Classical Studies - Classical Studies - Cultural Studies: Income and Perspectives after 40 Years Real Lexicon of Germanic Classical Studies. Berlin / Boston 2012, pp. 317–388.
  • The mountain type of water. Geological hydrology of late medieval spa medicine. In: Ingrid Kästner, Jürgen Kiefer (Hrsg.): Description, measurement and visualization of the world. Contributions to the conference from May 6th to 8th, 2011 at the Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt. Aachen 2012 (= European Science Relations. Volume 4), pp. 17–40.
  • "Bleeding - bloedekijn". Notes on the etiology of the hyposphagma genesis in the 'Pommersfeldener Silesian Eye Booklet' (1st third of the 15th century). With an overview of the ophthalmological texts of the German Middle Ages. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 8/9, 2012/2013 (2014), pp. 7-175.
  • "The best advice is the icker toe can against genomen vte platearise". References to Ypermans Medicine. In: Geneeskunde in Nederlandstalige teksten tot 1600: Handelingen van het zesde symposium 'geschiedenis der Geneeskundige wetenschapen', ingericht door de Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België op 20 maart 2004. Brussels 2012 (2013), ISBN 978-90-75273-29- 8 , pp. 93-137; see. on this: Konrad Goehl: Comments on Gundolf Keil's source-based decoding of Yperman's 'Medicine'. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 8/9, 2012/2013 (2014), pp. 547-550.
  • The German Isaak Judäus reception from the 13th to 15th centuries. Aachen 2015 (= European Science Relations. Supplement 2).
  • The beard lichen as a food. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 35, 2016, pp. 107–121.
  • various articles in: Lexicon of the Middle Ages . Munich / Zurich 1977 ff., Approx
    • with Hans-Peter Baum : Barbier. Volume 1 (1980, Delivery 7), Col. 1444 f.
    • Surgeon, surgery (surgeon, wound medicine). Volume 2 (1983, Delivery 9), Col. 1845-1860.
  • various articles in: author's dictionary . About
    • Bartholomew. Vol. 1 (1978), Col. 609-615.
    • Ortolf of Baierland. Volume 7 (1989), Col. 67-82.
As a co-author
  • with Gerhard Eis: Supplements to the author's lexicon. In: Studia neophilologica. Volume 30, 1958, pp. 232-250, Volume 31, 1959, pp. 219-242, Volume 43, 1971, pp. 377-429, and in contributions to the history of German language and literature. Volume 83, (Tübingen) 1961/1962, pp. 167-226.
  • with Wolfram Schmitt: Supplements to the author's dictionary. In: Studia neophilologica. Volume 39, 1967, pp. 80-107.
  • with Willy Louis Braekman: The 'Vlaamsche Leringe van orinen' in a Lower Franconian version of the 14th century. Marginal notes on the structure of the medieval urinary tract. In: Niederfränkische Mitteilungen. Volume 24, 1968, pp. 75-125.
  • with Willy Louis Braekman: Five Central Dutch translations of the 'Antidotarium Nicolai': Investigations into the pharmaceutical specialist literature of the medieval Netherlands. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 55, 1971, pp. 257-320.
  • with Hans Reinecke: The “kranewittber” tract of “Doctor Hubertus”. Investigations into the late medieval pharmacology of Baccae Juniperi. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 57, 1973, pp. 361-415.
  • with Heinz-Ulrich Röhl: Structural problems in Lanfranks' 'small surgery'. In: Jószef Antall, Géza Buzinkay, Ferenc Némethy (eds.): Acta Congressus internationalis XXIV historiae artis medicinae, August 25–31, 1974 Budapestini. 2 volumes, Budapest 1976, volume 2, pp. 1373-1392.
  • with Willem Frans Daems : Paracelsus and the "French". Observations on the venereology of Hohenheim. Part I: Pathology and Nosological Concept. [Gernot Rath in memory] In: Nova Acta Paracelsica. [Yearbook of the Swiss Paracelsus Society] Volume 9, 1977, pp. 99–151.
  • with Willem Frans Daems: The Solothurn version of the 'tractatulus de collectione medicinarum'. In: Gottfried Schramm (Ed.): New contributions to the history of pharmacy. Festschrift Hans-Rudolf Fehlmann. Zurich 1979 (from 1981 Pattensen / Han.), Pp. 47–57.
