Gernot Rath

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Gernot Otto Paul Rath (born December 9, 1919 in Oldenburg , † September 28, 1967 in Munich ) was a German medical historian .


Gernot Rath was born on December 9, 1919 in Oldenburg. He graduated from high school in 1938 and began studying medicine. In the Second World War he was drafted into military service. After the war he continued his studies and received his doctorate in 1948 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn under Johannes Steudel with the dissertation " The anatomy of Avicenna and the nouns anatomica of the canon translation of Gerhard von Cremona " and then became a scientific assistant at the medical history institute . At the same time he took up a degree in history and ethnology. Gernot Rath completed his habilitation in 1956 with a paper on the history of neural pathology and in 1960 became an adjunct professor at the University of Bonn. From 1959 until well into 1961 he was also visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison . In 1961 he was appointed to the chair for the history of medicine at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . He gave guest lectures at Harvard University. In 1964 he became dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Göttingen. Two years later Gernot Rath became full professor for the history of medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . One focus of his work was Andreas Vesalius .

In 1964 there was an affair about Alexander Berg's habilitation in medical history in Göttingen, which Rath supported. Berg was a former SS member.

After a short, serious illness, Gernot Rath died on September 28, 1967.

Publications (selection)

  • The anatomy of Avicenna and the nouns anatomica of the canon translation of Gerhard von Cremona , dissertation, Bonn, 1948.
  • The plague. In: Ciba magazine. Volume 73, No. 7, (Wehr / Baden) 1955, pp. 2405-2436.
  • The convallaria majalis. Your way through history. Madaus , Cologne 1959.
  • Andreas Vesal in the light of new research , Wiesbaden, 1963.
  • as ed. with Heinrich Schipperges : Medical history in the spectrum. Festschrift Johannes Steudel . Wiesbaden 1966 (= Sudhoffs Archive. Supplement 7).
  • Montpellier in the judgment of the German Middle Ages. In: Gundolf Keil , Rainer Rudolf, Wolfram Schmitt, Hans Josef Vermeer (eds.): Specialist literature of the Middle Ages. Festschrift Gerhard Eis . Metzler, Stuttgart 1968, pp. 307-310.


Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Mörgeli, Anke Jobmann: Erwin H. Ackerknecht and the Berg / Rath affair of 1964: for German medical historians coming to terms with the past, in: Robert Jütte (ed.), Medicine, Society and History, 16 (for 1997), yearbook of the Institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Franz Steiner 1998, pp. 63–124