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Texture of healthy human skin

The Dermatology (from Greek δέρμα derma , German , skin ' and -logie from λόγος) is the branch of medicine that deals with the structure and functions of the skin as well as the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involved the skin.


Malignant melanoma.

Dermatological knowledge is among the Sumerians 2000 BC. Have been present. Texts of the Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians and biblical texts provide written evidence of ancient dermatology.

Specialties of modern dermatology, which was first presented in a comprehensive and precise manner in 1777 in the work De morbis cutaneis by the Parisian doctor Anne Charles Lorry (1726–1783) and whose founders were the Englishman Robert Willan (1757–1812) and the Austrian Joseph Jakob Plenck (1735 apply -1807) include, inter alia, skin tumors (Dermato oncology ), particularly malignant melanoma , basal cell carcinoma as well as squamous carcinoma, diseases of the transition mucous membranes and skin appendages (z. B. trichology ) which Dermato allergology , the Dermato surgery , andrology, physical therapies such as ultraviolet radiation e.g. B. PUVA , photodynamic therapy and laser therapy , dermatohistology , phlebology , venereology, psychosomatic dermatology and cosmetic dermatotherapy.

The first American textbook on dermatology ( Practical treatise on diseases of the skin ) was written by Louis Adolphe Duhring from Philadelphia in 1877.

With the Venereology , with their history, for example, the end of the 19th century the Viennese surgeon Johann Karl Proksch employed, dermatology and covers Dermato-Venereology the STDs from including the actual STDs (Venerea) .

Continuing education curriculum

Training to become a specialist lasts 60 months. The advanced training curriculum to become a specialist in skin and venereal diseases comprises the following areas:

General dermatology, operative surgery, dermato-oncology

In-patient treatment of patients in the field of general dermatology, operative surgery and dermato-oncology:

General dermatology, allergology, autoimmune dermatoses

Inpatient treatment of patients from all areas of general dermatology, allergology and autoimmune dermatoses.

Investigation procedure

For optical examination, diascopy with a glass spatula is occasionally used to assess extravascular infiltrates in inflammation. Another optical method that is often used u. a. For skin cancer screening examinations, dermatoscopy or reflected light microscopy is used for a more detailed examination, especially of superficial neoplasms of the skin. A simple clinical test for suspected mastocytosis , urticaria factitia and atopy is the examination of dermographism . As a result of established serological procedures, testing the Nikolski phenomenon and the Tzanck test are now rarely used clinical test procedures.

Number of dermatologists

According to the German Medical Association, there were 5,314 specialists in skin and venereal diseases in Germany in 2010 .

Specialist title Late 2007 Late 2008 Late 2010 Change 2007 → 2010
Skin-and venereal diseases 5.114 5,180 5,314 + 3.9%

Professional representation

The German Dermatological Society e. V. (DDG) is a scientific specialist society for dermatology in Germany. She is a member of the Working Group of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF). The German Dermatological Academy (DDA), founded in 1998, enables and monitors the quality-assured and effective scientific training of dermatologists. The professional association of German dermatologists e. V. (BVDD) is the association of German resident dermatologists to represent your economic and socio-political interests. With its “AG JuDerm” - Young Dermatologists, the BVDD set up its own interest group for students and advanced training assistants to promote young talent and support resident dermatologists at the beginning of 2013.

See also


  • Klaus Wolff : Synopsis and Atlas of Clinical Dermatology . 1st edition (1993), McGraw-Hill, Stuttgart, 2nd edition (1994), 3rd edition (1997), McGraw-Hill International (UK), ISBN 3-89028-411-6 , ISBN 978-3-89028 -411-8 .
  • Peter Fritsch: Dermatology and Venereology . 2nd Edition. Springer Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-540-00332-0 .
  • Peter Altmeyer , Thomas Dirschka, Roland Hartwig: Clinical Guide Dermatology . Urban & Fischer at Elsevier, 2002, ISBN 3-437-22300-3 .
  • Otto Braun-Falco , Gerd Plewig, Helmut H. Wolff: Dermatology and Venereology . Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-540-40525-9 .
  • Peter Altmeyer, Klaus Hoffmann: Basic knowledge of dermatology - a lecture-oriented presentation . W3L Verlag, Herdecke / Bochum 2006, ISBN 3-937137-95-5 .
  • Beate M. Henz, Helmut Kerl, Thomas Rosenbach: Dermatology and Venereology (De Gruyter textbook) . 2nd Edition. Gruyter, 2007, ISBN 3-11-015123-5 .
  • Roland Niedner, Yael Adler: An eye on skin diseases for the smock pocket . Wissenschaftliche Verlagsges., 2004, ISBN 3-8047-2045-5 .
  • Josef Smolle , Frank Mader: Consultation problem skin. Diagnostics, therapy and care in everyday practice . Springer Verlag, 2002, ISBN 3-540-41706-0 .
  • André Basset and René Burgun: History of Dermatology. In: Illustrated History of Medicine. German arrangement by Richard Toellner a . a., special edition in six volumes, 1986, volume III, pp. 1512–1539.
  • Jean Hewitt, Pierre Huard, Michael Jänner: Dermatology yesterday and today, with images from the time of Jean-Louise Alibert (1768–1837). Bad Oldesloe 1979.
  • Paul Richter: History of Dermatology. In: Josef Jadassohn : Handbook of skin and sexually transmitted diseases. Volume XIV, Part 2, Berlin 1928, pp. 1–252.
  • Walther Schönfeld : On the history of dermatology. In: Heinrich Adolf Gottron , W. Schönfeld (Ed.): Dermatology and Venerology. I, 1. Stuttgart 1961, pp. 1-41.

Web links

Commons : Dermatology  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
Wiktionary: Dermatology  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
  • comprehensive dermatology information service in cooperation between the Department of Clinical Social Medicine (Heidelberg University) and the Erlangen Dermatology Clinic (Erlangen-Nuremberg University)
  • Helmut Schöfer, Susan Baur-Beger (eds.): Derma-Net-Online 2007 . Current dermatology for dermatologists and those interested in dermatology; Annually updated online textbook

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gemoll : Greek-German school and hand dictionary
  2. ^ Benedikt Ignatzek: Dermatology. In: Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 293 f .; here: p. 293.
  3. Axel W. Bauer : Lorry, Anne Charles. In: Encyclopedia of Medical History. 2005, p. 865.
  4. Wolfgang Harth, Uwe Gieler: Psychosomatic Dermatology . Springer, Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-24890-3
  5. Barbara I. Tshisuaka: Duhring, Louis Adolphe. In: Encyclopedia of Medical History. 2005, p. 326.
  6. Werner E. Gerabek : Proksch, Johann Karl. In: Encyclopedia of Medical History. 2005, p. 1184.
  7. Leipzig University Hospital, Dermatology, Further Education Curriculum ( Memento of the original from September 9, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Professional Association of German Dermatologists (BVDD)
  9. Young dermatologists (JuDerm)