  • with Gerhard Baader : Medieval diagnostics. A report. In: Christa Habrich , Frank Marguth, Jörn Henning Wolf (eds.): Medical diagnostics in the past and present. Festschrift Heinz Goerke. Munich 1978 (= New Munich Contributions to the History of Medicine and Natural Sciences, medical historical series. Volume 7/8), pp. 121–144.
  • with Rolf Müller: Middle Low German "self-ete". In: Journal for German Antiquity and German Literature. Volume 108, 1979, pp. 180-187.
  • with Franz Gräser: The plague recipes of the Fulda Codex Aa 129. Investigations into an East Franconian compilation from the 15th century. In: Journal for German Antiquity and German Literature. Volume 109, 1980, pp. 72-85.
  • with Rolf Müller: preliminary information on Jan Bertrand. In: Gundolf Keil and others (ed.): Specialized prose studies. Contributions to medieval science and intellectual history. Berlin 1981, pp. 331-345.
  • with Heinz-Jürgen Bergmann: The Munich plague man. Standardization tendencies in late medieval German plague literature. In: Gundolf Keil, Peter Assion, Willem Frans Daems, Heinz-Ulrich Röhl (eds.): Specialized prose studies. Contributions to medieval science and intellectual history. (Festschrift Gerhard Eis) E. Schmidt, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-503-01269-9 , pp. 318-330.
  • with Thomas Holste: A Strasbourg old German therapy treatise. In: Gundolf Keil (ed.): "Gelêrter der arzenîe, ouch apotêker": Contributions to the history of science. Festschrift Willem F. Daems (= Würzburg medical historical research. Volume 24). Wellm, Pattensen 1982, ISBN 3-921456-35-5 , pp. 511-522.
  • with Ingrid Rohland: Notes on the 'Schüpfheim Code'. Part I: General and text definition of the treatises. In: Gesnerus. Volume 40, 1983, pp. 257-274. Cf. Huldrych M. Koelbing : Comment on Ingrid Rohlands and Gundolf Keil's marginal notes on the Schüpfheim Code. ibid p. 275 f.
  • with Christian Tenner: The 'Darmstadt Pharmacopoeia'. Marginal notes on a collective manuscript from the Upper Rhine from the turn of the century In: Library and Science. Volume 18. 1984, pp. 85-234.
  • with Roman Hippéli: Ten Moons Incarnation. A creation report “From the egg to the birth”, drawn, narrated and embellished with topics from the series “Ars phanatomica” by Roman Hippéli and Gundolf Keil. Biberach ad Riß 1982, 4th edition, ibid 1984.
  • with Peter Proff: The opodeltoch recipe in manuscript 631c of the Zurich Central Library. Observations on the pharmaceutical theory of Hohenheim. In: Nova Acta Paracelsica. Volume 10, 1982, pp. 208-215.
  • with Peter Proff and Werner Friedrich Kümmel: Caspar Stromayr, Practica copiosa from the right Grundt deß Bruch Schnidts (Lindau, 1559–67), & Jakob Ruëff, Practica in arte ophthalmica copiosa (Zurich, around 1550). Volume 1: Facsimile , Volume 2: Commentary on the facsimile edition with special consideration of the Paracelsus reception and the communication structure in surgical secret books of the early modern period. Munich 1978 (Volume 1) and 1983 (Volume 1 and 2).
    • with Peter Proff: Commentary on the facsimile edition with special consideration of the Paracelsus reception and the communication structure in surgical secret books of the early modern period . In: Practica copiosa from the right ground of Bruch Schnidts . Facsimilia Art & Edition Ebert, Darmstadt 1994, ISBN 3-929230-02-X .
  • with Wilhelm B. Deichmann, Dietrich Henschler and Bo Holmstedt: What is there that is not poison? A study of the "Third Defense" by Paracelsus. In: Arch. Toxicol. Volume 58, 1986, pp. 207-213; also in: The Hexagon. Volume 79, 1988, No. 3, pp. 43-49.
  • with William Eamon: Plebs amat empirica. Nicholas of Poland and his critique of the mediaeval medical establishment. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 71, 1987, pp. 180-196.
  • with Lothar Bossle , Josef Joachim Menzel and Eberhard Gunter Schulz (ed.): National Socialism and Resistance in Silesia (= Silesian Research. Volume 3). Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1989, ISBN 3-7995-5853-5 .
  • with Antoni Jonecko: Studies for the poet doctor Nicholas of Poland. A sketch by the medieval doctor and poet with particular emphasis on his "Antipocras" controversy, his "Experimenta", "Surgery" and his connections to Silesia. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 11, 1993, pp. 205-225.
