The suffix -logie (Greek -λογία -logía and Latin -logia ; from ancient Greek λόγος lógos "word, object of speech , correct insight, reason ", especially "[philosophical] theorem" or in the plural as in Latin litterae meaning " Since the early 16th century, when it was often used to designate a scientific discipline in Western humanism , it has generally been the science of a certain (specialist) field . Some of the words formed with -logy actually come (as a whole) from ancient times, e.g. B. Etymology (Greek ἐτυμολογία etymología “Deriving a word from its root and demonstrating its actual, true meaning”, Latin etymologia “Deriving and explaining a word from its root word”). Most of these words, however, were not formed following the same pattern until modern times , e.g. B. Climatology .
The following list only contains words in which -logy means "science" or "teaching". There are exceptions, however - in the following words, among others, logic does not mean "science":
- Antilogy , apology , doxology , eulogy , haplology , tautology (certain forms of "speech")
- Trilogy , tetralogy , etc. (names for multi-part artistic works, see multi-part ; here derived from ancient Greek λογία logía "collection")
- Others: analogy , anthology , homology .
Relationship -logy and -nomy
The suffix -nomie (from νόμος nómos "law, custom, custom"), like -logie, often denotes a science or doctrine. However, analogous word formations with -logie and -nomie each have different meanings. Examples:
- Eco logy (branch of biology) vs. Eco autonomy (economics)
- Gastro logy (subfield of internal medicine) vs. Gastro autonomy (part of the hospitality industry)
While the suffix -logie mostly indicates a theoretical science, -nomie is used to designate more practical or application-related areas. A historically exception Astro logy (astrology, not scientific) vs. Astro autonomy (astronomy, science, emerged from astrology).
- Egyptology deals with ancient Egypt
- Aerology - altitude meteorology
- Etiology - doctrine of the causes
- Albanology deals with Albania
- Algesiology - pain therapy
- Algology (algae) - as a synonym also phycology - is used for the scientific study of algae or as algology (medicine) for phenomena of pain
- Alcoholology - branch of forensic medicine on alcohol consumption
- Allergology deals with allergies
- Anaesthesiology - pain management and anesthesia - science
- Andrology - deals with the physiology and pathology of male reproductive functions
- Angelology is about angels
- Angiology is the study of blood vessels
- Anthropology - about man
- Arachnology is the study of arachnids
- Archeology - Classical Studies
- Aretalogy - doctrine of virtue
- Arthrology deals with the joints
- Assyriology deals with the people and language of the Assyrians
- Astrology deals with star interpretation and horoscopes
- Auxology - the study of human body growth
- Axiology - doctrine of values
- Bacteriology is about bacteria
- Balkanology deals with the Balkans
- Balneology deals with bathing and bathing culture
- Baraminology - Theory of Creationism
- Batologie deals with the blackberries and raspberries
- Biology deals with life and living things
- Biogerontology deals with the biological aspects of aging
- Bryology deals with the mosses
- Campanology - bell science
- Cetology - whale research
- Characterology researches character
- Chasmology - science of yawning
- Chirology deals with hand lines
- Christology deals with Jesus Christ
- Chorology - room or local science, complex customer
- Chronology - sequence of events
- Conchology - cup science, deals with shell molluscs
- Cytology - Cell Biology
- Demonology - theory of demons
- Dendrochronology - age determination with the help of tree rings
- Dendrology - the science of trees
- Dermatology deals with skin diseases
- Desmology - Study of the ligaments , bandages and bandages
- Diabetology - diabetes medicine
- Dialectology deals with the dialects
- Dianoiology - Philosophy : Mind
- Dipterology deals with the two-winged birds
- Dromology - social theory with special consideration of speed
- Ecclesiology - Doctrine of the Church
- Embryology - embryo research
- Endodontology - study of the inside of the tooth (root canal treatment)
- Endocrinology - the study of hormones
- Entomology is about insects
- Enzymology deals with enzymes
- Encephology - brain research
- Epidemiology deals with epidemics
- Epistemology - Philosophy : philosophy of science , epistemology
- Eschatology - doctrine of the last things
- Eskimology deals with the Eskimos
- Esperantology is the philology of Esperanto
- Ethnology - Ethnology
- Ethology - behavioral research
- Etruscology - study of Etruria and its inhabitants
- Etymology deals with the origin of words
- Fukology deals with algae
- Futurology - future research
- River morphology deals with the formation and course of rivers
- Galactology deals with milk
- Garbology - science of garbage or the archaeological study of garbage
- Gastroenterology - gastrointestinal medicine
- Gastrology - gastric medicine
- Gelotology - science of the effects of laughter
- Gemology - Gemology
- Genealogy - gender studies, family and genealogy research
- Genetic Ecology - Study of the relationships between genetics and ecology
