Stefan Kirschner

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Stefan Kirschner (born September 14, 1964 in Munich ) is a German science historian and lecturer at the University of Hamburg .


Kirschner studied biology and particularly systematic botany at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich from 1985 with a diploma in 1991 and received his doctorate in 1997 at the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences at LMU Munich ( Nicolaus Oresme's commentary on the physics of Aristotle ), where he was then a scientific assistant and completed his habilitation in 2003 ( The theory of the sap cycle of plants. A little-known chapter in the history of plant physiology ). In 2003 he became professor for the history of natural sciences at the University of Hamburg (Department of Biology).

He has been co-editor of the Nicolaus Copernicus Complete Edition since 2000 , on which he has been involved since 1991. In addition to Nikolaus Kopernikus and Nicolaus Oresme, he deals with the history of science in the Middle Ages, Aristotelian-scholastic natural philosophy, various topics in the history of biology (plant physiology, experimental developmental biology, biological weapons) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz as a technician.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Stefan Johannsen: The Institute for Aerobiology of the Fraunhofer Society and Defense Research in the 1960s, Augsburg: Rauner 2006
  • Nicolaus Oresmes commentary on the physics of Aristotle: Commentary with edition of the quaestions on books 3 and 4 of Aristotelian physics as well as four quests on book 5, Stuttgart: Steiner 1997 (dissertation)
  • Oresme's Concepts of Place, Space, and Time in His Commentary on Aristotle's Physics, Oriens - Occidens. Sciences, Mathématiques et Philosophie de l'Antiquité à l'Âge classique, Volume 3, 2000, pp. 145-179.
  • with Stefano Caroti, Jean Celeyrette , Edmond Mazet: Nicole Oresme, Questiones super Physicam (Books I – VII), Leiden: Brill 2013 (studies and texts on the intellectual history of the Middle Ages; vol. 112)
  • with Andreas Kühne : "The Decline of Medieval Disputation Culture and the 'Wittenberg Interpretation of the Copernican Theory'"; in Wolfgang Neuber , Thomas Rahn, Claus Zittel (eds.): The Making of Copernicus. Early Modern Transformations of a Scientist and His Science; Leiden, Boston: Brill 2015, pp. 13–41
  • “The wind itself turns almost all the time when the main blades are not in the wind” - the “Leibniz controller”, a mechanism for the automatic alignment of windmill blades; in: Wenchao Li (Ed.): "For our happiness or the happiness of others". Lectures at the Xth International Leibniz Congress Hanover, July 18-23, 2016, Vol. V; Hildesheim, Zurich, New York: Olms 2016, pp. 427–447
  • as ed. with Menso Folkerts and Andreas Kühne (ed.): Pratum floridum. Festschrift Brigitte Hoppe . Augsburg 2002 (= [Münchner Universitätsschriften:] Algorism. Studies on the history of mathematics and natural sciences. Volume 38).

For the works published as part of the Nicolaus Copernicus Complete Edition , see the article on this.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kürschner, Scholars Calendar 2009