  • with Josef Joachim Menzel (Ed.): Beginnings and Development of the German Language in Medieval Silesia. From November 2nd to 4th in Würzburg 1989. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1995, ISBN 3-7995-5856-X .
  • with Rolf Müller: German Lanfrank translations of the 14th and 15th centuries. On the evaluation of the Lanfrank quotes in Brunschwig's “Chirurgie”. In: Hans-Heinz Eulner, Gunter Mann, Gert Preiser, Rolf Winau, Otto Winkelmann (eds.): Medical history in our time. Festival ceremony for Edith Heischkel-Artelt and Walter Artelt on their 65th birthday. Enke, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-432-01698-0 , pp. 90-110.
  • with Rudolf Peitz: “Decem quaestiones de medicorum statu”. Observations on the dispute between the faculties and the medieval curriculum in Ingolstadt. In: Gundolf Keil, Bernd Moeller, Winfried Trusen (eds.): Humanism and the upper faculties. (= German Research Foundation: Communications from the Commission for Research on Humanism. Volume 14). Acta Humaniora, Weinheim / Bonn 1987, ISBN 3-527-17016-2 , pp. 215-238.
  • with Paul Schnitzer (ed.): The Lorsch Pharmacopoeia and early medieval medicine. Negotiations of the medical history symposium in September 1989 in Lorsch. (= History sheets for the Bergstrasse district. Special volume 12). Laurissa, Lorsch 1991, ISBN 3-922781-74-8 .
  • as editor: The Lorsch Pharmacopoeia. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-8047-1078-6 .
    • Volume I: Facsimile of the manuscript Msc. Med. 1 of the Bamberg State Library .
    • Volume II: Translation of the manuscript Msc. Med. 1 of the Bamberg State Library. By Ulrich Stoll and Gundolf Keil. With the participation of Albert Ohlmeyer, with an introduction by Gundolf Keil.
  • with Werner E. Gerabek: Roger Frugardi and the tradition of Longobard surgery. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 86, 2002, pp. 1-26.
  • with Hans-Georg Stephan : The surgeon from the Weser (approx. 1200–1265) - a stroke of luck in archeology and medical history. In: Sudhoff's archive. Volume 77, 1993, pp. 174-192.
  • with Michael Freyer: History of medical and natural history teaching. Introduction to the basics and the process of developing a new subject. Filander-Verlag, Fürth 1997, ISBN 3-930831-08-2 .
  • with Knut Bentele: The 'Würzburger Wundarznei'. Notes on a newly found medicine handbook of the late Middle Ages. In: Peter Jörg Becker, Eva Bliembach, Holger Nickel, Renate Schipke, Giuliano Staccioli (eds.): Scrinum Berolinense. (Festschrift Tilo Brandis ) 2 volumes, Berlin 2000 (= contributions from the State Library of Prussian Cultural Heritage in Berlin. Volume 10), Volume 1, pp. 358–387.
  • with Dagmar Schelletter and Anne Rappert: Aphorisms on the drug form “Ointment” with special consideration of surgical prose from the German Middle Ages. In: Menso Folkerts , Stefan Kirschner , Andreas Kühne (eds.): Pratum floridum. Festschrift Brigitte Hoppe . Augsburg 2002 (= [Münchner Universitätsschriften:] Algorismus. Studies on the history of mathematics and natural sciences. Volume 38), pp. 369–403.
  • with Christian Crone and Anne Rappert: Medicinal oils as a form-determining element in the surgical literature of the late Middle Ages. In: Christoph Friedrich , Sabine Bernschneider-Reif, Daniela Schierhorn (eds.): Rosarium litterarum. Contributions to the history of pharmacy and science. Festschrift Peter Dilg. Eschborn 2003, pp. 66-104.
  • with Petra Hille and Annes Rappert: The powder dosage form in the surgical specialist literature of the High and Late Middle Ages. In: István Gazda u. a. (Ed.): Ditor ut ditem. Tanulmányok Schultheisz Emil professzor 80th születésnapjára. Budapest 2003 (= Magyar tudomanytörténeti szemle Könyvtára. Volume 36), pp. 54-104.
  • as co-editor and author of numerous articles: The German literature of the Middle Ages. Author Lexicon. Lim. by Wolfgang Stammler. Continued by Karl Langosch. Edited by Burghart Wachinger. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978-3-11-022248-7 .
  • with Werner E. Gerabek, Bernhard D. Haage and Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2004, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 ; 2nd edition (in 3 volumes) ibid 2009.