- Geobiology - science of the relationships between humans and the earth's spheres
- Geochronology - determining the age of rocks
- Geohydrology - Hydrogeology
- Geology - geography
- Geomorphology deals with the shapes of the earth's surface
- Geoparasitology deals with the occurrence of parasites in geographical conditions
- Geopsychology deals with the influence of climatic and meteorological conditions on the psyche
- Geozoology deals with the distribution of animals
- Gerontology - Age Research
- Glaciology is concerned with the shapes, occurrences, and properties of ice and snow
- Glossology , Glottology - Linguistics
- Gnathology deals with the processes of chewing
- Gnomology is concerned with collecting sayings of wisdom
- Gnoseology - Epistemology
- Gnostology - Gnostics
- Gnotobiology deals with the germ-free rearing of animals for immunology
- Gradology deals with the mass change of animal species
- Grammatology deals with writing
- Graphheology deals with writing systems
- Graphology deals with manuscripts and their interpretation
- Gymnology is the science of physical exercise
- Gynecology - gynecology
- Hematology - study of the diseases of the blood
- Hemostasis is concerned with blood coagulation and hemostasis
- Hagiology deals with the saints
- Heliobiology deals with the influence of the sun on the biosphere
- Helminthology deals with intestinal worms
- Heortology deals with feasts and holidays
- Hepatology - Liver Medicine
- Herpetology deals with reptiles and amphibians
- Hittitology deals with the language and culture of the Hittites
- Hippology is about horses
- Hirudineology deals with sow leeches ( hirudienes )
- Histology is the study of biological tissues
- Hortology deals with horticulture
- Hungarology deals with Hungary
- Hydrangiology deals with the lymphatic vessels
- Hydrobiology deals with the organisms in water
- Hydrogeology deals with the water balance of the soil
- Hydrology deals with bodies of water
- Hymnology deals with (Christian) hymns
- Hypnology is about sleep
- Hypsology deals with the sublime
- Hysterology - uterus - medicine
- Iatrology - study of the medical art of healing
- Ichnology deals with the traces of living things
- Ichthyology - ichthyology
- Ideology - ideological conception (original meaning: theory of ideas)
- Iconology deals with the meaning of pictorial works
- Immunology deals with immunity to disease
- Implantology - a branch of dentistry that deals with the placement of dental implants in the jawbone
- Indology deals with the Indian languages and cultures
- Infectiology - a branch of medicine that deals with infectious diseases
- Insectology - obsolete for: entomology
- Iridology - eye diagnosis
- Japanese Studies - Japanese Studies
- Japhetitology - theory of a pre-Indo-European , " Japhetitic " language family
- Kaliology deals with bird nests
- Callology deals with the beautiful
- Cardiology - heart research
- Cariology explores the dental caries
- Carpology deals with fruits of plants
- Karstology deals with the karst
- Karyology deals with the nucleus of the cell
Carcinology :
- Science of cancer , see Oncology
- Science about the crustaceans
- Caucasus studies dealing with the Caucasus
- Celtology deals with the Celtic languages
- Killology - the science of killing
- Kinesiology - the study of energy and movement in people
- Climatology - climate research
- Codicology - Handwriting
- Coleopterology is the study of beetles
- Contactology is about the correct fitting of contact lenses
- Coprology deals with excrement
- Coptology deals with the language and culture of the Copts
- Coral biology deals with corals
- Cosmetology deals with personal hygiene
- Cosmology - exploring the cosmos
- Craniology deals with the skull
- Crenology deals with medicinal springs
- Crimatology - the study of logical conclusions
- Criminology deals with crime
- Cryopedology deals with frost soils
- Cryptology is about encryption
- Cryptozoology - parascience that deals with the study of mythical creatures (cryptids)
- Kurdology deals with the Kurds
- Cynology is the science of canine creatures
- Lapsology deals with mistakes in language learning
- Laryngology deals with the larynx
- Legographology - ability to read and write
- Legology - ability to read
- Lepidology deals with the fish scales
- Lepidopterology is the study of butterflies
- Lexicology deals with words
- Lichenology deals with the lichens
- Librettology deals with the libretto
- Limacology deals with snails
- Limnology - Science of Inland Waters
- Lithology deals with rocks
- Ludology - the study of play
- Lymphology deals with the lymphatic vessels
- Lychnology deals with the artificial light sources in archeology
- Malayology deals with the Malay language and culture
- Malacology - molluscology
- Malaria Dialogue deals with malaria
- Mammalogy deals with the mammals
- Mariology deals with Mary , the mother of Jesus
- Marxology deals with Marxism
- Mechanology - study of mechanical engineering
- Mediology - philosophy of science
- Mesology - environmental theory or environmental science (ecology)
- Meteorology - meteorology
- Methodology - methodology
- Metrology - the study of measures and weights
- Mineralogy - mineral science
- Misology - aversion to reasonable, logical discussion
