The hydrogeology (from the Greek hydro- "water" (ὕδωρ hýdor = water), geo- "earth" (γῆ ge = earth) and λόγος lógos "doctrine") is the science of water in the earth's crust , whereby interactions with above-ground Influences exist. It is an applied discipline of geological sciences . The subjects of research are the groundwater and all factors that have an influence on the groundwater. As a related research area, hydrology deals with surface water (see also water cycle ).
Are sub-disciplines of hydrogeology
- The Geohydraulics that explores the movement of groundwater in the underground
- The hydro-Chemie (Hydrogeochemistry), the teaching on the chemical composition of the water
The main tasks of hydrogeology are:
- Exploration of potential groundwater reserves
- Securing groundwater reserves in terms of quality and quantity
- Determination of the groundwater recharge
- Groundwater management z. B. by designating and monitoring drinking water protection areas
- Remediation of contaminated groundwater
- Modeling of groundwater flow and transport in groundwater
- Hydrogeological advice on construction projects (dimensioning of groundwater retention)
The basis of hydrogeology is knowledge of the structure of the subsurface. The basis for this are geological maps, results of boreholes and three-dimensional models of the geological subsurface. Tools and methods for exploring and monitoring the groundwater are remote sensing, geophysical methods, boreholes, groundwater measuring points, pumping tests, laboratory tests and water-chemical analysis .
The focus of hydrogeological interest is the coefficient of permeability (K or k f value), which was introduced in 1856 by Henry Darcy through empirical studies. The k f -value is used for the quantitative classification of the water permeability of a rock . Further hydrogeologically important parameters can be derived from the k f -value with the aid of other variables: the transmissivity (profile permeability), the distance speed and the amount of water transported. Various methods are available to determine the water permeability: evaluation of particle size distribution curves , laboratory tests , pumping tests , tracer tests and numerical models.
The relevance of hydrogeological models has increased enormously in recent years. Using numerical groundwater models, z. B. calculate hydraulic measures or the effects of water pollution in advance.
- Bernward Hölting, Wilhelm G. Coldewey: Hydrogeology - Introduction to General and Applied Hydrogeology. 7th edition. 383 pages, 120 2-col. Fig., 90 tab.Spectrum Akademischer Verlag 2009, ISBN 3-8274-1713-9
- Ad hoc working group Hydrogeology: Regional Hydrogeology of Germany. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 2015. 452 pages, 264 illustrations, ISBN 978-3-510-96852-7
- Hanspeter Jordan, Hans-Jörg Weder: Hydrogeology. Basics and methods, regional hydrogeology: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg and Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Thuringia 2., heavily revised. and exp. Aufl. Stuttgart: Enke, 1995. XV, 603 S., graph. Darst. + Kt.-Beil .; ISBN 3-432-26882-3
- Horst-Robert Langguth, Rudolf Voigt: Hydrogeological Methods - 2., revised. u. exp. Ed., 1005 pages, 304 illustrations, Springer, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-540-21126-8 ( online )
Web links
- Hydrogeological field internship at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- GEO-LEO - Virtual Library of Geosciences, Geography, Mining, Thematic Maps