  • with Bernhard Dietrich Haage, Wolfgang Wegner and Helga Haage-Naber: German specialist literature in the Middle Ages and early modern times. Berlin 2007 (= Basics of German Studies. Volume 43).
  • with Hans Michael Wellmer: The 'Würzburg surgical prescription'. Investigations into a collection of medical formulas from the late 15th century with text output. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 1, 2005 (2007), pp. 35-103.
  • with Lenka Vaňková : Mesuë a jeho 'Grabadin'. Standardní dílo středovĕké farmacie / Mesuë and his 'grave lady'. A standard work of medieval pharmacy. Edition - Translation - Commentary / Edice - Přzeklad - Komentař. Tilia, Šenov u Ostravy (Ostrava) 2005, ISBN 80-7042-685-3 .
  • with Bernhard Dietrich Haage, Wolfgang Wegner and Helga Haage-Naber: German specialist literature of Artes in the Middle Ages. Berlin 2007 (= Basics of German Studies. Volume 43).
  • with Immo Schild (Ed.): Sebald Mulner in the 'Ansbacher Pharmacopoeia': 'Wässertraktat' - 'Oil Book' - 'Recipe' In: Alfred Reichling (Ed.): Organista et homo ductus. Festschrift for Rudolf Walter's 90th birthday. Sankt Augustin 2008, pp. 273-292.
  • with Hilde-Marie Groß: The great time of Silesian specialist literature - the 12th and 13th centuries. With a view to 1500. In: Dan Gawrecki (Ed.): K periodizaci dějin sleszka. Sbornik z pracovního zasedáni v Opavě 11. – 12. prosince 2007. Troppau 2008, pp. 75-102.
  • with Christine Wolf: Surgical prose from the 13th to 15th centuries in Silesia, North Moravia and North Bohemia. In: Ralf G. Päsler, Dietrich Schmidtke (Hrsg.): German-language literature of the Middle Ages in Eastern Europe. Research status and research perspectives. Heidelberg 2006, pp. 383-426.
  • with Jörg Siegfried Kotsch: The “Erlauer Frauenbüchlein”. Investigations into a gynecological recipe from late medieval Upper Hungary. Text and comment. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 4/5, 2008/2009 (2010), pp. 47-112.
  • with Christine Wolf: The "Roman Surgery". Notes on a Silesian medicine handbook from the late medieval Farfa monastery. In: Mechthild Habermann (Ed.): Text type typologies and text alliances of the 13th and 14th centuries. Berlin 2011 (= Berlin linguistic studies. Volume 22), pp. 201–266.
  • with Christine Wolf: Eight wound potion recipes from Niklas von Mumpelier's "Hübsch Chirurgia". In: Heinrich FK Männl, Rudolf Fritsch, Barbara Gießmann (eds.): Research contributions of the natural science class (= writings of the Sudeten German Academy of Sciences and Arts. Volume 31) Munich 2011, pp. 55–80.
  • with Hilde-Marie Groß and Christine Wolf: The 'Breslau Pharmacopoeia' (13th century) in the 'Olomouc Medical Compendium' (15th century). Observations on the compilation control system based on some set pieces. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 7, 2011, pp. 27-27.
  • with Jürgen Kiefer: The 'Erfurt Carthusian Regimen'. Notes on the content, structure and author's question of a monastic health theory of the 15th century. In: Jürgen Kiefer (Hrsg.): Medicine and remedies. To acquire and transfer medical-pharmaceutical knowledge in Europe. Festschrift Ingrid Kästner. Aachen 2013 (= European Science Relations. Volume 5), pp. 217–259.
  • with Christine Wolf: The leading herbal book as a transporter: Old German specialist prose in Johann WONNECKES 'Gart'. In: Ingrid Kästner et al. (Ed.): Exploring, collecting, noting and communicating - science in the luggage of traders, diplomats and missionaries. Aachen 2014 (= European Science Relations. Volume 7), pp. 37–74.
as editor
  • with Ria Jansen-Sieben: A surgical gloss collection from the early 14th century. In: Journal for German Word Research. Volume 27, 1971, pp. 129-146.
  • with Peter Assion: Specialized prose research. Eight lectures on medieval art literature. E. Schmidt, Berlin 1974, ISBN 3-503-00743-1 .
  • Chirurgia magna Guidonis de Gauliaco , nunc demum suae primae integritati restituta à Laurentio Jouberto . Lyon 1585; Reprint Darmstadt 1976; 2nd edition, 1980.