- Molinology - mill lore
- Monadology - doctrine of the monads
- Morphology - theory of forms
- Motology - the study of human motor skills
- Musicology, or musicology, deals with music
- Mycology ( mycetology ) is the study of fungi
- Myology is about muscles
- Myrmecology is about ants
- Mythology deals with myths and sagas
- Narcology - Anesthesiology
- Narratology - the 'science of storytelling', story theory
- Neonatology - neonatal medicine
- Necrology - Causes of Death - Statistics and Science
- Nephology is about the clouds
- Nephrology is about the kidneys
- Neurology deals with the nervous system
- Neuropathology - study of the diseases of the nervous system
- Nomology deals with laws or laws of thought ( philosophy )
- Noology is about what one can know
- Nosology deals with the systematics of diseases
- Notiology deals with air humidity
- Nubiology - Archeology of Sudan
- Numerology - theory of numbers
- Odonatology - branch of entomology ; explores dragonflies
- Odontology - dentistry
- In criminology, odorology is concerned with identifying people by their smell
- Ecology deals with the environment and its protection
- Ecotrophology - Nutrition
- Oenology - the study of viticulture
- Oneirology - dream interpretation
- Oncology - Cancer Research
- Onomasiology - designation theory , onomastics
- Onomatologie - Namenkunde / Onomastik
- Ontology - branch of philosophy , deals with being
- Oology - branch of zoology ; researches bird eggs
- Ophthalmology deals with the human eye
- Organology deals
- Ornithology deals with the birds
- Orology - comparative mountain studies
- Orthology - science of the normal state of the organism
- Osmology / osphresiology - study of the sense of smell
- Osteology - bone theory
- Otology is about the ear
- Otorhinolaryngology is ear, nose and throat medicine
- Oceanology deals with the oceans
- Pediatric audiology deals with hearing disorders in children
- Paleoanthropology - science of prehistoric man
- Paleobiology explored fossil organisms
- Paleogeomorphology deals with ancient landscapes
- Paleohistology studies the tissue of fossil living things
- Paleoclimatology - science of the climatic conditions and processes of the earth's history
- Paleolimnology studies the history of inland waters
- Paleontology studies the prehistory
- Paleornithology deals with the fossil birds
- Paleozoology - Science of Fossil Animals
- Palichnology - the science of trace fossils
- Palecology studies the organism - environment relationships in the history of the earth
- Palynology - Study of the pollen
- Papyrology - as a historical auxiliary science, it researches the papyri of different cultures
- Parapsychology - sub-area of para- or borderline science
- Periodontology - the study of the tooth supporting apparatus
- Pathology - the study of diseases and their physical causes
- Patrology deals with the Church Fathers
- Petrology - Geology
- Phenology deals with the seasons in nature
- Phenomenology - branch of philosophy
- Pharmacology deals with remedies
- Pharyngology - throat medicine
- Philology deals with languages
- Phlebology - Veins - Medicine
- Phonology deals with sounds
- Phthisiologie - consumption -Heilkunde
- Phraseology deals with idioms
- Phrenology - science that wanted to research mental and emotional predispositions using skull shapes
- Phycology deals with algae
- Physiology - the study of natural life processes
- Phytology - botany , botany
- Phytopathology - the study of plant diseases
- Planetology deals with planetary systems
- Pneumatology deals with the Holy Spirit
- Pulmonology deals with lung diseases
- Podiatry deals with feet
- Penology - Science of Punishments
- Polemology - Sociology of War
- Political Science - Political Science
- Pomology deals with fruit varieties and fruit growing
- Praxeology - the study of human action
- Primatology is the study of primates
- Promenadology - walk science
- Proctology - rectum - medicine
- Protology - doctrine of origin or of the original principles
- Psychology deals with the human psyche
- Pteridology - the scientific study of the fern plants
- Pulmonology deals with lung diseases
- Radiology - radiation research
- Rheology deals with the dynamic-mechanical behavior of substances - a branch of physics
- Rheumatology - Rheumatism - Medicine
- Rhinology deals with the nose
- Rhythmology deals with cardiac arrhythmias
- Radiology deals with X-rays
- Runology - runic research
- Scalalogy - staircase studies
- Sedimentology deals with sediments
- Seismology - earthquake research
- Selenogeology deals with the composition of the moon
- Selenology deals with the moon
- Semasiology - study of the meanings of words
Semiology :
- Doctrine of the signs * ( philosophy , linguistics )
- Symptomatology
- Senology deals with the mammary glands
- Serology deals with diseases of the blood serum
- Sexology deals with sexuality
- Siderology deals with the metal iron
- Sinology - Chinese Studies
- Scatology deals with feces
- Sclerochronology - a method of determining age
- Somatology - the study of the properties of the human body
- Sophiology - wisdom theory of Russian religious philosophers, whose main representative was Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov .
