Pumping attempt

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A pumping test is a hydrogeological field test . Water is pumped from a well at a defined delivery rate , which lowers the water level in the well itself and in the surrounding area. In the course of the process, a subsidence funnel forms , which continues to expand and deepen with increasing time.

Depending on the objective, a distinction is made between different types:

  1. Hydrological pumping test for determining the aquifer - parameters (in particular, transmissivity and storage coefficient )
  2. Power pumping test to determine the performance characteristics of a well
  3. Immission pumping test to determine the constituents of the groundwater that can be conveyed by a pumping test , e.g. B. Pollutants from groundwater pollution

A hydrological pumping test is usually carried out with a constant delivery rate, while in the case of a power pumping attempt, the delivery rate is increased in stages.

An analytical groundwater model is usually used to evaluate pumping tests, in particular to determine the transmissivity or the permeability coefficient . The pumping test is probably the most reliable test method for determining the aquifer parameters in large areas.

See also