  • "Gelêrter der arzenîe, ouch apotêker": Contributions to the history of science. Festschrift Willem F. Daems (= Würzburg medical historical research. Volume 24). Wellm, Pattensen 1982, ISBN 3-921456-35-5 .
  • with Peter Assion, Willem Frans Daems and Heinz-Ulrich Röhl: Specialized prose studies. Contributions to medieval science and intellectual history. (Festschrift Gerhard Eis) E. Schmidt, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-503-01269-9 .
  • On the influence of the stars on the health and character of man. The 'Iatromathematische Hausbuch', shown on the Nuremberg Codex Schürstab. Volume 1: Facsimile, Volume 2: Commentary on the facsimile edition of manuscript C 54 of the Zurich Central Library. With the participation of Friedrich Lenhardt and Christoph Weißer and a foreword by Huldrych M. Koelbing, Facsimile-Verlag, Lucerne / Vienna / Berlin a. a. 1981-1983, ISBN 3-85672-013-8 .
  • Rudolf Schmitz : Humanism and Medicine. Weinheim 1984 (= German Research Foundation: Communications from the Commission for Research on Humanism. Volume 11).
  • with Gerhardt Nissen : Psychiatry on the way to science. Psychiatry-historical symposium on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the opening of the "Psychiatric Clinic of the Royal University of Würzburg". Stuttgart / New York 1985.
  • with Lothar Bossle, Josef Joachim Menzel and Eberhard Günther Schulz: Silesia as a task for interdisciplinary research. Sigmaringen 1986 (= Silesian Research. Volume 1).
  • with editing by Johannes G. Mayer and Christian Naser: "making a teutsch puech". Studies on the communication of medical knowledge in the national language (= Ortolf studies. Volume 1). Reichert, Wiesbaden 1993 (= knowledge literature in the Middle Ages. Writings of the Collaborative Research Center 226 Würzburg / Eichstätt. Volume 11), ISBN 3-88226-539-6 .
  • with the participation of Josef Domes: Würzburg specialist prose studies. Contributions to medieval medicine, pharmacy and class history from the Würzburg Medical History Institute. Festschrift for Michael Holler. (= Würzburg medical historical research. Volume 38). Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1995, ISBN 3-8260-1113-9 .
  • with Josef Joachim Menzel (Ed.): Beginnings and Development of the German Language in Medieval Silesia. Negotiations of the 8th Symposium from November 2nd to 4th in Würzburg 1989. Sigmaringen 1995 (= Silesian Research. Publications of the Gerhard Möbus Institute for Silesian Research at the University of Würzburg. Volume 6).
  • with Christoph Weißer (editor) and Marianne halib (editor): Specialized prose research - Crossing boundaries. Deutscher Wissenschafts-Verlag, Baden-Baden 2005 ff., Continued in 2015 in cooperation with the Würzburg Wullstein Research Center for German Medical Literature of the Middle Ages under the title Medical History Messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. (German Science, Baden-Baden 2016, ISBN 978-3-86888-118-9 ).
  • Vegetarian. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 34, 2015 (2016), pp. 29-68.


  • Josef Domes, Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Christoph Weißer, Volker Zimmermann (eds.): Light of nature. Medicine in specialist literature and poetry. Festschrift for Gundolf Keil on his 60th birthday. Kümmerle, Göppingen 1994, ISBN 3-87452-829-4 .
  • Konrad Goehl , Johannes Gottfried Mayer (Hrsg.): Editions and studies on Latin and German specialist prose of the Middle Ages. Festival ceremony for Gundolf Keil. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2000, ISBN 3-8260-1851-6 .
  • Dominik Groß , Monika Reininger (ed.): Medicine in history, philology and ethnology. Festschrift for Gundolf Keil. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2003, ISBN 3-8260-2176-2 , especially p. 5 ( foreword ) and 411-471 ( directory of publications by Gundolf Keil , compiled by Christoph Weißer and Carolin Schmidt)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Hildebrandt: birthday wishes. In: Schlesischer Kulturspiegel. Volume 49, p. 40.
  2. Werner E. Gerabek : Laudation on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Professor Dr. med. Dr. phil. Gundolf Keil on July 17, 1994. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 13, 1995, pp. 533-535.
  3. Inaugural lecture in: Gundolf Keil, Peter Assion (Ed.): Fachprosaforschung. Eight lectures on medieval art literature. Berlin 1974, pp. 183-196.
  4. ^ Gundolf Keil: Concept of literature and specialist prose research. In: Gundolf Keil, Peter Assion (Ed.): Specialized prose research. Eight lectures on medieval art literature. Berlin 1974.