- Soteriology is about Jesus Christ as Savior
- Sociology - the science of society
- Speleology - Caving
- Spherology , ambiguous: "Doctrine of the spheres"
- Splaning technology deals with the bowels
- Spongiology is the study of sponges
- Standardology deals with the standard languages
- Stereology deals with the spatial interpretation of cuts through bodies
- Stichologie - verslehre
- Stomatology deals with the oral cavity
- Suicidology deals with suicide
- Symptomatology - a teaching about the formation of the term disease
- Synchorology deals with the spread of plant communities
- Syndromology - study of the syndromes ( medicine )
- Synechology - the study of space, time, matter as something connected ( philosophy )
- Synecology - Biocenology
- Syrology deals with the cultures of Syria as well as with the Syrian churches
- Technology is about engineering
- Teleology - philosophical purposefulness
- Teratology deals with physical malformations
Terminology :
- the "technical vocabulary",
- the scientific system for building up a specialist vocabulary
- Thanatology deals with death
- Thaumatology deals with miracles ( theology )
- Thelematology - will doctrine , voluntarism
- Thermology is about heat
- Theology is about God
- Thymology - the study of states of mind
- Tibetology - Tibetan Studies
- Topology - the study of the position and arrangement of geometric bodies in space, the study of the word order in a sentence
- Toxicology deals with poisons
- Toxinology deals with the toxins
- Translatology - translation studies
- Trassology - criminological evidence, especially with regard to footsteps and tool marks (so-called "trassological traces")
- Traumatology - the science of wound treatment
- Tribology deals with the friction and wear of materials moving against one another
- Trichology is about hair
- Trophology - Nutritional Science
- Tsiganology - Gypsy customer
- Turkology - study of the Turkic languages
- Ufology deals with UFOs
- Urology deals with the urinary organs
- Venereology deals with sexually transmitted diseases
- Vertebratology deals with vertebrates ( vertebrates )
- Vexillology deals with flags
- Victimology deals with the perpetrator-victim relationship in criminology
- Virology is about viruses
- Volcanology deals with volcanoes
- Xenology - the science of strangeness
- Zecidiology deals with cecidia ( plant gall )
- Zoology is about animals
- Zymology deals with fermentation processes ( chemistry )
- Cytology - study of the structure of cells
See also
Individual evidence
- ^ Wilhelm Pape , Max Sengebusch (arrangement): Concise dictionary of the Greek language . 3rd edition, 6th impression. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig 1914 ( zeno.org [accessed on May 28, 2020]).
- ↑ Axel W. Bauer : What is man? Attempts at answering medical anthropology. In: Specialized prose research - Border Crossing 8/9, 2012/2013, ISBN 978-3-86888-077-9 , pp. 437–453, here: p. 441.
- ^ Wilhelm Pape , Max Sengebusch (arrangement): Concise dictionary of the Greek language . 3rd edition, 6th impression. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig 1914 ( zeno.org [accessed on May 28, 2020]).
- ^ Karl Ernst Georges : Comprehensive Latin-German concise dictionary . 8th, improved and increased edition. Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1918 ( zeno.org [accessed October 9, 2019]).
- ^ Wilhelm Pape , Max Sengebusch (arrangement): Concise dictionary of the Greek language . 3rd edition, 6th impression. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig 1914 ( zeno.org [accessed on May 28, 2020]).
- ^ Wilhelm Pape , Max Sengebusch (arrangement): Concise dictionary of the Greek language . 3rd edition, 6th impression. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig 1914 ( zeno.org [accessed on May 28, 2020]).
- ^ Leonid Sytenko: Symposium on Vladimir Solov'ev. Eastern Church Institute Regensburg, accessed on November 13, 2012 .