Wolfgang Neuber

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Wolfgang Neuber (born March 15, 1956 in Vienna ) is Professor of Modern German Literature at the Free University of Berlin in the Institute for German and Dutch Philology.

Professional background

Neuber studied German , English , American and philosophy at the University of Vienna . In 1980 he received his doctorate summa cum laude with a thesis on Johann Nestroy's rhetoric. From 1980 to 1989 Neuber worked as a research assistant at the University of Vienna. In 1988 he completed his habilitation in the subject of modern German literature.

Neuber worked as an assistant professor at the University of Vienna from 1989 to 1995, with visiting and substitute professorships in Marburg (1988 and 1993) and at the Free University of Amsterdam (1989). In 1995 Neuber accepted the call to the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main , where he was Professor of Modern German Literature ( Baroque and Rhetoric ) until 2000 . Since then Neuber has worked as a professor of modern German literature (neo-Latin literature and literature of the early modern period in a European context) at the Free University of Berlin and as head of the research center for medium-sized German literature.

In August 2010 Neuber accepted a visiting professorship at New York University in Abu Dhabi , where he taught as Visiting Professor of Literature until 2015. Other guest professors have included at the Peking University , the University of Breslau , of the University of Olsztyn and the Korea University .

Neuber was invited to a Wissenschaftskolleg twice : from October 1998 to January 1999 he was a Senior Fellow at the IFK ( International Research Center for Cultural Studies ) in Vienna and from September 2008 to June 2009 at the NIAS ( Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences ) in Wassenaar .



Monographs (selection)

  • Johann Nikolaus Götz on the 200th anniversary of his death. Attempt to identify a paradigm . Mainz 1981 (sheets of the Carl-Zuckmayer-Gesellschaft 7, issue 2).
  • Nestroy's rhetoric. Effective poetics and old Viennese folk comedy in the 19th century . Bonn: Bouvier 1987 (Treatises on Art, Music and Literature Studies 373), ISBN 978-3416020176 .
  • Alien world in the European horizon. On the topic of German America travel reports of the early modern period . Berlin: Erich Schmidt 1991 (Philological Studies and Sources 121), ISBN 978-3503030170 .


  • Ars memorativa. On the cultural-historical significance of the art of memory 1400-1750 . Ed. V. Jörg Jochen Berns and Wolfgang Neuber. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1993, ISBN 978-3484365155 .
  • Intertextuality in the Early Modern Age. Studies on their theoretical and practical perspectives . Ed. V. Wilhelm Kühlmann u. Wolfgang Neuber. Frankfurt a. M. u. a .: Peter Lang 1994, ISBN 978-3631471876 .
  • Nikolaus Lenau: Works and Letters. Historical-critical complete edition . Vol. 1: Poems up to 1834 . Ed. V. Herbert Zeman et al. Michael Ritter in collaboration m. Wolfgang Neuber. u. Xavier Vicat. Vienna: Deuticke 1995, ISBN 978-3216301413 .
  • Documenta Mnemonica. Text and image testimony to the teachings of memory and the arts of memory from antiquity to the end of the early modern period . Ed. V. Jörg Jochen Berns u. Wolfgang Neuber. 7 vols. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1998-, ISBN 978-3484365797 .
  • Soul machines. Generic traditions, functions and performance limits of mnemonics from the late Middle Ages to the beginning of modern times . Ed. V. Jörg Jochen Berns u. Wolfgang Neuber. Vienna / Cologne / Weimar: Böhlau 2000, ISBN 978-3205991489 .
  • Beer. 1655-1700. Court musician. Satirist. Anonymous . Ed. V. Andreas Brandtner u. Wolfgang Neuber. Vienna: Turia & Kant 2000, ISBN 978-3851322811 .
  • Hans-Gert Roloff: Small writings on the literature of the 16th century. Celebration for the 70th birthday . Edited by Christiane Caemmerer, Walter Delabar, Jörg Jungmayr u. Wolfgang Neuber. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi 2003, ISBN 978-9042008069 .
  • Cognition and the Book. Typologies of Formal Organization of Knowledge in the Printed Book of the Early Modern Period . Ed. by Karl * AE Enenkel and Wolfgang Neuber. Leiden / Boston: Brill 2005, ISBN 978-9004124509 .
  • Daniel Casper von Lohenstein: Complete works. Historical-critical edition . Ed. V. Lothar Mundt, Wolfgang Neuber u. Thomas Rahn. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter 2005-, ISBN 978-3110203776 .
  • Spirits Unseen. The Representation of Subtle Bodies in Early Modern European Culture . Ed. by Christine Göttler and Wolfgang Neuber. Leiden / Boston: Brill 2008, ISBN 978-9004163966 .
  • Theatrical rhetoric . Ed. V. Wolfgang Neuber u. Thomas Rahn. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2008, ISBN 978-3484605220 .
  • The Making of Copernicus. Early Modern Transformations of the Scientist and his Science . Ed. by Wolfgang Neuber, Thomas Rahn and Claus Zittel. Leiden / Boston: Brill 2014, ISBN 978-9004281103 .

Wolfgang Neuber is co-editor a. a. by Intersections (until 2013), Daphnis, Chloe, rhetoric, time leaps.

  • TU CERTE ES STUDIJS NOSTRIS [...] SUMMUM PRÆSIDIUM. The court official as a humanist - to the learned Viennese environment of Markus Beck von Leopoldsdorf (1491-1553) . In: Daphnis 40 (2011). Pp. 499-534.
  • Visual Exegesis and Social History: Hieronymus Beck von Leopoldsdorf (1525-1596) and His Strategies of Self-Aggrandisement . In: Imago Exegetica. Visual Images as Exegetical Instruments, 1400-1700. Ed. by Walter S. Melion, James Clifton and Michel Weemans. Leiden / Boston: Brill 2014. pp. 667-681.
  • 'Meaning pictures': emblems in the early modern era. In: Handbook Literature & Visual Culture . Ed. V. Claudia Benthien u. Brigitte Weingart. Berlin / Boston 2014. pp. 341–356.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Neuber. February 6, 2009, accessed March 18, 2019 .