  5. Gundolf Keil: The urognostische practice in pre- and frühsalernitanischer time. Medical habilitation thesis Freiburg im Breisgau 1970.
  6. ^ Gundolf Keil: Moments. In: Andreas Mettenleiter (Ed.): Tempora mutantur et nos? Festschrift for Walter M. Brod on his 95th birthday. With contributions from friends, companions and contemporaries. Akamedon, Pfaffenhofen 2007, ISBN 978-3-940072-01-6 , pp. 425-427, here: p. 427.
  7. ^ A b Dominik Gross, Monika Reiniger: Medicine in History, Philology and Ethnology. Festschrift for Gundolf Keil. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2003, p. 5.
  9. ^ Gundolf Keil: Concept of literature and specialist prose research. In: Yearbook for International German Studies. Volume 2, 1970, No. 1, pp. 95-102.
  10. Ullrich Rainer Otte: Jakob Calmann Linderer (1771-1840). A pioneer in scientific dentistry. Medical dissertation, Würzburg 2002.
  11. ^ Gundolf Keil: Foreword. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 34, 2015 (2016), pp. 7–11, here: p. 7.
  12. ^ Gundolf Keil: Foreword. In: Würzburg specialist prose studies. Contributions to medieval medicine, pharmacy and class history from the Würzburg Medical History Institute. Michael Holler on his 60th birthday. Edited by Gundolf Keil and edited by Johannes Gottfried Mayer and Christian Naser. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1995 (= Würzburg medical historical research. Volume 38), ISBN 3-8260-1113-9 , pp. V – VII.
  13. ^ Gundolf Keil: Foreword. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 34, 2015 (2016), pp. 7–11, here: p. 9.
  14. ^ DWV: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders
  15. ^ DWV: Medical historical reports
  16. ^ Gundolf Keil: Foreword. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 34, 2015 (2016), pp. 7–11, here: pp. 7 and 9.
  17. ^ A b c d e f Daniel Müller: Doctorates: Würzburger Doktorfabrik . In: The time . No. 47, November 15, 2012.
  18. Olaf Przybilla : University of Würzburg - a doctor factory? - The fear of déjà vu . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . March 31, 2011.
  19. Armin Geus : Stop: Reports from the papers left behind by a cheerful chronicler. (= Minor matters and side glances. Issue 13). Basilisken-Presse, Marburg an der Lahn 2014, ISBN 978-3-941365-46-9 , p. 24.
  20. ^ Olaf Przybilla: Allegations against the University of Würzburg - Die Doktorfabrik . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . June 1, 2011 (Interview with University President Alfred Forchel and the Dean of the Medical Faculty Matthias Frosch )
  21. Hermann Horstkotte: Withdrawal of the doctorate: junk goods Dr. med. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . October 26, 2011.
  22. Manfred Schweidler: University takes two doctoral titles from . In: Mainpost . November 7, 2012.
  23. Ralph Bauer: The plagiarism affair continues to circulate - two doctors are now supposed to lose their titles ( memento from April 12, 2013 in the web archive ). In: Südwest Presse . November 9, 2012.
  24. ^ Gundolf Keil: Ten years of the 'Würzburg Medical History Colloquium'. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 9, 1991, pp. 5-9, here: p. 5.
  25. One of the founding members was the neurologist and chairman of the society Michael Holler (1932–1996). See Gundolf Keil: Foreword. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 34, 2015 (2016), pp. 7–11, here: p. 8.
  26. Ralf Vollmuth : Laudation on the occasion of the appointment of Prof. Dr. Dr. Gundolf Keil as honorary chairman of the 'Würzburg Medical History Society'. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 21, 2002, pp. 558 f.
  27. Wolfgang Freericks: Welcome address for the award of the Georg Dehio Prize 1997. In: Würzburger medical historical reports. Volume 17, 1998, pp. 565-567, here: p. 566.
  28. Gundolf Keil: Conclusion. In: Specialized prose research - Crossing borders. Volume 8/9, 2012/2013 (2014), p. 595.
  29. ^ Gundolf Keil: Foreword. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 34, 2015 (2016), pp. 7–11, here: p. 7.
  30. Hans-Achim Müller: Greetings on the occasion of the presentation of the Festschrift to Professor Dr. med. Dr. phil. G. Wedge. (held at the Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Würzburg on July 16, 1994) In: Würzburger medical history reports. Volume 13, 1995, p. 532.