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The contactology (Contactologie) is a subspecialty of optometry and provides the doctrine of the contact lens fitting . The exact observation of the corneal profile and eye shape , and the detailed examination of the anterior segment of the eye are the specialists, accurate information regarding the lens choice to make. He uses a slit lamp and a keratograph as measuring instruments . Special eye diseases, such as keratoconus , can also receive optical care from a contactologist in addition to an ophthalmologist.

Word origin

Contactology (contactology) is the science of contacts, the methods of their detection and the organization for achieving the best parameters of health, longevity, material well-being.

Stem :

Contact = from Latin contingere = to touch
Logie = from Greek = teaching

Contactology in the field of specialist training to become an ophthalmologist ( eye doctor )

  • KL indications and contraindications: In some cases, such as keratoconus (see above), the ametropia can only be treated in the best possible way with a contact lens. In very rare cases, for example if the patient / customer is poorly hygienic, no contact lens should be fitted.
  • Optical component: Every contact lens has an optical effect to compensate for the ametropia . The ophthalmologist / contactologist must know exactly about this optical effect. With dimensionally stable or hard contact lenses, a tear lens is created on the eye, which in turn has an optical effect, which must be compensated for by recalculating the contact lens thickness. In addition, the contact lens power usually differs from the glasses power due to the smaller distance to the eye. This deviation can be found out by calculation or by overrefraction .
  • Physiological changes and habituation: Every contact lens represents a foreign body to the eye, to which the eye has to adapt. The shape of the cornea in particular changes .
  • Material knowledge: The influence of the contact lens material should be taken into account when fitting. Oxygen permeability is particularly important here, depending on the length of time it is worn and the composition of the components in the tear film . In addition, there is the possibility of making a targeted selection of materials in the event of allergic reactions.
  • Care: Hygiene is very important for contact lens wearers. Hard and soft contact lenses have different care requirements that the fitter must make clear to the customer. In this way you can prevent inflammation of the eye and keep the lenses comfortable to wear.
  • Cosmetic contact lenses: Due to various eye diseases, it is sometimes necessary to fit a cosmetic contact lens. If, for example, the iris was injured in an accident, such a contact lens can restore a cosmetically "normal" appearance. Cosmetic contact lenses also include colored contact lenses that change the color of the eyes or contact lenses with a specific pattern or image. With very high ametropia, glasses are often thick and heavy. Here, too, it is advisable to fit contact lenses from a cosmetic point of view.
  • Follow-up: Regular follow-up checks are very important for contact lens wearers. The compatibility of the lenses depends on the optimal fit. This is checked during a follow-up check and readjusted if necessary.
  • Therapeutic bandage trays: Bandage trays are mostly soft lenses that are adapted from a medical point of view. They serve to store fluids or medicines.
